Testimony for the Church — No. 23


Letter to a Young Minister and His Wife

Dear Brother and Sister ——: For some months, I have felt that it was time to write to you some things which the Lord has been pleased to show me in regard to you several years ago. Your cases were shown me in connection with others who had a work to do for themselves in order to be fitted for the work of presenting the truth. I was shown that you were both deficient in essential qualifications, and that if these are not obtained, your usefulness, and the salvation of your own souls, will be endangered. You have some faults and errors in your characters which it is very important that you should correct. If you neglect to take hold of the work resolutely and in earnest, these wrongs will increase upon you, and will greatly cripple your influence in the cause and work of God, and will finally result in your being separated from the work of preaching the truth, which work you love so well. T23 71.2

In the vision given me for —— ——, I was shown that he had a very unfortunate stamp of character. He was not disciplined, and his temper was unsubdued. He was permitted to have his own head, and do very much as he pleased. He was greatly deficient in reverence for God and man. He had a strong, unsubmissive spirit. He had but a very faint idea of proper gratitude to those who were doing their utmost for him. He was extremely selfish. T23 72.1

I was shown that independence, a firm, set, unyielding will, a lack of reverence and due respect for others, a selfish disposition, and too great self-confidence marks the character of sister ——. If she does not watch closely, and overcome these errors in her character, she will surely fail of sitting with Christ in his throne. T23 72.2

In regard to Bro. ——, I was shown that many of the same things in the testimony to —— ——applied to him. I was pointed back to your past life. I saw that from a child you have been self-confident, headstrong, and self-willed, and have followed your own mind. You have a very independent spirit, and it has been very difficult for you to yield to any one. When it was your duty to yield your way and your wishes to others, you would carry matters out in your own rash way. You have felt that you were fully competent to think and act independently for yourself. The truth of God has been accepted and loved by you, and has done much for you; but it has not wrought all that transformation necessary for the perfection of Christian character. When you first started out to labor in the work of God, you felt more humble, and were willing to be advised and counseled. But as you began to be successful in a degree, your self-confidence increased, and you were less humble, and became more independent. T23 72.3

As you looked at the work of Bro. and Sister White, you thought you could see where you could have done better than they. Feelings have been cherished in your heart against them. You are naturally skeptical and infidel in your feelings. As you have seen their work, and heard the reproofs given those who were wrong, you questioned how you should bear such plain testimony. You decided you could not receive it. You began to brace yourself against the manner of their laboring. You opened a door in your heart for suspicion, doubt, and jealousy of them and their work. T23 73.1

You became prejudiced in your feelings, against their labor. You watched, and listened, and gathered up all you could, and surmised much. Because God had given you a measure of success, you began to place your short experience and labors upon a level with Bro. White's labors. You flattered yourself that, were you in his place, you could do very much better than he. You began to grow large in your own eyes. You thought your knowledge far more extensive and valuable than it was. Had you had one hundredth part of the experience in real labor, care, perplexity, and burden-bearing in this cause that Bro. White has had, you would be able to understand more in regard to his work, and would be better prepared to sympathize with him in his labors, rather than to murmur and be suspicious and jealous of him. In regard to your own post of labor, you should be very jealous of yourself lest you fail to do your work to God's acceptance, and lest you fail to honor the cause of truth in your labors. You should, in humiliation of soul, feel, “Who is sufficient for these things?” The reason both of you are so ready to question and surmise in regard to Bro. White's work, is because you know so little about it. So few real burdens have ever pressed upon your souls, so little real anguish for the cause of God has touched your hearts, so little perplexity and real distress have you borne for others, that you are no more prepared to appreciate his work than is a ten years’ old boy the anxiety, care, and wearisome toil of his burdened father. The boy may pass along joyous in spirit, because he has not the experience of the burdened, careworn father. He may wonder at the fears and anxiety of the father, which look needless to him; but when years of experience shall be added to his life, when he takes hold of, and bears, the real burdens of life, then he may look back to his father's life and understand that which was mysterious to him in his boyhood, for bitter experience has given him knowledge. T23 73.2

I was shown that you are in danger of getting above the simplicity of the work, and of placing yourself upon the pinnacle. You feel that you need no reproof and counsel; and the language of your heart is, I am capable of judging, discriminating, and determinating, between right and wrong. I will not have my rights infringed upon. No one shall dictate me. I am capable of forming my own plans of action. I am as good as anybody. God is with me. God gives me success in my efforts. Who has authority to interfere with me? These words I heard you utter as your case was passing before me in vision, not to any person, but as if in conversation with yourself. My attending angel repeated these words, as he pointed to you both: “Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven. Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.” T23 75.1

I saw that the strength of the children of God was in their humility. When they are little in their own eyes, Jesus will be to them their strength and their righteousness, and God will prosper their labors. I was shown that God would prove Bro. ——. He would give him a measure of prosperity, and if he would bear the test, if he would turn the blessings of God to good account, not taking honor to himself, and not becoming lifted up, selfish, and self-confident, the Lord would continue his blessings, for the sake of his cause and for his own glory. T23 75.2

