Bible Student’s Assistant
The first day of the week is mentioned only eight times in the New Testament, and not in a single instance is it referred to as a holy day or Sabbath. Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2, 9; Luke 24:1; John 20:1, 19; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2. BSA 19.5
In contrast with the above, we find the Sabbath of the Lord mentioned 59 times in the New Testament, besides Revelation 1:10, which speaks of the “Lord’s day” which is proved by Exodus 20:10; Isaiah 58:13; Mark 2:27, to be the seventh day. BSA 19.6
As the testimony “The Fathers” is invariably referred to in support of the first day of the week, it would not be amiss to give the opinion of Martin Luther and Dr. Clarke on these writings. BSA 19.7
“When God’s word is by the fathers expounded, construed, and glossed, then, in my judgment, it is even like unto one that straineth milk through a coalsack: which must needs spoil the milk and make it black: even so likewise God’s word of itself is sufficiently pure, clean, bright and clear: but through the doctrines, books and writing of the fathers, it is very surely darkened, falsified and spoiled.” - Martin Luther. BSA 19.8
We should be cautious how we appeal to heathens however eminent, in behalf of morality: because much may be collected from them on the other side. In like manner we should take heed how we quote the Fathers in proof of the doctrines of the gospel: because he who knows them best, knows that on many of those subjects, they blow hot and cold.” - Autobiography of Adam Clark’s, p. 134, Book III. BSA 20.1