Daniel and The Revelation



Portrait of Author............... Frontispiece. DAR 16.1

The Great World-Kingdom Image, Daniel 2:34, 38..... 41 DAR 16.2

Babylon Taken by Cyrus..... 50 DAR 16.3

Alexander Removing the Ruins at Babylon.... 52 DAR 16.4

Alexander Commanding the Conflagration of Persepolis 56 DAR 16.5

Map of The Four Kingdoms (In Four Colors).... 65 DAR 16.6

The Three Hebrews Refusing to Bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s Image......... 78 DAR 16.7

The Three Hebrews in the Fiery Furnace... 81 DAR 16.8

The Humiliation of Nebuchadnezzar.... 89 DAR 16.9

Daniel Interpreting the Writing on the Wall..... 97 DAR 16.10

Daniel in the Lions’ Den...... 109 DAR 16.11

The Lion — Symbol of Babylon.... 113 DAR 16.12

The Bear — Symbol of Medo-Persia.... 115 DAR 16.13

The Leopard — Symbol of Grecia..... 116 DAR 16.14

The Fourth Beast — Symbol of Rome.... 117 DAR 16.15

The Little Horn — Symbol of the Papacy... 118 DAR 16.16

Prominent Martyrs....... 138 DAR 16.17

The Ram — Symbol of Medo-Persia.... 146 DAR 16.18

The He-Goat — Symbol of Grecia..... 147 DAR 16.19

The Little Horn of Daniel VIII..... 151 DAR 16.20

The Temple at Jerusalem in the Time of Christ..... 165 DAR 16.21

The Angel Gabriel again Visiting the Prophet Daniel, 187 DAR 16.22

Diagram of the 70 Weeks and 2300 Days..... 191 DAR 16.23

The Battle of Actium, Fulfilling Daniel 11:25..... 247 DAR 16.24

Storming of the Bastile, in the French Revolution 268 DAR 16.25

The Goddess of Reason... 270 DAR 17.1

Peter the Great....... 285 DAR 17.2

Map Illustrating the Eastern Question (In Four Colors)..... 289 DAR 17.3

Increase of Knowledge, Plate I..... 307 DAR 17.4

Increase of Knowledge, Plate II..... 308 DAR 17.5

John Writing the Revelation, 321 DAR 17.6

The Isle of Patmos..... 336 DAR 17.7

Meteoric Shower, or Falling Stars of Nov. 13, 1833....... 422 DAR 17.8

The Vandals Invading Africa..... 459 DAR 17.9

Attila, King of the Huns..... 462 DAR 17.10

Woe, Woe, Woe, to the Inhabiters of the Earth!..... 469 DAR 17.11

Mohammed and Mohammed II..... 473 DAR 17.12

Saracenic Warrior....... 476 DAR 17.13

Turkish Warrior....... 482 DAR 17.14

The Angel on Sea and Land..........488 DAR 17.15

The Gospel Church....... 509 DAR 17.16

The Dragon — Pagan Rome; The Leopard Beast — Papal Rome......... 512 DAR 17.17

The Reformers Preaching the Gospel.... 516 DAR 17.18

Eminent Reformers....... 518 DAR 17.19

The Two-Horned Beast — Protestant America... 527 DAR 17.20

Map Showing Territorial Growth of the United States... 537 DAR 17.21

The Everlasting Gospel... 585 DAR 17.22

The Three Messages of Revelation 14... 619 DAR 17.23

The Seven Angels Pouring Out the Seven Last Plagues... 644 DAR 17.24

The Great Earthquake...... 652 DAR 17.25

The Message of Revelation 18:1..... 663 DAR 17.26

Babylon Falls, like a Millstone Thrown into the Sea... 678 DAR 17.27

The Angel Showing John the Holy City... 706 DAR 17.28

Colors in the Foundation of the New Jerusalem... 712 DAR 17.29

The Banyan Tree, Illustrating the Tree of Life... 718 DAR 17.30