I saw that Bro. —— was in the greatest danger of becoming lifted up, self-righteous, self-sufficient, and feeling that he is rich and in need of nothing. Unless he guards himself upon these points, the Lord will allow him to go on until he makes his weakness apparent to all. You will be brought into positions where you will be sorely tempted if others do not regard you in as exalted a light as you estimate yourself and your ability. I was shown that you were poorly prepared to bear much prosperity and a great amount of success. A thorough conversion alone will do the work necessary for your case. T23 76.1

I have been shown that you are both naturally selfish. You are in constant danger, unless guarded, of thinking and acting in reference to yourselves. You will lay your plans for your own accommodation without taking into the account how much you may inconvenience others. You are inclined to carry out your ideas and plans without regarding the plans, and respecting the views or feelings, of others. Both of you should cultivate reverence and respect for others. T23 76.2

Bro. ——, you have considered that your work was of too great importance for you to come down to engage in household duties. You have not a love for these requirements. You neglected them in your younger days. But these small duties which you neglect, are essential to the formation of a well-developed character. T23 76.3

I have been shown that our ministers generally are deficient in making themselves useful in the families where they are entertained. Some devote their minds to study, because they love this employment. They do not feel that it is a duty which God enjoins upon ministers to make themselves a blessing in the families which they visit; but many give their minds to books, and shut themselves away from the family, and do not converse with them upon the subjects of truth. The religious interests in the family are scarcely mentioned. This is all wrong. Ministers who have not the burdens and care of the publishing interest upon them, and who have not the perplexities and numerous cares of all the churches, should feel that their labor is not excessively hard. They should feel the deepest interest in the families they visit. They should not feel that they are objects to be petted and waited upon while they give nothing in return. There is an obligation resting upon Christian families to entertain the ministers of Christ, and there is also a duty resting upon ministers who receive the hospitality of Christian friends, to feel under mutual obligation to bear their own burdens as far as possible, and not be a tax to their friends. Many ministers entertain the idea that they must be especially favored and waited upon, and they are frequently injured, and their usefulness crippled, by their being treated as pets. T23 77.1

Bro. and Sister ——, while among your brethren you have too frequently made it a practice to make arrangements agreeable to yourselves, and to take a course to gather attention to yourselves, without considering the convenience or inconvenience of others. You are in danger of making yourselves a center. You have received the attention and consideration of others when, for the good of your own souls, as well as for the benefit of others, you should have devoted more attention to those you visited. Such a course would give you a far greater influence, and you would be blessed in winning more souls to the truth. T23 77.2

Bro. ——, you have ability to present the truth to others. You have an investigating mind, but there are serious defects in your character, which I have mentioned, that must be overcome. You neglect many of the little courtesies of life, because you think so much of yourself that these little attentions are not thought of as required of you. God would not have you burden others while you neglect to see and do the things someone must do. It does not detract from the dignity of a gospel minister to bring in wood and water when needed, and to exercise in doing needed work in the family where he is entertained. In not seeing these little important duties, and improving the opportunity to do them, you deprive yourselves of real blessings, and also deprive others of good that it is their privilege to receive from you. Some of our ministers are not having an amount of physical exercise proportionate to the taxation of the mind. As the result, they are suffering with debility. There is no good reason why the health of ministers who have to perform only the ordinary duties devolving upon the minister should fail. Their minds are not constantly burdened with perplexing cares and heavy responsibilities in regard to the important institutions among us. I saw that there was no real cause why they should fail in this important period of the cause and work, if they will pay due regard to the light God has given them in regard to how to labor and how to exercise, with proper attention to their diet. T23 78.1

Some of our ministers eat very heartily, and then do not exercise sufficiently to work oft the waste matter which accumulates in the system. They will eat, and sit down most of their time and read, study, and write, when a share of their time should be devoted to systematic, physical labor. T23 79.1

Our preachers will certainly break down in health unless they are more careful not to overload the stomach by too great quantities of even healthful food. I saw that you, Bro. and Sister ——, were both in danger on this point. Overeating prevents the free flow of thought and Words, and that intensity of feeling so necessary to press the truth to the heart of the hearer. The indulgence of appetite beclouds and fetters the mind, and blunts the holy emotions of the soul. The mental and moral powers of some of our preachers are enfeebled by improper eating and lack of physical exercise. Those who crave great quantities of food should not indulge their appetite, but should practice self-denial, and retain the blessings of active muscles, and unoppressed brain. Overeating stupefies the entire being by diverting the energies from the other organs to do the work of the stomach. T23 79.2

The lack of our ministers in not exercising all the organs of the body proportionately, leave some organs worn, while others are weak from inaction. T23 80.1

If wear is left to come almost exclusively upon one organ, or set of muscles, the one most used must become overwearied and greatly weakened. Each faculty of the mind, and each muscle, has its distinctive office, and all are required to be equally exercised in order to become properly developed and retain healthful vigor. Each organ has its work to do in the living organism. Every wheel in the machinery must be a living, active, working wheel. All the faculties have a bearing upon each other, and all need to be exercised in order to be properly developed. T23 80.2

