An Appeal to the Youth


KIRKVILLE, N.Y., DEC. 21, 1863

Dear Brother and Sister White: Our hearts are filled with grief and sadness. We mourn with you in your great bereavement. When the paper brought us the distressing intelligence of the death of Henry, we felt like those who are stunned by a heavy blow. Almost all the time you have been in our minds, and we have continued to beseech God that you might be sustained by his grace. APYO 84.2

The blow that has fallen surely did not come by chance. God’s wise purpose is in it, and he will bring good out of it to you, and glory to himself. He has chosen you in the furnace of affliction, and he will bring you out as gold fully refined. May God bless and sustain you. May he bind up your broken hearts. And may that long-expected, glorious morning soon break upon us, when you shall meet again the loved and the lost, and never taste of sorrow more.
J. N. Andrews.
A.S. Andrews.
APYO 84.3