The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1


Ms 3, 1855

May 5, 1855,1 [Battle Creek, Michigan]2 1EGWLM 449.1

Fragments. 1EGWLM 449.2

Portions of this manuscript are published in Arthur L. White, Ellen G. White: The Early Years, p. 318.

Prospects of recovery for James White. Future of publishing house. 1EGWLM 449.3

I then inquired if James [James Springer White] would be spared or would be removed before the time of trouble.3

Ellen White's question probably reflects her anxiety concerning James's state of health throughout most of 1855. After his sister Anna White, who lived in the White home, died of tuberculosis in November 1854, Ellen was “greatly alarmed, that the disease that has preyed upon Nathaniel and Anna is preying upon James” (Lt 5, 1854 [Dec. 16]). Although he gained some relief during the spring of 1855, his condition again worsened, and Ellen White later confessed that for months prior to their move to Battle Creek in November 1855 she “greatly feared” that her children “might be left without a father's care.”

See: Ellen G. White, Lt 5, 1854 (Dec. 16); idem, “Communication From Sister White,” Review, Jan. 10, 1856, p. 118; idem, Spiritual Gifts [vol. 2], pp. 194-198; EGWEnc, s.v. “Time of Trouble.”

Said the angel, What is that to thee?4 Follow Jesus, follow the opening providence of God. Have unwavering faith in His promises. Walk by faith and not by sight. 1EGWLM 449.4

In regard to the office and what our duty is in regard to it, had no light,5 but was sighted to other visions that God had given.6 Look at them carefully; lose not sight of the opening providences of God; carefully regard all His teachings and obey them. I saw that no longer should those connected with the office bear the burdens they have borne.7 They must, they must, be free in mind and then their health will improve. There has been none to help them bear their burdens, but if faint or discouraged the comfort they had was to see others in the same state. 1EGWLM 449.5