Bro. and Sister ——, neither of you enjoy physical, domestic labor. Both of you need to cultivate a love for the practical duties of life, which will be giving you an education necessary for your health, and will be increasing your usefulness. You think too much of what you eat, and should not touch those things which will give a poor quality of blood. Both of you have scrofula. T23 80.3

Bro. ——, your love for reading, and dislike to physical taxation while talking, and exercising your throat, make you liable to disease of throat and lungs. You should be guarded, and should not speak hurriedly, and rattle off what you have to say as though you had a lesson to repeat. You should not let the labor come upon the upper portion of the vocal organs, for this will be constantly wearing and irritating them, and will lay the foundation for disease. The action should come upon the abdominal muscles. The lungs and throat should be the channel, but should not do all the work. T23 80.4

I was shown that your manner of eating would bring disease upon both of you, which, when once fastened upon you, would not be easily overcome. You might both bear up for years, and not show any special signs of breaking, but, cause will be followed by the sure results. God will not work a miracle for either of you, to preserve your health and life. You must eat, and study, and work, understandingly, following enlightened conscience. Our preachers should all be sincere, genuine health reformers, not merely adopting the reforms because others do, but from principle, in obedience to the word of God. T23 81.1

God has given us great light upon the health reform, which he requires us all to respect. He does not send us light to be rejected or disregarded by his people without their suffering the consequences. T23 81.2

I was shown that neither of you really know yourselves. If God should let the enemy loose upon you, as he did upon his servant Job, he would not find in you that same spirit of steadfast integrity that he found in Job, but a spirit of murmuring and of unbelief. T23 81.3

Had you, during my husband's illness, been situated at Battle Creek, at the time of their trial, when Satan had special power upon our brethren and sisters there, both of you would have drunk deep of their spirit of jealousy and fault finding. You would have been among the number, as zealous as the rest, to make a diseased, care-worn man, and a paralytic, an offender for a word. T23 81.4

You are inclined to offset your deficiencies by magnifying and dwelling upon the wrongs you suppose exist in Bro. and Sister White, and had you an opportunity, as those had in Battle Creek, you would venture to go to greater lengths than did some of them in their wicked crusade against us; for you have less faith, and less reverence than had some of them, and would be less inclined to respect our work and our calling. T23 81.5

I was shown that, notwithstanding you have the sad experience and example of others before you, who have become disaffected, and have murmured, and been fault-finding and jealous of us, you would fail to be warned by their example, and God would test your fidelity and reveal the secrets of your hearts. Your suspicions, distrust, and jealousies, would be revealed, and your weaknesses exposed, that you might see them, and understand yourselves, if you would. T23 82.1

I was shown you listening to the conversation of men and women, and too pleased to gather up their views and impressions, detrimental to our labors. Some had one thing, and some another with which to find fault, similar to the murmurers of the children of Israel when Moses was their leader. Some were censuring our course, saying that we were not conservative as we ought to be; we did not seek to please the people as we might; we talked too plainly; we reproved too sharply. Some were talking in regard to Sister White's dress, picking at straws. Others were expressing dissatisfaction with the course Brother White pursued, and remarks were passing from one to the other, questioning their course and finding fault. An angel stood before these persons, unseen by them, busily writing their words in the book which was to be open to the view of God and angels. T23 82.2

Some are eagerly watching for something to condemn in Bro. and Sister White, who have grown gray in their service in the work and cause of God. Some express their views that the testimony of Sister White cannot be reliable. This is all that many unconsecrated ones want. The testimonies of reproof have checked their vanity and pride; but if they dared, they would go to almost any length in fashion and pride. To all such, God will give an opportunity to prove themselves, and develop their true characters. T23 83.1

I saw, some years ago, that we should yet have to meet the same spirit which rose at Paris, which has never been thoroughly cured. It has slumbered; but it is not dead. From time to time this spirit of determined murmuring and rebellion would crop out in different individuals, who had at some point of time been leavened with this wicked spirit which has followed us for years. Sister ——, this spirit has, in a degree, been cherished by you, and has had an influence to mold your views and feelings. Sanctimonious infidelity has been gradually growing in the mind of ——, which is not easy, even for herself, now to be rid of. This same determined spirit which held ——, and others in Maine, in a fanatical delusion so long, against every influence to lead them to the truth, has held its powerful, deceptive influence over ——'s mind in B. C., and the same influence has affected you, sister —— You were of that temperament that the enemy could affect you—that calm, determined, unyielding temperament—so that the same results will, only in a greater degree, attend your influence, if wrong, as that of ——. T23 83.2

Feelings of suspicion, jealousy, and unbelief have been gaining power upon your mind for years. You have a hatred to reproof. You are very sensitive, and your sympathies arise at once for any one who is reproved. This is not a sanctified feeling, and is not prompted by the Spirit of God. T23 84.1

