The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1


Ms 2, 1852

March 14, 1852, Ballston, New York 1EGWLM 322.1

“Extracts From Sister White's Vision at the General Conference in Ballston, New York.”1 1EGWLM 322.2

Previously unpublished. 1EGWLM 322.3

Preparing for earth's final events. Utterances while in vision and explanations given after coming out of vision. 1EGWLM 322.4

“If the sins do not go beforehand to judgment, they will never go. Thy people (repeated four times) not ready (three times). In that time one sin uncovered will crush the soul. Heaven will give no answer. That time will try men's souls. Confusion will take place and their desire will not be accomplished.2 Can ye not see?—subjects of grace in that time of trouble3 one, or once sealed,4 sealed for heaven. Get ready! Get ready! Get ready! Get ready. Almost finished. 1EGWLM 322.5

“Look ye! Light all the way that is given must be acted upon. If that light is rejected, then stupidity will increase. Look ye! The ark of God can abide. The Most Holy is above the ark. Why cannot that ark abide there?5 The heart is not right with God. Ye I behold (repeated). Those that have that excellent reward sacrifice to obtain it. How afraid to die that they may live. Die to self, it is the hardest thing. Can ye not see that the people of God will be one when that unity prevails? Then will ye see His stately steppings6 even among you. The angels of God will behold it. 1EGWLM 322.6

“The sword cannot touch them. Can ye not see that prayers are going up from that company? His ear is heavy.7 That fountain is open for Judah and Jerusalem to wash in.8 Think ye that they can cover up the least sin and yet get in where the angels are? That sanctuary a great High Priest. Israel is not right. Why? Oh, why are ye not in love to plunge—bring them up, get ready (four times). He is coming. Unless you get ready, others will go in before you. Suffer them not to blind their eyes to their own destruction. Help the children to get ready. The four angels9 holding for Israel to get ready. Will the angels wait? No, look ye! Can ye not see? Not ready, something to be done. Self! Self! O Jesus, pity and forgive thine erring children.” 1EGWLM 323.1

After she came out of vision some things were more fully explained. Respecting that time [which] will try men's souls, confusion will take place and their desire will not be accomplished. 1EGWLM 323.2

That desire was with the people to dethrone their kings, but it would not be accomplished, for kings would reign until Christ begins to reign. Said she, I saw away off there in Europe just as things were moving to accomplish their desires, there would appear to be a slacking up once or twice. This would serve to harden the hearts of the wicked, but the work would not settle down, only appear to; for the minds of the rulers were as intent in sustaining themselves, as were the minds of the people to get the ascendancy.10 I saw that each party ruled and rulers were stretching their thoughts intensely on this work before them. The sins of Israel must go to judgment beforehand. Every sin must be confessed at the sanctuary.11 Then the work will move; it must be done now (“now” probably referred to some present). The remnant in the time of trouble will cry, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”12 1EGWLM 323.3

The latter rain13 is coming on those that are pure. None receive the latter rain but those that did all they could. Christ would help us. All could be overcomers by the grace of God through the blood of Christ. When the four angels let go,14 Christ would set up His kingdom. 1EGWLM 324.1