Testimony for the Church — No. 16


Epistle Number Four

Dear Bro. ——: When we met you at ——, we were anxious to help you, and we feared you would not receive the help there which you needed. I proposed your coming to our place and associating with us, and others of God's dear children, and be learning the lessons so important for you to learn before you could be strong to endure the temptations and perils of these last days. I recollected your countenance as one that the Lord had shown me who had been struggling for the mastery over powerful evil habits, which were leading you to the destruction of your own body and your eternal destruction hereafter. You have gained victories, but you have still great victories to gain—battles to fight with internal foes, which, unless overcome, will greatly mar your present happiness and the happiness of all who associate with you. T16 59.2

These bad fruits must be overcome. You must take hold of the work with earnest, humble prayer to God, feeling your helplessness without his special grace. The belief of the truth has already wrought a reformation in your life, yet this work is not as thorough as it must be in order for you to meet the measurement of God. You love the truth, and it must take a deeper hold of your life, and influence your words and all your deportment. T16 60.1

You have a great lesson to learn, and should lose no time in learning it. You have not educated yourself to self-control. Here is a special victory for you to gain. You have more of the elements of war in your organization than of peace. You need to cultivate courtesy and true Christian politeness. “In honor preferring one another.” “Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory, but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than themselves.” T16 60.2

Your combativeness is large, and you stand braced, prepared to rebut everything where you have a chance. You do not labor to see how near you can see as others see, and have union with their ideas and views; but you stand all ready to differ if there is a possible chance for you to do so. This injures your own soul, retards your spiritual advancement, and not only grieves and wounds those who would be your sincere friends, but sometimes disgusts them, so that your society is not agreeable and pleasant, but annoying. It is as natural as your breath to consider the views and opinions of others inferior, and your own superior to theirs. You often greatly err here, and have not all that wisdom and knowledge which you give yourself credit for. You often set your opinions up above men and women who have had many years of experience more than yourself, and who are better, far better, qualified to direct and give words of wise judgment than yourself. But you have not seen these disagreeable besetments, and therefore have not realized the ill and bitter fruit they produced. You have long indulged a spirit of contention—of war. Your peculiar turn of mind leads you to exult in opposites. T16 60.3

Your education has been deplorable, not favorable to your having now a correct experience in your religious life. You have had almost everything to unlearn and learn anew. You possess a hasty temper which grieves your friends and the holy angels, and wounds your own soul. This is all contrary to the spirit of truth and true holiness. You must learn to cultivate modesty in speaking. Self must be subdued. Self must be kept in subjection. A Christian will not pursue a course of bickering and contention with even the most wicked and unbelieving. How wrong to indulge this spirit with those who believe the truth, and are seeking for peace, love, and harmony. Says Paul, “Be at peace among yourselves.” This spirit of contention is opposed to all the principles of Heaven. In Christ's sermon on the mount, he says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” You will have trouble everywhere you go, unless you learn the lesson God designs you should. You should be less confident and forward in your own opinion. You should possess a teachable spirit, that of a learner. “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his own spirit than he that taketh a city.” “He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding; but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.” Says James, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” T16 61.1

A spirit of self-confidence is in keeping with your experience. Had you a more thorough experience in the things of God, you would realize that all these fruits are bad. They are bitter, and nourish no one, but fill all who partake of them with bitterness. You possess an overbearing, dictatorial spirit, which you must overcome. I have strong hope that you, my dear brother, who have shown that you have moral courage to face an enemy in yourself, and fortitude to battle with the foe of appetite and strong evil habits, which girded you about as with iron bands, will come right in this thing, will go to work right here, and gain the victory. You have possessed a reckless spirit, have felt that no one cared especially for you, that most everybody was your enemy, and that it was of no consequence what became of you. The truth found you miserable. You saw in it a power that would exalt you, and impart to you force and strength that you had not. You grasped the rays of light that shone upon you; and if you will now yield yourself fully to the influence of the truth, it will thoroughly convert you, sanctify you, and prepare you for the finishing touch of immortality. T16 62.1

You possess many good traits of character—have a liberal heart. God wants you to be right, just right. You are unwilling to be dictated, or to be directed. You want to do all that business yourself. But humility you must possess, a teachable spirit, affable, patient, longsuffering, full of gentleness and mercy. T16 63.1

We have an interest for you, and want to help you. I pray you to receive these lines with a right spirit, and let them suitably affect your heart and life. T16 63.2

E. G. W.