Bro. and Sister ——, I was shown that when this spirit of fault-finding and murmuring would be developed in you, when it should be manifested, and the leaven of dissatisfaction, jealousy, and unbelief should appear, which had cursed the life of —— and her husband, we should have a work to do to meet it decidedly, and give that spirit no quarters, and that until this should be developed I should keep silent, for there was a time to speak and a time to keep silent. I saw that, should apparent prosperity attend the labors of Bro. ——, unless he was a thoroughly converted man, he would be in danger of losing his soul. He does not have becoming respect for the positions and labor of others, and will consider himself second to none. T23 84.2

I was shown that temptations will continually increase in regard to the labors of Bro. and Sister White. Our work is a peculiar work, and of a different character from that of any others who labor in the field. God does not call ministers who have only to labor in word and doctrine to do our work. Neither does he call us to do only their work. We each have, in some respects, a distinct work. God has been pleased to open to me the secrets of the inner life and hidden sins of his people. I have had the unpleasant duty laid upon me to reveal hidden sins and to reprove wrongs. When I have been compelled by the Spirit of God to reprove sins that others did not know existed, it has stirred up the natural feelings in the hearts of the unsanctified. While some have humbled their hearts before God with repentance and confessions, and have forsaken their sins, others have felt a spirit of hatred arise in their hearts. Their pride has been hurt when their course has been reproved. They entertain thoughts that it is Sister White that is hurting them, instead of feeling grateful to God that he has in mercy spoken to them through his humble instrument, to show them their dangers and sins, that they may put them away before it shall be too late for wrongs to be righted. T23 84.3

Some are ready to inquire, Who told Sister White these things? They have even put the question to me, Did any one tell you these things? I could answer them, Yes; yes, the angel of God has spoken to me. But what they mean is, Have the brethren and sisters been exposing their faults? For the future, I shall not belittle the testimonies God has given me, to make explanations to try to satisfy such narrow minds, but shall treat all such questions as an insult to the Spirit of God. God has seen fit to thrust me into positions in which he has not placed any other one in our ranks. He has laid upon me burdens of reproof that he has not given to any other one. My husband has stood by my side to sustain the testimonies, and to give his voice in union with the testimony of reproof. He has been compelled to take a decided stand to press back the unbelief and rebellion, which has been bold and defiant, and that would break down any testimony I might bear, because the ones reproved were cut, and felt deeply over the reproof given. This is exactly as God, designed. He meant that they should feel. It was necessary that they should feel before their proud hearts would yield up their sins, and thus cleanse their hearts and lives from all iniquity. T23 85.1

In every advance move that God has led us to make, in every step gained by God's people, there have been the ready tools of Satan among us, to stand back and suggest doubts and unbelief, and to throw obstacles in our way, to weaken our faith and courage. We have had to stand like warriors, ready to press and fight our way through the opposition raised, which has made our work tenfold harder than it otherwise would have been. We have had to stand firmly, and unyielding as a rock. This firmness has been interpreted to be hardheartedness and willfulness. God never designed that we should swerve, first to the right and then to the left, to gratify the minds of unconsecrated brethren. He designed our course should be straightforward. One and another have come to us, professing to have great burdens for us, to have us go this way or that, contrary to the light God had given us. What if we had followed these false lights and fanatical impressions? Surely, our people should not then put confidence in us. We have had to set our faces as flints for the right, and then press on to work and duty. T23 86.1

Some among us have been ever ready to carry matters to extremes, and to overreach the mark. They seem to be without an anchor. Such have greatly injured the cause of truth. There are others who seem never to have a position where they can stand firmly and surely when God calls for faithful soldiers to be found at the post of duty, ready to battle if need be. There are those who will not, when required of God, make a charge upon the enemy. They will do nothing until others have fought the battle and gained the victory for them, and then they are ready to share the spoils. How much can God count upon such soldiers? They are accounted as cowards in his cause. This class, I saw, gained no experience for themselves in regard to warfare against sin and Satan. They were more inclined to fight against the faithful soldiers of Christ than against Satan and his host. Had they girded on the armor and pressed into the battle, they would have gained a valuable experience which it was their privilege to have. But they had no courage to contend for the right, and venture something in the warfare, and learn how to attack Satan and take his strongholds. Some have no idea of running any risks, or venturing anything, themselves. But somebody must venture. They must run risks in this cause. Those who will not venture, and expose themselves to censure, will stand all prepared to watch those who do bear responsibilities, and be ready, if there is a semblance of chance, to find fault with them, and injure them if they can. This has been the experience of Bro. and Sister White in their labors. Satan and his host have been arrayed against them, but these were not all; those who should have stood by them in the warfare, when they saw them over-burdened and pressed beyond measure, have stood prepared to join Satan in his work to discourage and weaken them, and, if possible, drive them from the field. T23 86.2

