The Present Truth, vol. 15

March 23, 1899

“The Perfect Salvation” The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner

“I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Romans 1:16. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 177.1

“Power belongeth unto God.” Psalm 62:11. It is an attribute of Divinity, for “there is no power but of God.” Romans 13:1. God is the Almighty-the One who possesses all the power there is in the universe. “Wisdom and might are His.” Daniel 2:20. “His way is perfect,” and whatsoever He doeth, “it shall be for ever.” Psalm 18:30; Ecclesiastes 3:14. Therefore it follows that the salvation which is effected by the power of God must be perfect, all-comprehensive, and eternal: “My salvation shall be for ever,” says the Lord. Isaiah 51:6: PTUK March 23, 1899, page 177.2

This salvation is not a theoretical salvation from some possible future evil, but a present salvation from a present and very real trouble. It is not merely salvation from some danger that threatens, but salvation from ills that have already well-nigh overwhelmed us. “Behold, now is the day of salvation.” It is true that the Gospel reaches out into the future, but only because it saves now, and eternity is only one continual now. “Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” PTUK March 23, 1899, page 177.3

When the birth of Jesus was foretold, it was said, “Thou shalt call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21. Jesus means Saviour. He saves people from sin. When sin entered into the world, death entered (Romans 5:12); for sin carries death within it (James 1:15). “The sting of death is sin.” 1 Corinthians 15:56. Sin, therefore, is a mortal disease that is on all mankind. Unless men are saved from sin, they must die; and in being saved from sin, they find salvation from death. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 177.4

Death is simply the absence of life. If life be taken away, death results. The words of the Lord are life, and those who hear His words have life; even though dead already, they receive life through the Word. Isaiah 55:3; John 5:24, 25. Death has come upon all men, because all have rejected the Word of the Lord, the Source of life. Jesus Christ is the Word (John 1:1), and He is the life (John 1:4; 14:6). So it is by giving men Himself that He saves them from sin and death. We are saved by His life. Romans 5:10. His life is the power that conquers death, and it conquers death because it is proof against sin, which is the cause of death. “There is no unrighteousness in Him.” His name is Jesus, Saviour, because He is in Himself salvation. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 177.5

Any so-called salvation that should deliver a man from one trouble, only to leave him to be destroyed by another, would be no salvation at all. If a man were condemned to death, the person who should nurse him through an illness only that he might be spared to be hanged, would not be entitled to the condemned man's warmest gratitude. It is not in any such way as that that God saves us. The inspired prayer, which must be fulfilled in every believer, is, “The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23. “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.” PTUK March 23, 1899, page 177.6

Jesus Christ saves us from sin-not merely from the punishment of the sins already committed, but from sinning-by giving us His own sinless life. This life is eternal life. Now, the characteristic of eternal life is that it is ever new. It is eternal because each moment it springs up fresh. Then it follows that the renewing of the body is necessarily included in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God says, “If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I have brought upon the Egyptians; for I am the Lord that healeth thee,” or, literally, “I am the Lord thy Physician.” Exodus 15:26. So when Jesus was on earth, He “went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him.” Acts 10:38. For be it known that the Gospel does not stop with the mere saving of a man; it has for its object something far beyond that,-so far beyond that it leaves no room for anybody to wonder if the Lord can save him; it takes a man from the very lowest state of degradation and makes him a salvation to others. Isaiah 49:6-9. So the well of water which springs up into everlasting life to those who receive the words of the Lord, also flows out in rivers of living water to refresh others. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.1

When Jesus saw the poor paralytic lying at the pool of Bethesda, He asked him, “Wilt thou be made whole?” John 5:6. When Peter found the man who had kept his bed for eight years, he said to him, ”?neas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole.... And he arose immediately.” Acts 9:34. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.2

This wholeness which comes through Jesus of Nazareth is wholeness of body as well as of soul and spirit. This is shown by the fact that the body was made whole; and the body was made whole in order that men might see the completeness of the salvation that is in the Gospel. So we read, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; who redeemeth thy life from destruction.” Psalm 103:2-4. The words of the Lord are “life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.” Proverbs 4:20-22. This is no theoretical, imaginary, or mystical salvation, but a real thing for practical, everyday life. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.3

The words “whole” and “holy” have a common Saxon origin. They are, in fact, but one word. So to be made whole means to be made holy. Wholeness is holiness. Now a man is not made whole if something is lacking. There can be no real wholeness of body without inward holiness. A man may have eyes that are as good as any man has in this world; but if he does not see God in His works, they are of no use to him. Ears are useless to a man who will not hear the Word of the Lord. If a man does not speak as the oracles of God, of what use are a mouth and a tongue to him? If a man does not think God's thoughts, he might as well have no brain. In short, if our bodies do not move in response to the impulse of the Spirit of God, they are altogether corrupt and perverted, no matter how fair and healthful an appearance they may present. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.4

“The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” God sees the sin in the heart; and since death is the product of sin, and disease is the working of death, He looks at the body of the person who is a sinner, and sees that “from the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it.” Isaiah 1:5, 6. For that sin, if not removed, will at the last reveal itself as “a noisome and grievous sore.” Revelation 16:2. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.5

