American Sentinel, vol. 12
December 23, 1897
“Two ‘Rusty’ Weapons” American Sentinel 12, 50.
E. J. Waggoner
“Present Truth” (London. Eng), November 15
Here are two bits from the Methodist Times which suggest a lesson that may be read over and over again in the story of the struggle of religious factious for worldly power. The Mayor of Lancaster was recently threatened with the penalties of an ancient religious law. Mr. Hugh Price Hughes thus commented on the affair:- AMS December 23, 1897, page 788.1
“Some Anglican bigot unearthed an ancient Act of Parliament by which any municipal officer was liable to a fine of £100 if he appeared in the robes and regalia of his choice in any place of worship except the Established Church.... Mr. Kelly and Mr. Bunting, have shown that the intolerant Act has been repealed during the Queen’s reign. Thus one more rusty weapon is taken out of the hands of intolerant schismatics.” AMS December 23, 1897, page 788.2
Surely the writer of this vigorous comment is ready to cry “hands off!” whenever anyone resorts to old religious laws as a means of promoting religious observances. But no; there are other old religious statutes still unrepealed, and Mr. Hughes sees in them a weapon which he thinks should not be allowed to get rusty. Of course people who want to keep Sunday keep it; but those who do not, Mr. Hughes would force to act as though they did. He says:- AMS December 23, 1897, page 788.3
We do not suggest anything unreasonable. All we suggest is that the law should sternly prohibit anything and everything of the nature of trade or money-making on Sunday. AMS December 23, 1897, page 788.4
That is all. To such rusty old weapons men resort when they forsake the “Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” AMS December 23, 1897, page 788.5