The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1
GEROULD, Lyman (1819-1887) and Sophia (1826-1897)
Originally a Freewill Baptist, Lyman Gerould, together with Sophia, became a Sabbathkeeper in 1857 or 1858. Sometime in the 1840s he appears to have come to Kent County, Michigan, and was one of the earliest settlers in Caledonia Township. At various times in the 1850s Gerould held the offices of township supervisor and justice of the peace. 1EGWLM 831.1
On at least two occasions Ellen White stayed with the Gerould family in Caledonia. “Brother and Sister Gerould seem to know how to make pilgrims at home,” wrote James White on one of those occasions. Lyman Gerould was commended by Ellen White for his faithfulness in the Caledonia church but also corrected for his impatience with members who differed from him. 1EGWLM 831.2
See: Obituary: “Lyman Gerould,” Review, May 24, 1887, p. 334; obituary: “Sophia Gerould Devereaux,” Review, Dec. 7, 1897, supp., p. 2; History of Kent County, Michigan; Together With Sketches of Its Cities, Villages and Townships, Educational, Religious, Civil, Military, and Political History; Portraits of Prominent Persons, and Biographies of Representative Citizens (Chicago: Chas. C. Chapman & Co., 1881), pp. 641, 642, 644, 645; Ellen G. White, Ms 5, 1859 (Jan. 26 entry); Ms 6, 1859 (Apr. 28 entry); Lt 12, 1861 (Dec.); Ms 3, 1863 (July 22); J. W. [James White], “Report From Bro. White,” Review, May 12, 1859, p. 197. 1EGWLM 831.3