Now,it is from every sin and every disease that Jesus saves those who believe on Him. “Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.” Matthew 8:17. When the lame man at the gate Beautiful had been healed in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, Peter said, “His name through faith in His name hath made this man strong; ... yea, the faith which is by Him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” The next day, being questioned about the matter, he said: “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, ... even in Him doth this man stand here before you whole.... And in none other is there salvation; for neither is there any other name under heaven, that is given among men, wherein we must be saved.” Acts 3:16; 4:10-12, R.V. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.6

The man who was healed, made whole, was saved. He is presented as a specimen of Christ's salvation. Peter's statement was, “He stands here before you whole in the name of Jesus, and there is not wholeness in any other.” Jesus takes the man in whom there is “no soundness,” and gives him “perfect soundness.” He makes the man whom He saves “every whit whole.” PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.7

In the prayer of Solomon at the dedication of the temple, this identity of sin and sickness is indicated: “Whatsoever plague, whatsoever sickness there be; what prayer and supplication soever be made by any man, or by all Thy people Israel, which shall know every man the plague of his own heart, and spread forth his hands toward this house; then hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelling-place, and forgive.” 1 Kings 8:87-99. The plagues that come on the land are only the outward manifestation of the plague that is in the hearts of men; and that is why it is said to those who make the Lord their refuge, “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” Psalm 91:10. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.8

This healing of the body, together with the forgiveness of sin, is not an arbitrary matter. It comes from an intelligent faith in the Word of the Lord. That Word must be taken absolutely as one's life, and must be brought into every act of life. When one lives wholly by the Word of the Lord, then it must necessarily follow that he will be every whit whole. God contemplates nothing less than this. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.9

This does not mean that the believer is immortal. Immortality is a gift bestowed only at the coming of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53. But it does mean that the perfect life of Christ shall be manifested in our mortal flesh (2 Corinthians 4:2), so that none of the weaknesses of the flesh shall hinder our perfect service to God and humanity, Jesus. Christ has “power over all flesh,” so that even as He Himself conquered in the flesh; He can deliver every one from the bondage of the flesh. Hebrews 2:14, 15. And this life of Christ dwelling in us is the assurance of immortality all His coming in glory. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 178.10

This deliverance is the absolute freedom which Christ declares to the world. He proclaims “liberty to the captives.” Isaiah 61:1-3. “For He hath looked down from the height of His sanctuary; from heaven did the Lord behold the earth; to hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death.” Psalm 102:19, 20. This freedom that the Lord gives is His own freedom. It is freedom from every bond. The one who acknowledges that he is the Lord's servant by right, and that God has perfect right to him, soul, body, and spirit, can say, “Thou hast loosed my bonds.” Psalm 116:16. Nothing that pertains to this sin-cursed earth can bind the soul that is absolutely yielded to God. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.1

The soul that knows this perfect freedom which the Gospel gives, will never, can never, appeal to any lower power to deliver him from oppression. “The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.” Psalm 103:6. “I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and the right of the poor.” Psalm 111:12. Surely the Lord will care for His own, and “hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith?” “Shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him?” “I tell you that He will avenge them speedily,” said Jesus. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.2

“Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.” James 5:7. What! exclaims one, “have we, after all, to wait till some future time for deliverance?” Be patient. The Lord has not promised that tribulation shall cease before His coming. In fact, it is impossible that it should cease as long as sin is in the world. Even the inanimate creation suffers because of sin which man has committed; and so long as there are sinners there must needs be trouble; but the Lord gives peace that is proof against tribulation. John 16:33. The promises enough to sustain life to all those who trust Him. Matthew 6:31-33; Psalm 37:3. At His coming there is the surety of such complete deliverance from every semblance of evil and oppression as the wildest dreams of social reformers have never imagined. Moreover, that deliverance is nearer than any reformer has dared to set for a realisation of his plans. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.3

Therefore, “trust ye in the Lord for ever; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” “With the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption.” PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.4

“The Gospel of Isaiah. Israel's Deliverance. Isaiah 14:1The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner


1. For Jehovah will have compassion on Jacob,
And will yet choose Israel.
And He shall give them rest upon their own
And the stranger shall be joined unto them,
And shall cleave unto the house of Jacob.
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.5

2. And the nations shall take them, and bring
them into their own place;
And the house of Israel shall possess them in
the land of Jehovah,
As servants and as handmaids;
And they shall take them captive, whose cap-
tives they were;
And they shall rule over their oppressors.
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.6

3. And it shall come to pass in that day, that
Jehovah shall give thee rest from thine
afflictions, and from thy disquiet, and from
the hard servitude that was laid upon
thee; and thou shalt pronounce this
parable upon the king of Babylon; and
shalt say:-
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.7

4. How hath the oppressor ceased! the exactress
of gold ceased!
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.8

5. Jehovah hath broken the staff of the wicked,
the sceptre of the rulers.
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.9

6. He that smote the nations in wrath, with a
stroke unremitted;
He that ruled the nations in anger, is perse-
cuted, and one hindereth.
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.10

7. The whole earth is at rest, is quiet; they
burst forth into a joyful shout;
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.11

8. Even the fir trees rejoice over thee, the cedars
of Libanus:
Since thou art fallen, no feller hath come up
against us.
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.12

