The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1


Lt 5, 1857

November 22, 1857, Battle Creek, Michigan 1EGWLM 545.4

Letter to
Elon Everts.1

Identity: Little is said directly about “Brother Everts” in this letter that might help to identify him, but it is implied that he has recently attended a conference at which Ellen White was present, is well acquainted with John and Mary Loughborough, and possibly lives in the area of Round Grove. This scenario matches the circumstances of Elon Everts well, having moved to Round Grove, Illinois, two years earlier (note 7), worked with John Loughborough in tent evangelism during the summer of 1857, and attended a conference with the Whites at Battle Creek two weeks earlier (note 2). For Everts's association with Loughborough in 1857, see J. N. Loughborough, “Sketches of the Past—Nos. 101, 104,” Pacific Union Recorder, Aug. 4, 1910, p. 7 and Sept. 1, 1910, p. 1.

1EGWLM 545.5

Previously unpublished.

Mary Loughborough's struggles with homesickness. “Worldly-mindedness among the brethren in Round Grove.” 1EGWLM 545.6

Dear Brother Everts:

The Lord has wrought for us since you left. After the conference2 my mind was very much depressed. Discouragement pressed heavily upon me. Last Friday night John [John Norton Loughborough] and Mary [Mary J. Loughborough]3 came here. At our prayer season my discouragement was so great it seemed to me I could not pray. But at last, in the agony of my soul, I cried unto God, and the light of heaven shone upon me. I was made free and to rejoice in God. 1EGWLM 545.7

I was soon taken off in vision and was shown some things concerning Mary and John; that it was not Mary's duty to go East; that God would not prosper her if she went.4 That God was willing to receive her and bless her again, but her will must die; she must yield to the will of God. Mary was affected.5 We are willing to do anything for these poor children. 1EGWLM 546.1

I saw that there was too much worldly-mindedness among the brethren in Round Grove [Illinois]. They get involved purchasing lands, and any effort made to raise means, to use it as it is needed in the cause of God, they eagerly seize it, so that there is no means left to sustain the servants of God, and the laborer for God is not considered worthy of his hire.6 There will have to be a change among the brethren in Round Grove. They are eaten up with the spirit of the world. They must begin to live out their faith, and die to the world. The third angel's message is not lived out; it is talked, but not acted upon.7 1EGWLM 546.2

There must be a separation from the world, an acting out of their faith. 1EGWLM 547.1

Other things I will write soon to individuals. I was shown the case of George Butler [George Ide Butler]. He has been misjudged and wronged by some in Round Grove. They have limited the Holy One of Israel. It is nothing strange that God should turn the infidel unto Him, and in the future they need not marvel if the conversion of infidels should be multiplied. I saw that the Lord had mercifully extended His mercy to George Butler and opened unto him His Word, that he could see its beauty and harmony, and be led to love and worship its Author.8 1EGWLM 547.2

E. G. White

Dear Brother Everts: Mary is coming round right. We are going to settle them to housekeeping if it is possible. This church can help some; but there have been so many objects of charity here that I hardly dare mention another case, for most of them are poor, have snug work9 to get along themselves. Last night I learned one brother, a French brother, was entirely destitute, and his family had lived on potatoes for two weeks. They must be helped. It is our book-binder. I guess you remember him.10 1EGWLM 547.3

Brother Everts, if you have some carpeting you can spare, please send it on. They will have to have one, to save work. 1EGWLM 548.1

If we can only get them fixed in Battle Creek, an important move is made toward making Brother John free.11 1EGWLM 548.2

If Sister Stone,12 or any of the rest of the sisters, have sheets or pillowcases that they can send on to Mary, it would be a help. Every little will help. Please interest others for them, and send what you can for them by Brother Holden. There will be much we shall have to do that others cannot do. 1EGWLM 548.3

In love. 1EGWLM 548.4