American Sentinel, vol. 14

April 27, 1899

“A Frank Admission” American Sentinel 14, 17.

E. J. Waggoner

“Present Truth.” (London, Eng.)

A gentleman who has recently visited Rome writes ad follows in the Christian World:- AMS April 27, 1899, page 263.1

Rome would, if she had the power, still force her creeds by fire and faggot. I was talking ore, day while in Rome with a prelate of the Church on the question of heresy. “As a matter of fact,” I said to him, “I could not believe many of your doctrines. They are to me simply unbelievable.” “Ah, well,” he replied, “we distinguish in cases of heresy.” “In what way?” I asked. “Well,” he said, “there are two kinds of heresy-there is passive heresy and active heresy. Passive heresy is simply to doubt, but active heresy is to propagate the doubt. In the former case the Church is very merciful.” “But,” I asked, “suppose you as a Church had supreme power to-day as you once had, and suppose I felt it my duty to openly oppose certain articles of your faith. What would the Church do?” “It would stop at nothing to stamp out the heresy,” was his reply. AMS April 27, 1899, page 263.2

There is nothing to be surprised at in this, but there is danger that men will regard Rome as having a monopoly of the persecuting spirit. Persecution began with Cain. It was seen in Ishmael, and it will appear in everyone who is not born of the Spirit. As then, “he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even suit is now.” People may think that they will never persecute, but they certainly will unless they be born of the Spirit. Those who do not gather with Christ scatter abroad, and this is persecution. There is no such thing as “passive heresy” against the false doctrines of Rome. AMS April 27, 1899, page 263.3