9. Hades from beneath is moved because of thee,
to meet thee at thy coming;
He rouseth for thee the mighty dead, all the
great chiefs of the earth;
He maketh to rise up from their thrones, all
the kings of the nations.
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.13

10. All of them shall accost thee, and shall say
unto thee:
Art thou, even thou too, become weak as we?
art thou made like unto us?
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.14

11. Is then thy pride brought down to the grave;
the sound of thy sprightly instruments?
Is the vermin become thy couch, and the
earthworm thy covering?
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.15

12. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,
son of the morning!
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.16

It would be well if every one who is following these studies in Isaiah could keep with him for constant reference the article entitled, “The Time of the Promise,” which accompanied the first lesson. Each succeeding lesson would impress the truth there summarised more and more on the mind, until a glance at any part of the book of Isaiah would enable the student to see that it refers to the last days of this world's history. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 179.17

Consider the condition of Israel in the time when this prophecy was written. They were not in captivity, but were dwelling in the land of Canaan, under their own king. We do not know at just what date this was written, but we know that it was not later than 700 B.C. Isaiah prophesied during the reign of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, beginning at the close of the reigns of Uzziah. See Isaiah 1:1 and 6:1-9. Jotham and Ahaz each reigned sixteen years, and Hezekiah twenty-nine years. 2 Chronicles 27:1; 28:1; and 29:1. It was in the fourteenth year of Hezekiah's reign that Isaiah had a special message for him, announcing his death, and later his restoration. We know this because at that time fifteen years were added to the king's life. 2 Kings 21:6. The prophet had therefore been prophesying at least forty-six years, and this was 713 B.C. He did not prophesy after Hezekiah's death, even if he did so long as that, since if he had it would have been mentioned in Isaiah 1:1. But even if he continued till the death of Hezekiah, his work was all at least 700 before Christ, for Hezekiah died in 698 B.C. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 180.1

Now this little study of date is not a technical matter. It is a thing of vital importance. From it we see that this prophecy of Isaiah concerning the choosing of Israel, and bringing them to their own place, giving them rest in their own land, was uttered nearly a hundred years before they were carried away to Babylon. At the time the promise was spoken, the kingdom was enjoying prosperity, and the Israelites were dwelling safely in the land of Canaan; yet God promised that they should yet have rest in their own land. This is very significant. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 180.2

A similar thing is found in the history of David. See 1 Samuel 7:1-10. There we learn that when David, at the height of his power, the Lord having given him rest from all his enemies, proposed to build a house for the Lord, he received a great promise from God, a part of which was this: “Moreover I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more as beforetime.” These things show plainly that the present land of Canaan, even though as fruitful as in the days of Joshua, is not good enough for an inheritance for God's people. David confessed that he was only a stranger and a sojourner in the land, and that was when the kingdom was at its greatest. 1 Chronicles 29:15. He considered himself as much a sojourner as were Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Only when sinners are destroyed out of the land, so that the children of wickedness cannot afflict any more, do the meek inherit the earth, and delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Psalm 37:9-11. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 180.3

“Of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.” 2 Peter 2:19. “Every one that committeth sin is the bondservant of sin.” John 8:34, R.V. “His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.” Proverbs 5:22. No man can be in bondage if he is not overcome by sin. Daniel was in Babylon for more than seventy years, but he was never in bondage. He would not yield to sin, and so instead of being a servant, he became ruler of the realm. His three companions were likewise free. So free were they, even in Babylon, that when they were bound with cords, and cast into a burning furnace, because of their loyalty to God, the fire that was designed for their destruction, merely burned the bonds, and allowed them to walk at liberty. They were “free indeed,” for the Son Himself made them free. See Daniel 3:13-25. Thus we see that only sin can make one a captive in Babylon, and Satan is the author of sin; therefore when we read the promise that God's people shall take captive those by whom they were formerly taken captive, and shall rule over their oppressors, we know that it means victory over all their sins, and over all the power of the devil. It is the fulfilment of the oath which God swore to our father Abraham “that He would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life.” Luke 1:73-75. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 180.4

The victory is ours now, for “this is the victory that hath overcome the world, even our faith.” 1 John 5:4. But there will come a time when Satan himself shall be bound, so that he can “deceive the nations no more.” Revelation 20:1-3. Then not only a part but all of God's people, gathered out of all the lands, will burst forth into singing: “How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased! The Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers. He who smote the people of wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth.” The promise is that they who seek after our soul, and desire our hurt, shall be turned back and brought to confusion; they shall “be as chaff before the wind,” and the angel of the Lord shall cease them; their way shall be dark and slippery, and the angel of the Lord shall persecute them.” Psalm 35:4-6. The song of the redeemed upon Mount Zion must be learned here, for the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Zion. Isaiah 51:11. It will be a new song that they sin; but it is now, in this present age, that the Lord lifts us out of the horrible pit, and the miry clay, and sets our feet on the Book, and establishes our goings, and puts a new song in our mouths. Psalm 40:1-3. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 180.5