Bro. and Sister ——, I have been shown that, I as you have traveled, you have been looked up to and highly esteemed, and treated with greater respect and deference than was for your good. It is not natural for you to treat with like respect those who have borne the burdens which God has laid upon them in his cause and work. Both of you love your ease. To be turned out of your course, to inconvenience yourselves, you are not inclined to do. You desire to have things bend to your convenience. You have large self-esteem, and exalted opinions of your acquirements. You have not had perplexing cares and burdens to bear, and important decisions to make, which involved the interest of God's cause, such as has been the lot of my husband. God has made him a counselor to his people, to advise and counsel such young men as yourself, as children in the truth. And when you take that humble position which a true sense of your real state will lead you to take, you will be willing to be counseled. It is because of the few responsibilities you have borne that you do not understand why Bro. White should feel more deeply than yourself. There is just this difference between you and him in this matter. He has invested thirty of the best years of his life in the cause of God, while you have had but few years of experience, and, comparatively, have had nothing of the hardships to meet that he has had. T23 88.1

After the hardest labors of those who first led out in this work, to prepare the truth and bring up the work ready to your hand, you embrace it, and go out to labor to present the precious arguments which others, with inexpressible anxiety, have searched out for you. While you are amply provided for in point of means, your weekly wages sure, you having no reason for care or anxiety in this direction, these pioneers of the cause suffered deprivations of every kind. They had no assurance of anything. They were dependent upon God, and upon the few true-hearted ones who received their labors. While you have sympathizing brethren to sustain you and fully appreciate your labors, there were but very few to stand by the first laborers in this work. All could be counted in a few minutes. We knew what it was to go hungry for want of food, and to suffer with cold for the want of suitable clothing. We have traveled all night by private conveyance to visit the brethren, because we had no means to defray the expenses of hotel fare. We traveled miles on foot, time and again, because we had no money to hire a carriage. Oh! how precious was the truth to us! how valuable souls purchased by the blood of Christ! We have no complaints to make of our sufferings in those days of close want and perplexity, which made the exercise of faith necessary. They were the happiest days of our lives. There we learned the simplicity of faith. There, while in affliction, we tested and proved the Lord. He was our consolation. He was to us like the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. It is unfortunate for you, my brother, and our young ministers generally, that you and they have not a similar experience in privation, in trial, and in need; for such an experience would be worth to you more than houses and lands, gold or silver. T23 89.1

When we refer to our past experience of excessive labors and wants, and of laboring with our hands to support ourselves, and to publish the truth at the very commencement of the work, some of our young preachers, of but few years’ experience in the work, seem to be annoyed, and charge us with boasting of our own works. The reason of this is that their own lives have been so free from wearing care, want, and self-sacrifice, that they know not how to sympathize with us, and the contrast is not agreeable to their feelings. To have the experience of others presented before them in such wide contrast with their own course, does not make their labors appear in so favorable a light as they would have them. T23 90.1

When we first commenced this work, we were both in feeble health. My husband was a dyspeptic; yet three times a day we made our supplications, in faith, to God for strength. My husband went into the hay-field with his scythe, and in the strength God gave him in answer to our earnest prayers, he there earned, by mowing, means to purchase us neat, plain clothing, and to pay our fare to a distant State, to present the truth to our brethren. T23 90.2

We have a right to refer to the past, as did the apostle Paul. “And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man; for that which was lacking to me, the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied; and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep myself. As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia.” T23 90.3

We are carrying out the exhortation of the apostle to the Hebrews, in referring to our past experience. “But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions; partly while ye were made a gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, while ye became companions of them that were so used.” T23 91.1

Our lives are interwoven with the cause of God. We have no separate interest aside from this work. And when we see the advancement the cause has made from a very small beginning, coming up slowly, yet surely, to strength and prosperity, who shall prevent or forbid our boasting in God, as we see the success of the cause in which we have toiled, and suffered, and nearly sacrificed our lives? Our experience in this cause is valuable to us. We have invested everything in it. T23 91.2

Moses was the meekest man that lived, yet he was repeatedly compelled, through the murmurings of the children of Israel, to bring up their course of sin after leaving Egypt, vindicating his course as their leader. T23 91.3

Just before he was to leave Israel to die, he rehearsed before them their course of rebellion and murmuring since they had left Egypt, and his interest and love for them, which led him to plead with God in their behalf. Moses relates to Israel that he had earnestly entreated of the Lord to let him pass over Jordan to the promised land. “But the Lord was wroth with me for your sakes, and would not hear me.” Moses presented before them their sins, and said to them, “Ye have been rebellious against the Lord from the day that I knew you.” He related to them how many times he had plead with God and humbled his soul in anguish because of their sins. T23 91.4

It was the design of God that Moses should frequently remind Israel of their transgressions and rebellion, that they might humble their hearts before God in view of their sins. God would not have them forget the errors and sins which had provoked his anger against them. The rehearsal of their transgressions, and of the mercies and goodness of God to them, which they had not appreciated, was not agreeable to their feelings. Nevertheless, God directed that this should be done. T23 92.1

I have been shown that young men like yourself, who have had but a few years of imperfect experience in the cause of present truth, are not the ones whom God will trust to bear weighty responsibilities, and lead out in this work. Such should manifest a delicacy in taking positions which would conflict with the judgment and opinions of those of mature experience, whose lives have been interwoven with the cause of God nearly as many years as you have lived, and who have had an active part in this work from its small beginning. T23 92.2

