Testimony for the Church — No. 30


Influence of Associates.

In our institutions, where many are laboring together, the influence of association is very great. It is natural to seek companionship, Every one will find companions, or make them. And just in proportion to the strength of the friendship, will be the amount of influence which friends will exert over one another for good or for evil. All will have associates, and will influence and be influenced, in their turn. T30 93.1

The link is a mysterious one which binds human hearts together, so that the feelings, tastes, and principles of two individuals are closely blended. One catches the spirit, and copies the ways and acts, of the other. As wax retains the figure of the seal, so the mind retains the impression produced by intercourse and association. The influence may be unconscious, yet it is no less powerful. T30 93.2

If the youth could be persuaded to associate with the pure, the thoughtful, and amiable, the effect would be most salutary. If choice is made of companions who fear the Lord, the influence will lead to truth, to duty, and holiness. A truly Christian life is a power for good. But, on the other hand, those who associate with men and women of questionable morals, of bad principles and practices, will soon be walking in the same path. The tendencies of the natural heart are downward. He who associates with the skeptic, will soon become skeptical; he who chooses the companionship of the vile, will most assuredly become vile. To walk in the counsel of the ungodly is the first step toward standing in the way of sinners, and sitting in the seat of the scornful. T30 93.3

Let all who would form a right character, choose associates who are of a serious, thoughtful turn of mind, and who are religiously inclined. Those who have counted the cost, and wish to build for eternity, must put good material into their building. If they accept of rotten timbers, if they are content with deficiencies of character, the building is doomed to ruin. Let all take heed how they build. The storm of temptation will sweep over the building, and unless it is firmly and faithfully constructed, it will not stand the test. T30 94.1

A good name is more precious than gold. There is an inclination with the youth to associate with those who are inferior in mind and morals. What real happiness can a young person expect from a voluntary connection with persons who have a low standard of thoughts, feelings, and deportment? Some are debased in taste, and depraved in habits, and all who choose such companions will follow their example. We are living in times of peril that should cause the hearts of all to fear. We see the minds of many wandering through the mazes of skepticism. The causes of this are ignorance, pride, and a defective character. Humility is a hard lesson for fallen man to learn. There is something in the human heart which rises in opposition to revealed truth, on subjects connected with God and sinners, the transgression of the divine law, and pardon through Jesus Christ. T30 94.2

My brethren and sisters, old and young, when you have an hour of leisure, open the Bible, and store the mind with its precious truths. When engaged in labor, guard the mind, keep it stayed upon God, talk less, and meditate more. Remember, “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of Judgment.” Let your words be select; this will close a door against the adversary of souls. Let your day be entered upon with prayer; work as in God's sight. His angels are ever by your side, making a record of your words, your deportment, and the manner in which your work is done. If you turn from good counsel, and choose to associate with those whom you have reason to suspect are not religiously inclined, although they profess to be Christians, you will soon become like them. You place yourself in the way of temptation, on Satan's battle-ground, and will, unless constantly guarded, be overcome by his devices. There are persons who have for sometime made a profession of religion, who are, to all intents and purposes, without God and without a sensitive conscience. They are vain and trifling; their conversation is of a low order. Courtship and marriage occupy the mind, to the exclusion of higher and nobler thoughts. T30 95.1

The associations chosen by the workers are determining their destiny for this world and the next. Some who were once conscientious and faithful, have sadly changed; they have disconnected from God, and Satan has allured them to his side. They are now irreligious and irreverent, and they have an influence upon others who are easily molded. Evil associations are deteriorating character; principle is being undermined. “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” T30 96.1

The young are in danger, but they are blind to discern the tendencies and result of the course they are pursuing. Many of the young are engaged in flirtation. They seem to be infatuated. There is nothing noble, dignified, or sacred, in these attachments; as they are prompted by Satan, the influence is such as to please him. Warnings to these persons fall unheeded. They are headstrong, self-willed, defiant. They think the warning, counsel, or reproof does not apply to them. Their course gives them no concern. They are continually separating themselves from the light and love of God. They lose all discernment of sacred and eternal things; and while they may keep up a dry form of Christian duties, they have no heart in these religious exercises. All too late, these deceived souls will learn that “strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” T30 96.2

Words and actions and motives are recorded. But how little do these light, superficial heads and hard hearts realize that an angel of God stands writing down the manner in which their precious moments are employed. God will bring to light every word and every action. He is in every place. His messengers, although unseen, are visitors in the workroom and in the sleeping apartment. The hidden works of darkness will be brought to light. The thoughts, the intents and purposes of the heart will stand revealed. All things are naked and open to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. T30 97.1

The workers should take Jesus with them in every department of their labor. Whatever is done, should be done with exactness and thoroughness that will bear inspection. The heart should be in the work. Faithfulness is as essential in life's common duties as in those involving greater responsibility. Some may receive the idea that their work is not ennobling; but this is just as they choose to make it. They alone are capable of degrading or elevating their employment. We wish that every drone might be compelled to toil for his daily bread; for work is a blessing, not a curse. Diligent labor will keep us from many of the snares of Satan, who “finds some mischief still for idle hands to do.” T30 97.2

None of us should be ashamed of work, however small and servile it may appear. Labor is ennobling. All who toil with head or hands are working men and working women. And all are doing their duty and honoring their religion as much while working at the wash-tub, or washing the dishes, as they are in going to meeting. While the hands are engaged in the most common labor, the mind may be elevated and ennobled by pure and holy thoughts. When any of the workers manifest a lack of respect for religious things, they should be separated from the work. Let none feel that the institution is dependent upon them. T30 98.1

Those who have long been employed in our institutions should now be responsible workers, reliable in every place, faithful to duty as the compass to the pole. Had they rightly improved their opportunities, they might now have symmetrical characters and a deep, living experience in religious things. But some of these workers have separated from God. Religion is laid aside. It is not an inwrought principle, carefully cherished wherever they go, into whatever society they are thrown, proving as an anchor to the soul. I wish all the workers carefully to consider that success in this life, and success in gaining the future life, depends largely upon faithfulness in little things. Those who long for higher responsibilities should manifest faithfulness in performing the duties just where God has placed them. T30 98.2

The perfection of God's work is as clearly seen in the tiniest insect as in the king of birds. The soul of the little child who believes in Christ is as precious in his sight as are the angels about his throne. “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect.” As God is perfect in his sphere, so man may be perfect in his sphere. Whatever the hand finds to do should be done with thoroughness and dispatch. Faithfulness and integrity in little things, the performance of little duties, and little deeds of kindness, will cheer and gladden the pathway of life; and when our work on earth is ended, every one of the little duties performed with fidelity, will be treasured as a precious gem before God. T30 98.3

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