This song of redemption is sung over deliverance from the power of the king of Babylon. Can there be any question as to who this king is?-It is the one who smites the nations in wrath with a continual stroke. When he is laid low, “the whole earth is at rest, and is quiet.” It is none other than the adversary, the devil, who goes about in the whole earth, to destroy the inhabitants thereof. Even he is to be brought low, although at one time he was “Lucifer, son of the morning,” but is “fallen from heaven.” No chapter shows this identity between the real king of Babylon, and Satan, more fully than this one. Let this fact be fully grasped and held; let it be understood that the book of Isaiah was written for the last days, and that it applies specially to us, and the entire prophecy becomes simple, and may be read with pleasure and profit. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 180.6

“The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2) is Satan, “the god of this world.” 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4. As he has gained the place which rightly belongs to God, in the hearts of men, it naturally follows that he rules in the nations that forget God. In ancient times there were no nations on earth but unqualified heathen. Devil-worship was the worship of heathendom, and Satan was the real ruler in every kingdom. Now the leading nations of earth are professedly Christian, yet every one is openly and decidedly at variance with the teaching of Christ. The precepts of God are defied, and those who will follow them and teach others to do so, are punished. Consequently Satan, the author of confusion, because the originator of envy and strife,-the king of Babylon,-still reigns, and oppresses many, even of the people of God. But “thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” God has visited the nations, to take out of them a people for His name, every one who overcomes will be given power over the nations. Revelation 2:26, 27. But the necessary qualification for ruling the nations is the ruling of one's own spirit, and this can be done only through Christ, who has been given “power over all flesh,” and in whom we are made complete. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 180.7

“Studies in the Gospel of John. The Glory of God” The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner

John 11:32-45

Jesus was in a retired place beyond Jordan, whither He had gone to escape the continual persecutions of the Jewish rulers. There He taught; the people in quiet, “and many believed on Him there.” John 10:42. While He was there, one of His dearest friends fell ill, and his sisters sent word to Jesus, saying, “Lord, he whom Thou lovest is sick.” John 11:3. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 181.1

“When Jesus heard that, He said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.” Verse 4. Yet Lazarus died. What shall we say, therefore? What should we say if it were a present instead of a past occurrence? if we had received the assurance that our loved one's sickness was not unto death, but for the glory of God, and he was now lying cold and lifeless? Would we say that the word of the Lord had failed? that either the Lord had made a mistake, or else we had misunderstood His words? That is what we should be likely to say, but it is just what we ought not to say. “The word of the Lord shall stand for ever.” Although Lazarus had been dead for days, his sickness was not unto death, but for the glory of God. Can you believe the word of the Lord even when it is very “apparent” that it has failed? That is faith; and faith that will not be shaken by anything that appears, will bring victory out of defeat, and life from the dead. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 181.2

At last the Master, had come to the home where He had passed many pleasant hours in unrestrained, quiet, Christian fellowship. He was met with the words, “Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” Verse 21, also 32. This was the greeting of each sister. It almost seemed as if the Friend had been indifferent. He had tarried two whole days after hearing of the sickness of Lazarus, before making any movement toward going to see him. Oh, glorious indifference! It was the indifference of Omnipotence,-not indifferent to human suffering and human need, but indifferent to the threats of a foe whose utmost power could avail nothing. It was the immovable calm that comes from the consciousness of “all power.” No one can by any means pluck a single soul out of the hand of the great Shepherd. The gates of the grave cannot prevail against one of those whom He bears upon His heart. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 181.3

What need to be in a hurry? “He that believeth shall not make haste.” Suppose the grave did close for a moment upon one whom it claimed as its prey: that proved nothing. When a general was informed in the heat of the battle that the day was lost, he coolly replied, “Very well, we'll take it again,” and he did. Defeat was but a step to victory. So death did not disconcert the One who could say, “I am the Resurrection and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die.” Verses 25, 26. What a marvellous confidence in the power of the Father, was manifested in the seeming indifference of Jesus! He claimed nothing for Himself; He acknowledged that He had no power in Himself; but He knew what He had believed, and in quietness and in confidence was His strength. What a lesson of trust there is for us in this story of Jesus and Lazarus. “Trust ye in the Lord for ever; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” PTUK March 23, 1899, page 181.4

“Jesus wept.” So did Mary and Martha, and so did the Jews who had come to condole with them. They all wept. But whoever supposes that Jesus wept as the rest did, makes a great mistake. It is unfortunate that none of our English versions indicates any distinction here, for there is a marked difference. In the Greek two different words are used, and some translations are faithful to it. The word used concerning Mary and Martha and the others is properly rendered “weep,” and may be used to indicate any loud lamentation and wailing; but Jesus simply “shed tears.” The fountain of Divine love and compassion is always full to overflowing. Jesus must shed tears at the sight of human anguish, even when He knew that the power was in His hands to remove it, and He was just on the point of doing so. Here is an example to us, that we may “sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.” 1 Thessalonians 4:13, 14. He who sorrows only with Jesus, and only as He sorrows, has such joy as the world knows nothing of. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 181.5

“Jesus therefore again groaning in Himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it. Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto Him, Lord, by this time he stinketh; for he hath been dead four days. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldst believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up His eyes, and said, Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard Me. And I knew that Thou hearest Me always; but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that Thou hast sent Me. And when He had thus spoken, He cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth! And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes; and his face was bound about with a napkin Jesus saith unto them. Loose him, and let him go.” John 11:38-44. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 181.6