God will not select men of but little experience and considerable self-confidence to lead out in this sacred, important work. There is much here at stake. Men who have but little experience in the sufferings, trials, opposition, and privation that have been endured to bring up the work to its present condition of prosperity, should be very jealous of themselves. T23 92.3

Young men who now engage in the work of preaching the truth should cultivate modesty and humility. They should be careful how they become exalted, lest they be overthrown. They will be accountable for the clear light of truth which now shines upon them. I saw that God was displeased with the disposition some have, to murmur against those who have fought the heaviest battles for them, and who have endured so much in the commencement of the message, when the work went hard. T23 93.1

The experienced laborers, who have toiled under the weight and the oppressive burdens, when there were but few to help bear them, God regards. He has, for those who have proved faithful, a jealous care. God is displeased with those who are ready to find fault, and reproach those servants of God who have grown gray in building up the cause of present truth. Your reproaches and your murmurings will surely stand against you in the day of God. As long as God has not laid upon you, young men, heavy responsibilities, do not get out of your place, and rely upon your own independent judgment, and assume responsibilities for which you are not fitted. T23 93.2

Dear brother and sister, you need to cultivate watchfulness and humility, and to be diligent in prayer. The more closely you live to God, the more clearly will you discern your weaknesses and your dangers. A practical view of the law of God, and clear discernment of the atonement of Christ, will give you the knowledge of yourselves, and will show you wherein you fail to perfect Christian character. In short, you both need a daily experience in God's will concerning you. When you see your great spiritual lack, you will sense the fact that human depravity, specified in the word of God, is true in your experience. You are both pharisaical, and you are in danger of remaining voluntarily and fearfully in the dark in regard to your true standing before God, and in regard to your dangers. T23 93.3

You both need to learn the various duties which devolve upon you in your relations in life under a variety of circumstances. You have both neglected your duties, both to God and man. Self-knowledge you need so much. The ignorance of your own heart leads you to overlook the necessity of a daily, living experience in the divine life. In a degree, you overlook the necessity of a divine influence to be with you constantly. This is positively necessary in doing the work of God. If you neglect this, and pass on in self-confidence and self-sufficiency, you will be left to make very great blunders. You need constantly to cherish a spirit of dependence and lowliness of mind. He who feels his own weakness will look higher than himself, and will feel the need of constant strength from above. The grace of God will lead him to exercise and cherish a spirit of constant gratitude. He who is best acquainted with his own weakness will know that it is the matchless grace of God alone that will triumph over the rebellion of the heart. T23 94.1

You need to become acquainted with the weak as well as the strong points in your character, that you may be constantly guarded lest you engage in enterprises, and assume responsibilities, for which God has never designed you. You should not compare your actions and measure your lives by any human standard, but with the rule of duty revealed in the Bible. T23 94.2

I was shown, Bro. and Sister ——, that a work is before you to do for yourselves that you have not dreamed was necessary. For years you have been cherishing temptations and jealousies in regard to us and our work, which is not pleasing to God. You may think that you believe the testimonies that God has given, but unbelief is gaining ground with you in regard to their being of God. T23 95.1

Your labors, I was shown, would be more effectual in the conversion of souls to the truth, if you dwelt upon the practical as well as the theoretical, having the living, practical elements in your own heart, and carrying them out in your own life. T23 95.2

You need to have a firmer hold from above. You are too dependent upon your surroundings. If you have a large congregation, you are elevated, and you desire to address them. But sometimes your congregations diminish, your spirits sink, and you have but little courage to labor. Surely, something is wanting. Your hold is not firm enough upon God. Some of the most important truths in the teachings of Christ were preached by him to one Samaritan woman who came to draw water as he, being weary, sat upon the well to rest. The fountain of living waters was within him. The fountain of living waters must be in us, springing up to refresh those who are brought under our influence. T23 95.3

Christ sought for men wherever he could find them, in the public streets, in private houses, in the synagogues, by the sea-side. He toiled all day in preaching to the multitude and in healing the sick that were brought to him, and, frequently, after he had dismissed the people that they might return to their homes to rest and sleep, he spent the entire night in prayer, to come forth and renew his labors in the morning. O Bro. and sister, you do not know anything in reality of self-denial and self-sacrifice for Christ, and for the truth's sake. You must depend more fully upon God, and less upon your own abilities. You need to hide in God. T23 95.4

You are inclined, Bro. ——, to be severe in reproof, to form your own conclusions in regard to individuals, especially if their course has crossed your track; and, according to your views of the case, you sometimes deal with them in an unsparing manner. You have not been a tenderhearted, pitiful, courteous man as was your Exemplar. You need to soften your spirit, be more courteous and kind, and to have greater disinterested benevolence. You need to bring your soul into closer communion with God by earnest prayer, mixed with living faith. Every prayer offered in faith lifts the suppliant above discouraging doubts and human passions. Prayer gives strength to renew the conflict with the powers of darkness, and to bear trials patiently, and to endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ T23 96.1

