American Sentinel, vol. 12
October 14, 1897
“Blind Humanitarians” American Sentinel 12, 40.
E. J. Waggoner
“Present Truth.” (London, Eng.), September 23
No one can rightly question the sincerity of those seeking social reform who do not acknowledge God’s authority as the first step toward true reform. They merely do not know. But not to know is sinful, for men might know. When Jesus was condemned it was from this “general humanitarian” point of view. “It is expedient for us,” said Caiaphas, “that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.” But their rejection of Jesus and, in that, of God’s law and rulership brought swift ruin upon people and nation. Paul was denounced as a “pestilent fellow” and Christians were a sect “everywhere spoken against” because they were preaching the Gospel in a society that men were trying to bind together by universal ties of trade and common religion, enforced by civil law. But the Gospel of liberty which they preached was the only hope of society. Just so Papal Rome for many centuries tried to compel uniformity in error for the general good and peace of society. But Rome corrupted and ruined the world. AMS October 14, 1897, page 630.1
In the beginning Satan persuaded Eve that he stood for the interests of humanity as against God’s commands. All the trouble that floods the world and is hastening it to destruction was in that substitution of Satan’s way for God’s. the enemy has ever since posed as a humanitarian, working to persuade men that liberty and the general good are to be sought in rejecting God’s authority. The result is the bondage of sin. God’s Gospel calls men to liberty in Christ, which is the freedom of the obedience of love. This Sabbath question is but the test as to whether God’s way or Satan’s shall stand. The Sunday law advocate says that the general day of rest must not be God’s Sabbath, but Sunday, and to secure it to those who wish to keep it, those who do not must be forced to observe it. God’s Sabbath rest cannot be enforced by human law. Only faith establishes it. But it stands in the power of God as the sign of His power. And He will show that not only can men keep it and enjoy His rest when others do not, but that they can keep it when all the world seeks by force to compel them to reject it and accept the papal substitute. AMS October 14, 1897, page 630.2