American Sentinel, vol. 5


March 6, 1890

“Front Page” American Sentinel 5, 10.

E. J. Waggoner

We present herewith a fac-simile of page 26 of the latest document issued by the American Sabbath Union. The document as a whole comprises 126 pages, and entitled “Addresses on the Civil Sabbath, from Patriotic and Humanitarian Standpoint,” by Wilbur Crafts. It is not at all difficult to discern the handicraft of the author in the matter of which this is a fac-simile. AMS March 6, 1890, page 73.1

Please observe that the impression which is plain conveyed is, not that it should be or that it ought to be, but that it is “To be hung on the breast of every person who buys postage stamps, provisions, cigar clothing, or what not,” on Sunday. AMS March 6, 1890, page 73.2

At this rate how long will it be before they will be proposing to paint hobgoblins and devils upon the hats and garments, and to brand with the letter S the foreheads, of those who do not keep Sunday? AMS March 6, 1890, page 73.3

Neither the spirit nor the principle of this proposal is removed a single degree from that which did paint such devices upon the garments, and brand the foreheads, of people in times past. AMS March 6, 1890, page 73.4

And we should like for the author of this production to point out where in this proposal there is a particle of either patriotism or humanity. AMS March 6, 1890, page 73.5

And the libelous thing is for sale by the hundred!! And why for sale unless it is expected that they will used? And how can it be expected that they will be used, unless it is first presumed that the American people are of so loathsome a disposition as willingly to engage in such an infamous undertaking? AMS March 6, 1890, page 73.6

Such a presumption is an open insult to the civilization, and a cruel outrage upon the Christian sentiment, of the American people. AMS March 6, 1890, page 73.7

And the effect of it ought to be to arouse such a degree of righteous indignation as to consign the Sunday-law movement to the everlasting infamy which this badge shows that it deserves. AMS March 6, 1890, page 73.8

“Nothing but a Hoax” American Sentinel 5, 10.

E. J. Waggoner

The eight-hour movement is just now attracting considerable attention; but here is a bit of attention that it does not yet seem to have attracted: One of the great objects proposed to be accomplished by it is to furnish employment to those who now have no work. That is to say, there is such a vast number of men unemployed that the workday must be shortened, thus making it necessary to employ more men to do the work that there is to do, and so secure work for the army of the new unemployed. But here are the American Sabbath Union, and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union carrying on a campaign to secure laws “to prevent people from being forced to labor.” If now there is such an immense number of people who have no work; and if it is necessary to make such an effort as is the eight-hour movement to give them work; then how can it be that so many are being forced to labor as to make it necessary to enact laws to prevent it? and how can it that there is such an Egyptian bondage of enslaved toil as the Sunday-law advocates so lamentingly describe? In the proposed efforts in behalf of the workingman, these two movements do not fit together at all. And the reason is that one of them-the Sunday-law effort-is a fraud. It is true they claim that those are “forced to labor” only on Sunday. But, in view of the vast army of the unemployed, is it not true that there are a multitude of men who would be only too glad to have the opportunity to work on Sunday for proper wages? The fact is, that poor plea in behalf of forced labor on Sunday has not a solitary item of merit to support it. It is nothing but a sheer hoax. AMS March 6, 1890, page 74.1

“Object of the Association” American Sentinel 5, 10.

E. J. Waggoner

This Association exists for the purpose of advocating the principles of genuine religious liberty as declared in the words of Jesus Christ; and of maintaining the total separation of religion and the State according to the provisions of our National Constitution as it now stands. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.1

It is an association of Christians who maintain that Christianity, to remain pure and powerful, must never be connected as such in any way with the State; and that the State, properly to fulfill its functions, must never have anything whatever to do with religion as such, or with religious observances. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.2

United with government, religion never rises above the merest superstition; united with religion, government never rises above the merest despotism; and all history shows us that the more widely and completely they are separated, the better it is for both.-Supreme Court of Ohio. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.3

Secular power has proved a Satanic gift to the Church, and ecclesiastical power has proved an engine of tyranny in the hands of the State.-Philip Schaff. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.4

Accordingly we set forth the above declaration of principles. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.5

