Testimony for the Church — No. 28


Eastern Meetings.

Upon arriving at Battle Creek we learned that an appointment had been made for me to speak Sunday evening in the mammoth tent pitched on the College grounds. The tent was filled to overflowing, and my heart was drawn out in earnest appeals to the people. T28 51.1

I tarried at home but a very short period, and then, accompanied by Sister Mary Smith Abbey and Bro. Farnsworth, I was again on the wing, bound for the East. When we arrived at Boston, I was much exhausted. Brn. Wood and Haskell met us at the depot and accompanied us to Ballard Vale, the place of meeting. We were welcomed by our old friends with a heartiness that, for the time being, seemed to rest me. The weather was excessively warm, and changing from the bracing climate of Colorado to the oppressive heat of Massachusetts, made the latter seem almost unendurable. I tried to speak to the people under a great sense of weariness, and was strengthened to bear my testimony. The words seemed to go straight home to the heart. T28 51.2

Much labor was required at this meeting. New churches had been raised up since our last camp-meeting. Precious souls had accepted the truth, and these needed to be carried forward to a deeper and more thorough knowledge of practical godliness. The Lord gave me freedom in bearing my testimony. T28 51.3

On one occasion during this meeting I made some remarks upon the necessity of economy in dress and in the expenditure of means. There is danger of becoming reckless and careless in the use of the Lord's money. Young men who engage in tent labor should be careful not to indulge in unnecessary expense. The wants of the cause are many, as tents are entering new fields, and as the missionary work is enlarging. The most rigid economy should be used in this matter without stinginess. It is easier to run up a bill than to settle it. There are many things that would be convenient and enjoyable that are not needful, and that can be dispensed with without actual suffering. It is very easy to multiply expenses for hotel bills and railroad fare, that might be avoided or very much lessened. We have passed over the road to and from California twelve times, and have not expended one dollar for meals at the restaurants or in the attached dining car. We eat our meals from our lunch baskets. After being three days out, the food becomes quite stale, but a little milk or warm gruel supplies our lack. T28 52.1

On another occasion I spoke in reference to genuine sanctification, which is nothing less than a daily dying to self, and daily conformity to the will of God. While in Oregon I was shown that some of the young churches of the New England Conference were in danger through the blighting influence of what is called sanctification. Some would become deceived by this doctrine, while others, knowing its deceptive influence, would realize their danger and turn from it. Paul's sanctification was a constant conflict with self. Said he, “I die daily.” His will and his desires every day conflicted with duty and the will of God. Instead of following inclination, he did the will of God, however unpleasant and crucifying to his nature. T28 52.2

We called on those who desired to be baptized, and who were keeping the Sabbath for the first time to come forward. Twenty-five responded. These bore excellent testimonies; and before the close of the camp-meeting, twenty-two received baptism. T28 53.1

We were pleased to meet here our old friends of the cause whose acquaintance we made thirty years ago. Our much respected Brother Hastings is as deeply interested in the truth today as he was then. We were pleased to meet Sister Temple, and Sister Collins of Dartmouth,* Mass., and Brother and Sister Wilkinson at whose house we had been entertained more than thirty years ago. The pilgrimage of some of these dear ones may close ere long, but if faithful unto the end they will receive a crown of life. T28 53.2

We were interested to meet Brother Kimball* who is a mute and has been a missionary among the mutes. Through his persevering labors, quite a little company have accepted the truth. We meet this faithful brother at our yearly camp-meetings surrounded by several of his mute converts. Someone who can hear writes out as much as possible of the discourse, and he sits surrounded by his mute friends reading and actively preaching it over again to them with his hands. He has freely used his means to advance the missionary work, thus honoring God with his substance. T28 54.1

We left Ballard Vale Tuesday morning, Sept. 3, to attend the Maine camp-meeting. We enjoyed a quiet rest at the home of young Bro. Morton, near Portland. He and his good wife made our tarry with them very pleasant. We were upon the Maine camp-ground before the Sabbath, and were happy to meet here some of the tried friends of the cause. There are some who are ever at their post of duty, come sunshine or come storm. And there is also a class of sunshine Christians. When everything goes well, agreeable to their feelings, they are fervent and zealous; but when there are clouds and disagreeable things to meet, these will have nothing to say or do. The blessing of God rested upon the active workers, while those who did nothing were not benefited by the meeting, as they might have been. The Lord was with his ministers who labored faithfully in presenting both doctrinal and practical subjects. We desired greatly to see many benefited by that meeting who gave no evidence that they had been blessed of God. I longed to see this dear people coming up to their exalted privileges. T28 54.2

We left the camp-ground on Monday, feeling much exhausted. We designed to attend the Iowa and Kansas camp-meetings. My husband had written that he would meet me in Iowa. Being unable to attend the Vermont meeting, we went directly from Maine to South Lancaster. I had much difficulty in breathing, and my heart pained me continually. I rested at the quiet home of Sister Harris, who did all in her power to help me. Thursday evening we ventured to resume our journey to Battle Creek. I dared not trust myself on the cars any length of time in my state of health, so we stopped at Rome, N. Y., and spoke to our people upon the Sabbath. There was a good attendance. T28 55.1

Monday morning I visited Bro. and Sr. Ira Abbey, at Brookfield. We had a profitable interview with this family. We felt interested and anxious that they should finally be victorious in the Christian warfare, and win eternal life. We felt deeply anxious that Bro. Abbey should overcome his discouragements, cast himself unreservedly upon the merits of Christ, make a success of overcoming, and at last wear the victor's crown. T28 56.1

Tuesday we took the cars for Battle Creek, and the next day arrived at home, where I was glad to rest once more and take treatment at the Sanitarium. I felt that I was indeed favored by the advantages of this institution. The helpers were kind and attentive, and ready at any time of the day or night to do their utmost to relieve me of my infirmities. T28 56.2