An Appeal to the Youth


OLCOTT, N. Y., JAN. 31, 1864

Dear Brother and Sister White: We deeply sympathize with you in your deep affliction. The surprise we experienced when the Review gave us the intelligence of the death of Henry, perhaps could not have been increased, except it were yourself or sister White. We all loved him here when we first saw him, and when he left us we loved him more. APYO 86.2

Do you remember at father Lindsay’, at the close of the last evening that you and your family were with us, he took the Hymn-book, and gave one to each. You said, “Well, Henry, what is it now? He referred to page 240, and we sang, “When shall we meet again? We did not know then, but now we are sure we shall, if among the worthy, meet him at the resurrection of the just.
E. B. Gaskill.
Mary A. Gaskill.
APYO 87.1