Membership is confined to Christians, not because we think none others are entitled to religious liberty-for, as our principles declare, all men are absolutely free and equal in this,-but solely because we desire as Christians to work for these principles, and we cannot therefore be joined with those who have no respect for Christ, whom we supremely love and honor. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.6

Membership is confined to temperance people, because temperance is a Christian principle, and as Christians, therefore, we cannot be joined with those who practice intemperance, or engage in the liquor traffic. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.7

Membership is confined to those who believe in civil government and in submitting to its authority, because this is according to the words of Jesus Christ. Civil government is an ordinance of God, and is supreme in civil things; for God has made it so in commanding Christians as well as all others to be subject to it. Its authority, however, is over the civil relations of men; and does not at all extend to religious things. (Matthew 21:15-21; Romans 13:1-10.) As Christians, therefore, we cannot be joined with those who despise government and reject civil authority. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.8

This Association maintains that it is the natural and inalienable right of every man to worship, or not to worship, according to the dictates of his own conscience and that he is responsible to God alone for the exercise of that right. With George Washington we hold that “every man who conducts himself as a good citizen is accountable alone to God for his religious faith.” Any interference with this right, on the part of any person or power, is as unwarranted as it is unjust. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.9

The aim of this Association is strictly in harmony with the intent of the Government of the United States under its Constitution. It was plainly declared by the framers of this Government that “no religious test shall ever be required as qualification to any office or public trust under the United States;” that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” and that “the Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.” It is therefore not only as Christians but as loyal American citizens that this Association proposes to disseminate its principles. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.10

There are already in existence three powerful organizations, two of which exist for the sole purpose of securing national religious legislation, and the third of which stands distinctly pledged to it. These three are the National Reform Association, the American Sabbath Union, and the National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.11

The sole purpose-the reason of existence-of the National Reform Association is to secure such an amendment to the United States Constitution as will make this what they choose to call a Christian nation, and by which Christian principles may be enforced by law. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.12

The sole purpose of the American Sabbath Union is to secure the enactment of laws both State and national, to strictly enforce upon all the observance of the first day of the week as a day of rest and religious worship. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.13

The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union stands in complete alliance with both of the above organizations, with all its methods and its influence to help secure the religious legislation which they both demand. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.14

Measures looking to the accomplishment of both these objects were introduced in the Fiftieth Congress, and have been introduced, and are now pending, in the Fifty-first Congress; and the intent is to carry both to a successful issue, if possible, before this Congress shall close. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.15

To oppose such measures by every fair, honorable, and lawful means, and to educate the public mind on the true relations of Church and State, are the leading objects of the National Religious Liberty Association; and it cordially invites all lovers of Christianity and the American Constitution to unite with it in the work to which the Association is devoted. AMS March 6, 1890, page 76.16

“Back Page” American Sentinel 5, 10.

E. J. Waggoner

Sunday, February 16, Rev. Heber Newton considerably surprised his congregation by delivering a sermon in glorification of the Roman Catholic Church. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.1

The Colorado Graphic is a live paper which is dealing out sturdy blows and sensible matter against Sunday laws and religious legislation generally. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.2

There is a bill pending in the Legislature of this State which actually proposes to prohibit parents from teaching their own children in their own homes without State supervision. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.3

The University of Pennsylvania is about to erect a $75,000 theater. The University of the immediate future will embody in its plant a ball-room, an athletic field, an opera-house, a billiard-room, a few lecture-rooms, a race-track for horses, and possibly a roulette table. Then the boys will be educated.-New York World. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.4

To those of our new subscribers whose papers seem to be slow in coming, we would beg to say, Please be patient with us. You will all surely get your papers. Our business has increased so far beyond our expectations ill so short a time, since coming to New York, that for two or three weeks we have been fairly overwhelmed. We are now getting things straightened out, however, and shall soon be able to fill all orders promptly. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.5

