Communion With God

Chapter 21—Feeling Not a Criterion


“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.”—Ephesians 4:14, 15 CWG 54.1


How can a person pray when he doesn't feel like praying? Must one force himself to pray? CWG 54.2


Feeling of a religious life not a criterion: “Many make a serious mistake in their religious life by keeping the attention fixed upon their feelings and thus judging of their advancement or decline. Feelings are not a safe criterion. We are not to look within for evidence of our acceptance with God. We shall find there nothing but that which will discourage us. Our only hope is in ‘looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.’ ”—Testimonies For The Church 5:199, 200 CWG 54.3

We can be deceived by feelings: “Feelings are often deceiving, emotions are no sure safeguard; for they are variable and subject to external circumstances. Many are deluded by relying on sensational impressions. The test is: What are you doing for Christ? What sacrifices are you making? What victories are you gaining? A selfish spirit overcome, a temptation to neglect duty resisted, passion subdued, and willing, cheerful obedience rendered to the will of Christ are far greater evidences that you are a child of God than spasmodic piety and emotional religion.”—Testimonies For The Church 4:188 CWG 54.4

Principle more important than feeling: “I saw that the Christian should not set too high a value, or depend too much, upon a happy flight of feeling. These feelings are not always true guides. It should be the study of every Christian to serve God from principle, and not be ruled by feeling. By so doing, faith will be brought into exercise, and will increase. I was shown that if the Christian lives a humble, self-sacrificing life, peace and joy in the Lord will be the result. But the greatest happiness experienced will be in doing others good, in making others happy. Such happiness will be lasting.”—Testimonies For The Church 1:161 CWG 54.5

Feeling can be deceiving: “Satan leads people to think that because they have felt a rapture of feeling they are converted. But their experience does not change. Their actions are the same as before. Their lives show no good fruit. They pray often and long, and are constantly referring to the feelings they had at such and such a time. But they do not live the new life. They are deceived. Their experience goes no deeper than feeling. They build upon the sand, and when adverse winds come their house is swept away.... CWG 55.1

“They overlook the fact that the believer in Christ must work out his own salvation with fear and trembling. The convicted sinner has something to do. He must repent and show true faith.... CWG 55.2

“What is the sign of a new heart?—A changed life. There is a daily, hourly dying to selfishness and pride.”—Messages to Young People, 71, 72 CWG 55.3


Satan plays more with our feelings than we understand or give him credit for. His goal is to pervert us through our five senses. For example, the percentage of broken marriages in the church is almost as high as of the people out in the world, and most of the time it is based on “it feels so good.” When feelings are relied on instead of Christian principles, we are heading for disaster because Satan's agents are master feeling manipulators. When we have sex before or outside of marriage, or we've practiced sex perversion of any kind, then we invite the evil spirits and they will tickle our bodies where it feels the best and they will make sure that it will feel better than anything else we experienced or felt in the past. This is how we become hooked to sinful feelings and then he chains us to ongoing, repetitious, exciting experiences. CWG 55.4

God alone is able to break the bondage to unholy feelings enhanced by unholy spirits. Praise God through Jesus Christ we can be set completely free from bondage to sin and when the Son sets us free, we will be free indeed! CWG 55.5