While you take counsel with your doubts and fears, or try to solve everything you cannot clearly see before you have faith, your perplexities will only increase and deepen. If you come to God feeling helpless and dependent, as you really are, and in humble, trusting prayer make your wants known to him whose knowledge is infinite, who sees everything in creation, and who governs everything by his will and word, he can and will attend to your cry, and will let light shine into your heart and all around you; for through sincere prayer, your soul is brought into connection with the mind of the Infinite. You may have no remarkable evidence at the time, that the face of your Redeemer is bending over you with compassion and love, but this is even so. You may not feel his visible touch, but his hand is upon you in love and pitying tenderness. T23 96.2

God loves both of you, and he wants to save you with an abundant salvation. But it must not be in your way, but in God's own appointed way. You must comply with the conditions laid down in the Scriptures of truth, and God will as surely fulfill on his part as his throne is sure. T23 97.1

You must not, my brother, rise up against the reproofs and warnings God sends to his people because these admonitions are humiliating to human nature. You need to die daily, to have a daily crucifixion to self. T23 97.2

According to the light God has given me in vision, wickedness and deception are increasing among God's people, who profess to keep his commandments. Spiritual discernment to see sin as it exists, and put it out of the camp, is decreasing; spiritual blindness is fast coming upon God's people. The straight testimony must be revived, and it will separate those from Israel who have ever been at war with the means God has ordained to keep corruptions out of the church. Wrongs must be called wrongs. Grievous sins must be called by their right name. All of God's people should come nearer to him and wash their robes of character in the blood of the Lamb. Then will they see sin in the true light and will realize how offensive is sin in the sight of God. T23 97.3

In the temptation of our first parents, it seemed a small matter to transgress the command of God in one small act, and eat of the tree beautiful to the eye and pleasant to the taste. To the transgressors, this was but a small act; but it destroyed their allegiance to God, and opened a flood of woe and guilt which has deluged the world. Who can know, in the moment of temptation, the terrible consequences which will result from one wrong, hasty step. Our only safety is to be shielded by the grace of God every moment, and not put out our own spiritual eyesight so that we will call evil good, and good, evil. Without hesitation or argument, we must close and guard the avenues of the soul against evil. T23 98.1

It costs us an effort to secure eternal life. It is only by long and persevering efforts, sore discipline, and stern conflict, that we shall be overcomers. But if we patiently and determinedly, in the name of the Conqueror who overcame in our behalf in the wilderness of temptation, overcome as he overcame, we shall have the eternal reward. Our efforts, our self-denial, our perseverance, must be proportionate to the infinite value of the object we are in pursuit of. T23 98.2

You must not allow your sympathies for yourselves to shield yourselves and others in wrong, because, to outward appearances, in your eyes, you see nothing to condemn. God sees; God can read the motives and purposes of the soul. I entreat you in the name of our Master, who has called us and appointed us our work, to keep your hands off, and leave us to do the work God has laid upon us. Keep your words of sympathy and pity for those who really deserve them, those who are pressed by the Spirit of God to show his people their transgressions and the house of Israel their sins. Error and sin in these last days are embraced more readily than truth and righteousness. The soldiers of the cross of Christ are now required to gird on the Christian armor and press back the moral darkness that is flooding the world. T23 98.3

God will give both of you precious victories if you surrender yourselves wholly to him, and let his grace subdue your proud hearts. Your self-righteousness will avail nothing with God. Nothing should be done by fits and starts, or in a spirit of rashness. Wrongs cannot be righted, nor reformations in character made, by a few feeble, intermittent efforts. Sanctification is not a work of a day, nor a year, but of a life-time. Without continual efforts and constant activity, there cannot be advancement in the divine life and the attainment of the victor's crown. T23 99.1

We are doing up work for the Judgment, and it is unsafe to work in our own wisdom and trust to our own judgment. With the spirit of self-confidence you now possess neither of you could be happy in Heaven; for there all, even the exalted angels, are subordinate. You have yet to learn subordination and submission. Both of you must be transformed by the grace of God. T23 99.2

Sister ——, I saw that you should be careful that you do not open a door of temptation to your husband that you cannot close at will. It is easier to invite the enemy into your hearts, than to dismiss him after he has the ground. Your pride is easily hurt, and you need to come more close to God, and seek with earnestness for grace, divine grace, to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. God will be your helper if you choose him for your strength. Both of you should encourage greater devotion to God. The only way to watch humbly, is to watch prayerfully. Do not for a moment think you may sit down and enjoy yourselves, and study your pleasure and your own convenience. The life of Christ is our example. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He was wounded, he was bruised. You are too well satisfied with your position. You have need of constant watchfulness lest Satan beguile you through his subtlety, corrupt your minds, and lead you into inconsistencies and gross darkness. Your watchfulness should be characterized by a spirit of humble dependence upon God. It should not be carried on with a proud, self-reliant spirit, but with a deep sense of your personal weakness, and a childlike trust in the promises of God. T23 100.1