In the Washington City Sunday-law Convention, Congressman Wickham, of Ohio, strongly denounced the counter-petition to the Sunday laws and the religious amendment to the Constitution. He declared the counter-petition to be false and misleading, because there was nothing at all proposed in Congress of the kind that the petition mentions. He said no amendment had ewer been proposed touching upon the question of religion, and exclaimed, “Let them send in as many such petitions as they please; they can do no harm; they are aimed at nothing.” All this, and more to the same effect, in the face of the fact that there are now pending in Congress two bills and one amendment resolution relating directly to religion and religious observances. We give Mr. Wickham credit for having spoken to the best of his knowledge; but his knowledge upon a most important subject is certainly deplorably limited for one in his position. It is painful to see a member of Congress display such lack of information upon a subject upon which all the people are informed,- and that a subject with which he is specially and officially connected. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.6

Argue as you will, Sunday legislation is religious legislation, whether it be to restrict the sale of liquors, dry goods, cigars, soda-water, food or peanuts on Sunday, “commonly known as the Lord’s day.” It is true that those who desire to worship God on that day should not be interfered with, but our statute books are well provided with laws which secure to the religious observer all the privileges and protection he needs.-Colorado Graphic. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.7

It is probable that that bill at Albany, which proposes to obtrude the State between the parent and his child, and to have the State usurp the functions of the parent, is aimed at the parochial school and Roman Catholic teaching. But whatever it is aimed at, it embodies the principle of the most horrid despotism that ever disgraced a government. It is essentially Pagan. And the principle of this bill is identical with that of the Blair Resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.8

A Dispatch to the World, February 24, from Ashland, Wisconsin, says:- AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.9

This morning Edward Ells, W. W. Groves, and James Kane, Salvation Army officers, were committed to jail for one week for marching on Sunday to the music of a cornet and flute. On the same day a Young Men’s Christian Association meeting in a suburb was looted by toughs and no arrests have been made. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.10

This illustrates what we have several times pointed out, that where there are strict Sunday laws existing reverence for Sunday takes precedence of everything else, and actions which are in themselves innocent, are severely punished while crimes of open violence are passed by. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.11

Several times lately mention has been made of the National Religious Liberty Association. We are happy to announce that the AMERICAN SENTINEL has been chosen as one of the channels through which the Association will communicate with the public. We therefore open in this number of the SENTINEL a department for the Association. Our sixth page, or so much of it as the Association may require each week, will be devoted to the principles and the work of the Association as such. Of course the work of the Association is in the same line as that of the SENTINEL, but in this department the Association will speak for itself. The principles and object of the Association are fully set forth in its department in this issue, which we heartily commend to our readers. The Association has a membership of thousands scattered all over the country, and is doing noble work for the cause of civil as well as religious liberty. The Secretary, Prof. W. H. McKee, is stationed at Washington City, and will thus be enabled to furnish important information in regard to the efforts made there to secure religious legislation. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.12

We referred a short time ago to the attempt to force into the Legislature of Washington a chaplain, despite the language of the Constitution declaring that no public money shall ever be paid for any religious “exercise.” The House went so far as actually to select a chaplain, and set him to praying at the public expense. A protest was made and the question was referred to the Attorney-General. He rendered an opinion stating that he had made a thorough examination of the subject and had come to the conclusion that “a school board would be as much justified in employing a chaplain to open the schools with prayer as the House in electing a salaried chaplain. Therefore no money can be lawfully appropriated for any religious worship, exercise or instruction.” AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.13

Sunday, February 16, in Washington City, Mr. Crafts delivered his speech in favor of Sunday laws and against the counter-petition, which he says is so treacherously written as to have deceived even the elect into signing it. There was present to hear him a certain good Presbyterian. This Presbyterian gentleman heard Mr. Crafts through his whole speech-his “counterblast” to the “Advent petition,” the “Advent Sentinel,” and all: he then went home and picked up one of the counter-petitions that had been left at his house, signed it himself, and then got his wife and another lady to sign it also. Many thanks, friend Wilbur. We hope you will continue to cause that counter-petition thus to “deceive the elect.” AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.14

The Kaleidoscope, a bright 9-page college paper, comes to us from South Lancaster, Massachusetts. It is conducted by the students of South Lancaster Academy, and is an excellent paper. We wish both the Kaleidoscope and the institution which it represents abundant success. For terms of subscription, etc., see advertisement on another page. AMS March 6, 1890, page 80.15