“Thou shalt see the glory of God.” Did any dazzling light shine upon the company there assembled? There is no evidence of any such thing. Everything was quiet, and no light appeared to any, except the ordinary daylight; yet all present saw the glory of God. How?-In the power that was displayed in the resurrection of Lazarus. When Jesus turned the water into wine, at the marriage in Cana, “He manifested forth His glory.” John 2:11. God's glory is His power, and that is His righteousness. “God is light” (1 John 1:5), so that His glory is His own personality,-His character,-and since His glory is His power, we see that He is glorious and powerful because He is righteous. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 182.1

That the power and the glory of God are the same, may be learned by comparing Romans 6:4 and Ephesians 1:17-20. In the former we read that “Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father,” and in the second we read that the resurrection of Christ from the dead, and His elevation to the right hand of God in the heavenly places, was the result of the working of the “mighty power” of God. His power was “wrought in Christ,” and, moreover, the Spirit of God earnestly desires that we may know the “exceeding greatness” of this power, which is “to usward who believe.” Whatever the Spirit desires for us, we shall have if we consent to be led by the Spirit. Let us think what this means to us. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 182.2

The glory of God is the power of the resurrection, and this power it is possible, nay, absolutely essential, for us to know. Philippians 3:10. We are exhorted thus, “Glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:30. This can mean nothing less than that the power of Christ's resurrection is to be manifested in the bodies of Christians. But this is the power by which Lazarus was raised from the dead,-the power by which Christ was raised from the grave. And this means a power-the life of Christ-in men that will lift them above the power of death. “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.” 2 Corinthians 4:11. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 182.3

The same thing is set forth in Romans 8:10, 11: “If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken [make alive] your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.” The Spirit is life; therefore the Spirit cannot dwell in a man in fulness without imparting life to that man. The life of the Spirit makes the man live in spite of mortality. That this imparting of life is now, in the present world, and not something to be expected in some future state, is shown by the verse following: “Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die; but if ye, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” Having received the Spirit, we are debtors to live according to the Spirit, and not according to the flesh. That is to say, the Spirit gives us all His fulness, so that we owe everything to Him; but in that condition the flesh gives us nothing of its corruption, so that we owe nothing to it. But when the flesh gives us nothing of its corruption, then we are delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glory of the liberty of the sons of God. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 182.4

The same truth is taught in Isaiah 40:3-5: “The voice of Him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” Where is the way of the Lord to be prepared?-In men. The way of the Lord is prepared by preparing the people for the Lord, “And thou, child shalt be called the prophet of the Highest; for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways; to give knowledge of salvation unto His people in the remission of their sins.” Luke 1:76, 77. The Lord's way is in the hearts and lives of His people. When that way is prepared, then the glory of the Lord may and will be revealed in His people; and the glory of the Lord is His life. It is by believing that we receive the Lord, and become sons of God; and thus it is that to us, as well as to the sisters of Lazarus, the words come, “If thou wilt believe, thou shalt see the salvation of God.” What glorious things God has prepared for them that love Him! PTUK March 23, 1899, page 182.5

“Loose him, and let him go.” Christ came to set the captives at liberty. “I the Lord have called Thee in righteousness, and will hold Thine hand, and will keep Thee, and give Thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.” Isaiah 42. But the word of reconciliation is committed to us; it is put into all who are reconciled. To men is entrusted the work which Jesus of Nazareth began. “Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee, and I will preserve thee and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages; that thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Show yourselves.” Isaiah 49:8, 9. A comparison of this text with 2 Corinthians 6:1, 2, will show that believers in Christ are the ones addressed. Not only are Christ's people to have the unconquerable life of Christ manifested in their own mortal flesh, but they are to minister it to others. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 182.6

“Little Folks. The Gospel of the Spring. The Birds” The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner

“The winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; and the time of the singing of birds is come.” What a sweet, bright, joyous time is the Spring-time, is it not? The very air seems to be full of the new life that is to be seen everywhere. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.1

The birds feel it, and after feebly chirping and twittering through the cold, dark months of winter, they join in the general rejoicing and burst out in the Spring-time into full, sweet song, and so help to make this the happy season that it is. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.2

How busy they are, too; for this is a most important time for them. Of what, do you suppose, are they thinking, as they sing so merrily while they are busy gathering the materials for their nests, and skilfully weaving them together in the way that God has taught them to do? PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.3

These nests are not for themselves; the birds do not build nests for a home and shelter for themselves. They are thinking lovingly of the treasure that the pretty warm nest will soon hold the precious eggs, which, if all goes well, will hatch into dear little baby birds, to be fed, and cuddled under their wings. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.4

There is an ancient saying, “Everything comes from the egg; it is the world's cradle.” As far as we have gone in these lessons we have found this to be true. Even the plants come from the egg, for the seeds that they spring from are really the little eggs of the plant. And the eggs that the bees, butterflies, spiders, and birds lay, are really the seeds from which now bees and butterflies and spiders and birds will at last come. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.5

So you see that the seed and the egg are really the same thing; the egg is the seed, and the seed is the egg. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.6