It is now an easy and pleasant task to preach the truth of the third angel's message, in comparison with what it was when the message first started, when the numbers were few, and we were looked upon as fanatics. Those who bore the responsibility of the work in the rise and early progress of the message, knew what conflict, and distress, and soul anguish were. Night and day the burden was heavy upon them. They thought not of rest or convenience even when they were pressed with suffering and disease. The shortness of time called for activity, and the laborers were few. T23 100.2

Frequently, when brought into strait places, the entire night has been spent in earnest, agonizing prayer, with tears, for help from God, and light to shine upon his word. When the light has come, and the clouds have been driven back, what joy and grateful happiness rested upon the anxious, earnest seekers! Our gratitude to God was as complete as had been our earnest, hungering cry for light. Some nights we could not sleep, because our hearts were overflowing with love and gratitude to God. T23 101.1

Men who now go forth to preach the truth, have things made ready to their hand. They cannot now experience such privations as laborers in present truth have endured before them. The truth has been brought out, link after link, in a clear, connected chain. To bring the truth out in such clearness and harmony has required careful research. Opposition, the most bitter and determined, drove the servants of God to the Lord and to their Bibles. Precious indeed to them was the light which came from God. T23 101.2

I have been shown that the reason why some cannot discern the right is because they have so long cherished the enemy, who has worked side by side with them while they have not discerned his power. It sometimes seems hard to wait patiently till God's time to vindicate the right. But I have been shown that if we become impatient, we lose a rich reward. As faithful husbandmen in God's great field, we must sow with tears, patient, and hopeful. We must meet troubles and sorrows. Temptations and wearisome toils will afflict the soul, and we must patiently wait in faith to reap with joy. Those persons who are nowhere to be found in the time of peril and danger, when the strength, and courage, and influence of all are required to make a charge upon the enemy, God will have no use for in the final victory. Those who stand like faithful soldiers to battle against wrong, and to vindicate the right, warring against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, will each receive the commendation from the Master, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” T23 101.3

Never was there greater need of faithful warnings and reproofs, and close, straight dealing, than at this very time. Satan has come down with great power, knowing that his time is short. He is flooding the world with pleasing fables, and the people of God love to have smooth things spoken to them. Sin and iniquity are not abhorred. I was shown that there must be more firm and determined efforts by God's people, to press back the incoming darkness. The close work of the Spirit of God is needed now as never before. Stupidity must be shaken off. We must arouse from the lethargy that will prove our destruction unless we resist it. T23 102.1

Satan has a powerful controlling influence upon minds. Preachers and people are in danger of being found upon the side of the powers of darkness. There is no such thing now as a neutral position. We are all decidedly for the right, or decidedly with the wrong. Said Christ, “They that are not for me, are against me; and they that gather not with me, scatter abroad.” T23 102.2

There are ever found those who will sympathize with those who are wrong. Satan had sympathizers in Heaven and took large numbers of the angels with him. God and Christ and Heavenly angels were on one side, and Satan on the other. Notwithstanding the infinite power and majesty of God and Jesus Christ, angels became disaffected. The insinuations of Satan took effect until they really believed that the Father and the Son were their enemies, and Satan, the benefactor. Satan has the same power and the same control over minds now, only increased by exercise and experience a hundred-fold. Men and women are today deceived, blinded by his insinuations and devices, and know it not. They are, in giving place to doubts and unbelief in regard to the work of God, and cherishing feelings of distrust and cruel jealousies, preparing themselves for complete deception. They rise up with bitter feelings against the ones who have dared to speak of their errors and reprove their sins. T23 103.1

Those who have in the fear of God ventured out to faithfully meet error and sin, calling sin by its right name, have discharged a disagreeable duty, with much suffering of feelings to themselves; but they get the sympathy of but few, and suffer the neglect of many. Sympathizers are on the wrong side, and they carry out the purposes of Satan to defeat the design of God. T23 103.2

Reproofs always hurt human nature. Many are the souls that have been destroyed by the unwise sympathy of their brethren; for they, through their brethren's sympathizing with them, thought they must indeed be abused, and the reprover was all wrong and had a bad spirit. The only hope for sinners in Zion is to fully see and confess their wrongs, and put them away. Those who step in to destroy the edge of sharp reproof that God sends, saying that the reprover was partly wrong, and the reproved was not just right, please the enemy. Any way that Satan can devise to make the reproofs of none effect will accomplish his design. Some will lay blame upon the one whom God has sent with a message of warning, saying, He is too severe; and in so doing, they become responsible for the soul of the sinner whom God desired to save, and to whom, because he loved him, he sent correction, that he might humble his soul before God, and put his sins from him. These false sympathizers will have an account to settle with the Master by-and-by for their work of death. T23 103.3

There are many who profess to believe the truth who are blind to their own danger. They cherish iniquity in their hearts and practice it in their lives. Their friends cannot read their hearts, and frequently think such are all right. T23 104.1

E. G. W.

Black Hawk, Colorado, Aug. 12, 1873.

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