The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1


Annotation and Editorial Methodology

The intent of this series is to make available, in annotated form, all of Ellen White's extant letters and manuscripts.1 With few exceptions, writings that are readily available in other published and electronic formats have not been included in this series.2 The table of contents includes a complete chronological list of Ellen White's writings, with references to excluded published sources printed in italic font.3 1EGWLM 62.1

This volume provides a level of historical context for each document through a series of footnotes dealing with such matters as date of composition, identity of addressee, background to events and issues alluded to in the text, and clarification of obscure or archaic expressions. While having succinct notes has been the goal, some letters have required more extensive annotation, particularly those with considerable theological content. 1EGWLM 62.2