Remember now what we learned is the real seed,-“The seed the Word of God,”-and then you will know what is the power working in these wonderful and beautiful little eggs, which changes them into living creatures like the parent birds. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.7

It is the Word of God, that is hidden in them, just as it is in the seeds that we sow in the ground, making them grow up into beautiful living plants like those from which they came. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.8

For when, in the beginning, God made “every winged fowl after his kind,” and “saw that it was good,” He “blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply,” and, “let fowl multiply in the earth.” PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.9

“The Word of God is living and active;” it lives and works. And so this word that He spoke in the beginning, when He put His blessing upon all the birds that He had made, is still carrying on His great work of creation, causing the birds to “multiply in the earth,” just as He said. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.10

And every Spring-time, when their life seems the fullest and brightest, the birds feel the working of this Word of life within them. Because of it, and by the power of it, they bring forth the eggs, which they tend so lovingly and carefully, no that the Word of God may be fulfilled, and they themselves may be multiplied. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.11

As you see them about this Spring-time, so busily and happily building their to make a safe shelter for the eggs which they know are coming, think of the meaning of these things, and of this wonderful Word that is working so powerfully after all these ages. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.12

Then I am sure you will not want to take any of the pretty eggs you may see in their little nests, but will leave them where the Word of God can carry on its perfect work in them, so that the birds may be multiplied in the earth, to teach us of God, their Creator and ours, and to make us happy with their sweet songs. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.13

“The Bird's Egg” The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner

All of you have seen the inside of an egg, and know that it contains the yolk and the white. If you look at the yoke carefully you will see on the surface of it a little transparent speck of jelly. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.14

This small lump of jelly is really the young bird, or what will turn into it. All the rest of the egg is for the nourishment of this little speck, just as the greater part of the seed is usually for the nourishment of the tiny speck that gradually unfolds into the new plant. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.15

The wisdom and skill of the Creator is beautifully seen in the arrangement of the bird's egg. The yolk is lighter than the white, and so it floats in it, and is suspended in such a way that however the egg may be rolled the chick always uppermost, so as to come the nearest to the mother bird's body, and get the most heat from it. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.16

At the end of the second day after the mother bird begins to sit, the life of the tiny bird begins, for then the heart starts its quick and regular beating, which will go on as long as its life, so wonderfully developed, shall last. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.17

On the sixth day the bird begins to move, but it is not until about fifteen days from the beginning, that the first cry is heard from the perfect little living bird, while still within the shell. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.18

As long as it remains in the shell, the bill is so soft and fleshy that it would not be able to cut the way out, if God had not provided it with a special little instrument for this purpose. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.19

This is a sharp little growth on the top of the bill, which pierces through the hard shell, and, when the bird turns, cuts the end of it right off, leaving an opening through which the little creature makes its way out into the world. As there is no further use for this, it soon drops off. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.20

The Word of God, that can change an egg into a beautiful bird full of life and power, just what He meant it to be, can work in your heart to make you exactly what He wants you to be. Ask Him to do this, and “let the Word of God dwell in you richly.” PTUK March 23, 1899, page 186.21

“The Eider Duck” The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner

You all know what eider-down is, don't you? Some of you no doubt sleep every night under a warm coverlet made of it. I am going to tell you where it comes from, and how it is obtained. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.1

The eider duck is a tame bird that lives in the North of England, and Scotland, and in the Orkney and Shetland Islands. The female lays five or six eggs in a nest which she lines thickly with the beautiful soft down plucked from her own breast. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.2

The collectors of the elder-down get it by robbing the nest; they steal the down, and take away the eggs as well, so as to make the duck line the nest again for a fresh supply of eggs. This she does, again plunking down from her breast to make a soft bed for her dear eggs, but this time she lays only three or four. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.3

But the greedy collectors come again and rob the nest, taking eggs as well as down, so that she will have to line it a third time. She has now no down left to pluck from her own body, so she calls plaintively to her mate, the drake who is her partner, to come to her help, and he willingly plucks the soft feathers from his breast to make a new line for the nest. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.4

“For wear the brown duck stripped her breast
For her dear eggs and windy nest,
Three times her bitter spoil was won
For woman, and when all was done,
She called her snow-white piteous drake,
Who plucked his bosom for our sake.”
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.5

If there is a third cruel robbery, the pair go away and never come back to that place, but seek one where they can be multiplied in peace and safety. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.6

The sorrows of any of His creatures touch the loving heart of the Creator and Father of all. He sees and notices everyone, for “not a sparrow falls to the ground without His notice.” Do not forget this, but learn, dear children, to be kind and pitiful to all, “that you may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven.” Let us be always careful PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.7

“Never to blend our pleasure or our pride
With sorrow of the meanest thing that feels.”
PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.8

“A Strange Egg” The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner

The little eggs in their cozy nest, that are found there only in the Spring season, are the birds dearest treasures. Some of them will suffer almost anything themselves, rather than have any harm or damage done to these. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.9

There is a bird that is found in the North of England and Scotland called the Guillemot. It has been given the name, “Foolish Guillemot,” because it will allow itself to be taken captive rather than desert its egg. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.10

