The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1
Lt 7, 1853
August 24, 1853, Rochester, New York 1EGWLM 387.4
Letter to
Cyrenius and Louisa Smith.1
1EGWLM 387.5
Portions of this letter are published in Arthur L. White, Ellen G. White: The Early Years, p. 282.
Family news to friends in Jackson, Michigan. 1EGWLM 387.6
Dear Brother and Sister Smith:
We received the box of things Monday; it came all safe. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. The carpet is very nice, almost too nice to lay down upon the floor of a chamber. Thank you for the labor you have bestowed upon the carpet, skirt, and gloves. Accept our united thanks for your remembrance of us. Tell little Sis,2 Eddy [James Edson White, aged 4] likes his walnuts very much.3 According to J. N. Loughborough, Cyrenius Smith, of Jackson, had earlier demonstrated his generosity in selling his farm to aid “in the prosecution of the work of the message.” Adventist historian Brian Strayer has noted the exceptional generosity of the Jackson members. The carpet mentioned here would have been a welcome addition to the large but sparsely furnished house in which not only the Whites lived but also some of the Review staff. Ellen White recounts that in all “our family numbered from fifteen to twenty” during the Rochester period. See: J. N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement, p. 285; Brian E. Strayer, “Early Advent Waymarks in Jackson, Michigan: Parts I & II”; Ellen G. White, Spiritual Gifts [vol. 2], pp. 191, 160, 161.
We felt very sorry to hear of Brother Palmer's [Dan R. Palmer]6 illness. I hope he is much better. May the Lord spare him to help on His cause and glorify His name. 1EGWLM 388.1
James [James Springer White] has had some discouraged feelings of late, is much better now body and soul.7 Luman [Luman V. Masten]8 is coughing again; his lungs are affected, but the Lord is our physician; we shall hold on to His almighty arm. His labors are much needed in the office. He has overdone often. Stephen Belden [Stephen T. Belden] and Fletcher Byington [John Fletcher Byington] do not return from the office until 10, 12, 2 or 3 o'clock. They have labored uncommonly hard of late, and God has strengthened them, or they must have broken down. The Lord blessed us abundantly last Tuesday eve; our hearts were made glad and to rejoice in God. Praise His holy name. 1EGWLM 388.2
We start on our journey East in one week from today.9 I can write but little, as I have much to do. The paper comes off today. My little Edson's health is much better than it has been. We feel determined to have unshaken confidence in God. Our hearts cry out after the living God. My soul is not satisfied. I long to see the King in His beauty and be made like Him. 1EGWLM 389.1
Dear friends, how thankful we should be that we have a hope in God, that our treasure is on high. We will praise Him, we will honor Him, for He is high and lifted up and greatly to be praised. 1EGWLM 389.2
Please to remember me to all that I am acquainted with. I love them in Jackson [Michigan].10 Much love to your dear family. Thank Sister Caroline for writing and Sister Dickinson. James thanks you for what you have sent. May the Lord reward you is our prayer. 1EGWLM 389.3
I am not quite as well as usual; am filling with water; have bloated more or less since I returned from Michigan.11 My trust is in God. He will strengthen me, and rebuke disease. I have written some of my vision and directed it to Brother Palmer.12 You will have seen it, I think, before this reaches you. The gloves and skirt fit well. 1EGWLM 389.4
From your unworthy sister. 1EGWLM 389.5