Communion With God

Chapter 27—Answers Sometimes Delayed


“I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry.”—Psalm 40:1 CWG 67.1


Why does God sometimes delay the answer to our prayers? CWG 67.2


Delays test faith and sincerity: “There are precious promises in the Scriptures to those who wait upon the Lord. We all desire an immediate answer to our prayers and are tempted to become discouraged if our prayer is not immediately answered.... They delay is for our special benefit. We have a chance to see whether our faith is true and sincere or changeable like the waves of the sea. We must bind ourselves upon the altar with the strong cords of faith and love, and let patience have her perfect work.”—Counsels on Health, 380, 381 CWG 67.3

Delays give opportunity for heart-searching: “God does not always answer our prayers the first time we call upon Him; for should He do this, we might take it for granted that we had a right to all the blessings and favors He bestowed upon us. Instead of searching our hearts to see if any evil was entertained by us, any sin indulged, we should become careless, and fail to realize our dependence upon Him, and our need of His help.”—Ellen G. White Comments, The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 2:1035 CWG 67.4

God does not forget: “Throughout his married life, Zacharias had prayed for a son. He and his wife were now old, and as yet their prayer had remained unanswered; but he murmured not. God had not forgotten. He had His appointed time for answering this prayer, and when the case seemed hopeless, Zacharias received his answer.... God had not forgotten the prayer of His servants. He had written it in His record book, to be answered in His own good time.”—Ellen G. White Comments, The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 5:1114 CWG 67.5

God's delays always for our good: “Christ's two days’ delay after hearing that Lazarus was sick was not a neglect or a denial on His part.... This should be an encouragement to us.... The answer to our prayers may not come as quickly as we desire, and it may not be just what we have asked; but He who knows what is for the highest good of His children will bestow a much greater good than we have asked, if we do not become faithless and discouraged.”—Sons and Daughters of God, 92 CWG 68.1

One answer never delayed: “When we pray for earthly blessings, the answer to our prayer may be delayed, .... but not so when we ask for deliverance from sin.”—The Ministry of Healing, 70 CWG 68.2

What to do if we do not see immediate answers to our prayers: “When our prayers seem not to be answered, we are to cling to the promise; for the time of answering will surely come, and we shall receive the blessing we need most.... God is too wise to err, and too good to withhold any good thing from them that walk uprightly. Then do not fear to trust Him, even though you do not see the immediate answer to your prayers. Rely upon His sure promise, ‘Ask, and it shall be given you.’ ”—Steps to Christ, 96 CWG 68.3


The sinner's prayer for cleansing is immediately answered. God never fails to hear our heart's cry, but sometimes we need to develop unwavering trust and patience. God always answers, but only in His time and when he sees it is the best for us, sometimes after we have learned a few lessons. CWG 68.4

Even the apostles had to wait for many days before they received the Holy Spirit. During that time they searched their hearts, put things right with everyone, pled for cleansing and forgiveness and finally when they realized that without heavenly help they were helpless, hopeless, powerless, and by their own strength and wisdom they couldn't do anything, then they were ready to be baptized by the Holy Spirit. As a result uneducated rough fishermen became mighty evangelists. The sick were healed, demons were cast out, etc. CWG 68.5

Hang in there. There is hope for us, even if we have to wait for the second Pentecost. Prepare for it! Expect it! God is faithful to fulfill His promise. CWG 68.6