It lays only one, unless this is stolen from it, when it sometimes lays a second, and even a third, but it never has more than one at a time, and this one is very precious to it. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.11

There is something I want to tell you about this egg. Notice, and remember, because it will help you to see how wonderfully and beautifully God has made all His works to fit just a place He made them for. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.12

You know that the usual shape of an egg is a sort of oval,-what we call an “egg oval,” or “egg-shaped.” But instead of being this shape the egg of the Guillemot is much longer than is usual for a bird's egg, and one end is very wide, while the other is very narrow, for it tapers down gradually from the wide end almost to a point. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.13

Put your peg-top, which is wide at one end and pointed at the other, on the table, and blow it hard, or push it gently, and you will see that instead of rolling off the table it rolls round and round in its own circle. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.14

Now the Guillemot makes no nest, but lays its egg on the bare rock overhanging the sea, usually on a narrow ledge, sometimes not more than six inches wide. If it were the ordinary shape, the high winds would be sure to blow it off the rock where there is nothing to hold it, into the surging see below. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.15

And now you see why the Creator has made this egg-shape,-so that it may be quite safe in just a place where He has taught the Guillemot to lay it; for instead of being blown off the rock, it only rolls round on it. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.16

Is it not sad, children, that when God has shown such tender mercy and loving care for the egg of this poor bird, men should be constantly on the watch to steal it away from her? One man tells with seeming pride, instead of the shame that should be felt, that he carried away in his boat over two thousand of these eggs from a certain part of North America. Remember that each bird has only one egg, and think what this would mean to two thousand sorrowing mothers. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 187.17

“A Personal Testimony” The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner

One of our readers sends us a long letter setting forth the many advantages of a pure, non-flesh diet, from which we quote the following:- PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.1

Ripe fruits, nuts, cereals, and good bread, contain every essential constituent for building up our bodies and keeping them in health. There is nothing contained in flesh, that will make one strong and vigorous, but what can be obtained in a greater degree from the vegetable kingdom, in a much purer form, and therefore more free from contaminations and diseases. I do not advocate that any work of the flesh will give eternal life; but this way of living entirely opposes the desire for stimulants, such as alcohol, tobacco and snuff. The prophet Isaiah says strong drink causes us to “err in vision and stumble in judgment.” If our bodies are kept pure (and pure food makes pure blood), we shall be in a better condition to receive the Spirit of God, who will guide into all truth. This most delightful, healthful and enjoyable mode of living would indeed be a boon to parents having large families and limited incomes, as they would find it most economical and they would insure their children sound, robust constitutions. After fifteen years’ experience of this way of living, I can testify to its advantage in every way. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.2

“Jottings” The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner

-A fire in a Swiss village destroyed 100 dwellings. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.3

-Eighty three pearling vessels were sank in the recent hurricane off the coast of Queensland, 111 lives being lost. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.4

-The incessant traffic across London Bridge reduces to powder about twenty five cubic yards of granite every year. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.5

-The number of Jews sitting in the present House of Commons is nine, the largest number on record at any one time. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.6

-A cubit foot of newly-fallen snow weighs five and a half pounds, and has twelve times the bulk of an equal weight of water. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.7

-The new Allan liner, Castilian, has gone ashore during a dense fog, on her first voyage. It is feared she will become a total wreck. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.8

-A Bill introduced into the Commons to raise the flash-point of petroleum to 100 degrees was opposed by the Government, and defeated. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.9

-Several vessels which left America for Europe, but have been long overdue, are now regarded as lost in the recent storms. Upwards of 300 lives are involved. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.10

-Besides the European States, the following countries will also be represented at the Peace Conference: The United States of America, China, Japan, Persia, and Siam. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.11

-The deepest ocean sounding yet recorded has been made by a British war vessel. A depth of 4,782 fathoms (nearly 54 miles) was found between Auckland and the Tongan Archipelago. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.12

-A Birmingham money-lender sued for payments of the balance of a loan. The judge made an order for payment at the rate of a penny a month, thus allowing sixty years for the repayment of the money. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.13

-Some time ago a local committee was appointed to inquire into the alleged danger of disease arising from oysters eaten from the Southend beds. The report of the committee has been issued, and has led to the authorities peremptorily ordering the beds to be closed. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.14

-An entirely new method for the manufacture of table cutlery is now announced. A round bar of steel is placed in a machine, and by means of hydraulic pressure a perfect knife is formed. One such machine is capable, it is stated, of producing 5,000 of these all steel knives per day. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.15

-The Bill for the amalgamation of the South-Eastern and London, Chatham and Dover Railways was read a second time on Tuesday, after a long discussion, and sent to a Hybrid Commission, who are to embody in the Bill the concession to be imposed upon the Company in the way of cheap fares, etc. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.16

-Considerable uneasiness has been caused at the Vatican by the conversions to Protestantism which are going on in Austria. The Nuncial at Vienna has informed the Vatican that 10,000 Catholics have become Protestants. The Pope will address an appeal to the Emperor of Austria to take steps to arrest the movement. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.17

-The plasterers’ lock-out has entered upon its second week. Only 250 of the 3,850 London plasterers affected in the lock-out are actually idle, as the demand for men is great among the builders not connected with the Master Builders association. The first week less than ?1,000 was distributed by the union in strike-pay in London and the provinces. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 190.18

“Back Page” The Present Truth 15, 12.

