The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America


EIGHTEENTH CASE. J. L. Munson, Star of the West, Ark

Mr. Munson, a Seventh-day Adventist, was indicted by the Grand Jury at the July term of the Circuit Court of 1886, for working on a Sunday in March, 1886. Mr. Munson was cutting briers out of his fence corner at the back of his field, one fourth of a mile from any public road, and one and one half miles from any place of public worship. He was indicted on the voluntary evidence of Jeff. O’Neal, a Free-will Baptist preacher. He was arrested November 3, 1886, and held under bonds of $300 for his appearance January, 1887. He confessed judgment, and Judge Herne assessed the legal fine of one dollar, with three dollars county tax. and costs, amounting to $14.20. This was paid by Mr. Munson, and he was released. TTR 890.2