E. J. Waggoner

“Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.1

It is evident that this statement is equivalent to saying that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, since the only hearing by which faith comes, is the hearing of the Word. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.2

Faith is not manufactured; it exists, and is given to us. It exists in the Word of God, and comes to us with that Word. There can be no faith apart from the Word of God, and there cannot fail to be faith where the Word of God abides. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.3

Why then does not everybody believe?-Simply because they will not hear. In a sense, everybody has heard, because the Word has gone to the ends of the earth; but most people hear only a sound, or hear only to forget. If a man hears sounds only occasionally, and is deaf the greater portion of the time, he could not be called a man with the sense of hearing. The man who hears, is the one whose ears are always acute, who hears all the time. One who thus hears the Word of God must believe and live. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.4

“Hear, and your soul shall live.” He who hears must live. “The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live.” John 5:25. But it is by faith that men live, for faith comes by hearing. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.5

“By faith we understand.” It matters not that this expression is used with reference to one particular thing, namely, the creation of the worlds; it applies equally to everything that may be known; for it is only by the Word of God that we understand that the worlds wee framed by the word of God, and we may equally well understand anything else of which the Word of God gives information. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.6

Therefore to believe and understand the truth-the Word of God, (John 17:17)-is the easiest thing in the world; one has only to hear it. Mind this: One does not hear the Word of God, and then take it under consideration for a season, until, after mature deliberation, he arrives at a point where he can believe. Far from it. “Faith cometh by hearing.” The Word brings faith with it. One cannot argue faith into himself or anybody else; neither can any amount of reasoning inspire faith in any soul. It may be long after the Word of God is first presented, before faith comes; but the moment that Word is really listened to, faith appears, and if faith be cherished it will guide the reason. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.7

The Word of God is revelation. God reveals Himself. The Word of God is light, because God is light. So the entrance of His Word gives light. Psalm 119:130. His Word is a lamp to the feet, and a light to the path. Verse 105. “The commandment is a lamp, and the law is light.” Proverbs 6:23. Now one does not see a light by means of reasoning and argument, but simply by - opening his eyes; and, further, it is the light that opens the eyes, so that the light is its own evidence and makes its own introduction. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.8

Why then should anybody ever stumble over God's Word? There is no need of it. Indeed, it is really over themselves, over their own ideas and conceptions, which they interpose between themselves and the light of the Word, that men stumble. Hold yourself to the Word; shut yourself out, and look at and listen to only the Word; “then shall thy light break forth as the morning.” Then instead of wondering how some people can see so much in the Bible, you will wonder how you ever kept from seeing so much. Then you will find that belief and understanding are as easy and natural as hearing. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.9

The Spectator says: “The relations between England and France are much less strained. Both in Paris and London the Foreign Offices are in earnest conference with diplomatists, and it is rumoured that some very large plan is on the on the carpet-the transfer of the Free Congo State to France-under cover of which all minor disputes, such as the Newfoundland question and the Madagascar question, way be suddenly and amicably settled. The Paris Press preacher, peace between the two powers as a necessity of civilisation, and compliments M. Dolcasse on his modereation and desire to meet friendliness with amity. So long as the Channel Fleet is always ready, Englishmen are delighted to welcome even an appearance on cordiality in France. As we want the East and South of Africa, and France the North and West, there is no adequate ground of quarrel.” PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.10

Note the statement that “so long as the Channel Fleet is always ready, Englishmen are delighted to welcome even an appearance of cordiality in France.” Quite so. That sentence is very significant. As the nations are ready to talk peace, yea, they delight in peace, so long as they have plenty of guns and ammunition and well drilled soldiers. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.11

One thing for which Christ rebuked people of His day was that they did not discern the signs of the times. They could tell what weather to expect from the reading of the face of the sky, yet saw no significance in the much more striking phenomena all around, which told that the kingdom of God was come nigh to them. In the same way to-day, those who might know from the Scriptures what is the significance of the events which are compelling universal attention, remain indifferent to their warnings. But while professing Christians quite generally prophesying peace progress for the world, there are some who recognise that the world is hastening to some tremendous crisis. One of the leading London papers said a few days ago:- PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.12

That the coming century will bring changes of a tremendous nature none can doubt. There are abundant signs that our existing civilization cannot continue unless on the condition of some renewal of its framework. It is based primarily on money, and the money is passing late the forms of monopoly. It is based on ever fiercer competition, and that competition, showing itself in mighty scramble to exploit the globe, tends to sow negation of every moral law. If the tree is known by its fruits, then the tree of secular civilisation, bearing such fruits as our slums, our weary, labouring population, our noisy, vulgar, crowded life, which gives us no leisure to grow wise, our armaments, our international snarling and cheating, which gives us gin-soaked Africa, butcheries in Uganda, military and materialistic Europe, must stand condemned, at least from the Christian point of view. The condemnation is not the less real because this civilisation bears, as it were in a spirit of irony, the venerable Christian name. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.13

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth.” Luke 21:25, 26. PTUK March 23, 1899, page 192.14