The Topeka Daily Capital, vol. 11
May 17, 1889
“The Camp Meeting. Church Organization” The Topeka Daily Capital, 11, 117, p. 3.
The Workers Meeting Well Under Way—The Canvassers’ Classes Organized—Successful Social Meeting in the Afternoon—The Sermon on Church Organization—Elder A. T. Jones to Leave for Pennsylvania on the 20th
Special correspondence of the CAPITAL.
CAMP MEETING, OTTAWA, Kan., May 16.—The day has been one of activity in the camp, but the lectures have been more of interest to campers than others. As the great camp meeting proper begins next Tuesday the revival efforts began today to have the workers on the ground in a good spiritual condition before the body of the people arrived, that a spirit of consecration might pervade the camp from the beginning of the meeting. Hence but one lecture of instruction was given, the morning one by Elder A. T. Jones, on “The Qualification of Church Officers.” The last of this series, the duties of church officers, will be given tomorrow. Six final lectures will follow, three on the subject of “Righteousness by Faith,” and three other: on “The Evils of Religious Legislation.” The elder will not have time to lecture in Kansas City as was hoped for, but will go direct to Williamsport, Pa. The weather is cloudy and warm but a good attendance at the lectures continues. Elder O. A. Olsen spoke last night Elder Jones needing rest. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.1
(by A. T. Jones)
There are two classes of officers in the church—elder or bishops, being one and the same—and deacons. Philippians 1:1, Paul speaks here of bishops and deacons only; 1 Timothy 3:1-8, Paul is giving here instructions in referent to bishops and onward he speaks of deacons showing these are the only officers. There is another word “Presbyter” which is simply translating the Hebrew word into English. Presbyter means elder, one who older than another. (Zenophon’s account of the reteat of the 10,000 proves this, see the first verse.) TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.2
This Greek word was adopted to correspond with the Hebrew word, and it was the elderly stable men that were chosen. This is the way it started among the early Christians, all of them nearly were Hebrews, but as the Greeks began to increase among them they chose a Greek word to mean more clearly the office Episcopos, this word being made up on two words, Episcopos—upon—one who watches— a lookout man—on a watch tower—scopol—(a military term, the Greeks being a military people and full of military meaning.)—literally one set upon a high place to watch and look about. It is used to distinguish also a scout, to overlook a country in time of war. We are here in an enemy’s land, we are soldiers, fighting battles, needing the whole armor of God; a whole company going through an enemy’s country. We have to attend to our various duties so we appoint one to be lookout and scout watching the enemy for us. So then, the terms elder, bishop and presbyter are used but all refer to one and the same person, and though not always the oldest person, yet he had to possess that gravity and stability found in elderly persons. In reference to their military terms, 2 Timothy 2:3; Ephesians 6:11-17. Now in reference to elder and bishop being similar, Titus 1:5-7; Acts 20:17, 28. The word translated overseers is episcopol, the plural, bishops—to watch, oversee, overseers. 1 Peter 5:1, 2—feed the flock, taking the oversight. These texts show you plainly that the terms are, as far as the office is concerned, synonymous. Now for the qualifications of a bishop, Titus 1:7; 1 Timothy 3:3-17; the deacons being required to be the same: TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.3
First—“Blameless;” “not open to be attacked.” Without fault, innocent, guiltless, not meriting censure. Webster—So fully conformed to the rules of right that no one can justly lay blame upon him, or find fault with him. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.4
Second—“The husband of one wife”—not necessarily a married man, but that he shall not have more than one wife. If a man has two living wives, one being divorced, it unfits him for office. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.5
Third—“Vigilant” attentive to discover and avoid danger, or to provide for safety, wakeful, watchful, circumspect; the latter word from circum, around, and specere, to look, that is to look all round a thing. “A man who is circumspect habitually examines things on every side, in order to weigh and deliberate.” TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.6
Fourth—“Sober,” of sound, well regulated mind, collected, discreet, self-controlled. “Sober supposes the absence of all exhilaration of spirits, and is opposed to flighty.” One who is “not wild, visionary, or heated with passion,” but who exercises “cool, dispassionate reason” in all things. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.7
Fifth—“of good behavior.” Greek kosmion from kesmeo, “to adorn, decorate, embellish,” conveying the same idea as in Titus 2:10 “adorn the doctrine.” One who is desirous of order and decorum, modest, orderly, decent and becoming. Conducting himself so as to dignity and be an honor to the position; not exalting or magnifying himself, but exalting his calling and magnifying his office. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.8
Six—“Given to hospitality,” literally loving strangers” “kind to strangers” “one who receives and entertains strangers with kindness and without reward.” TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.9
Seven—“Apt to teach”—Skillful in the word of knowledge, so that he may be able to instruct by proofs and show by argument. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.10
Eight—“Not given to wine”—Siddell and Scott say this means “the fermented juice of the grape.” One then who does not drink the fermented juice of the grape. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.11
Nine—“No striker”—Not one who is contentious or given to reproaches. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.12
Ten—“Not greedy of filthy lucre”—Not a lover of money or of wealth or abundance of any kind, not coveting, close or stingy, but liberal and generous. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.13
Eleven—“Not a brawler”—Not disposed to fight, not quarrelsome or contentious, not a complainer, not one who scolds. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.14
Twelve—“But patient”—Reasonable, fair, kind, gentle, yielding. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.15
Thirteenth—“One who ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity” or as is said to Titus: “Having faithful children, not accused of riot or unruly.” Because it is explained: “For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the house of God?” The distinction between a good home rule and an incompetent one is seen in the description given of Abraham and Eli, respectively, in Genesis 18:19 and 1 Samuel 3:11-13; 2:22-36. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.16
Fourteenth—“Not a novice”—Not a new convert not one newly come to the faith lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.” If all the company are new converts, put them under a leader until experience is gained. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.17
Fifteen—“Of good report of them that are without.” The church must have a care for the opinions of those who are outside of the church. Ephesians 5:15. How do his neighbors look upon (not his faith) him as a man and neighbor. Is he neighborly, straighforward, honest? TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.18
Sixteen—“Not self-willed.” Titus 1:7. Yielding to the will or wishes of others; accommodating or compliant; not dogged, stubborn, nor presumptuous. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.19
Seventeen—“But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convince the gainsayers.” Titus 1:8, 9. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.20
These are the qualifications which the word of God requires of him who is to be an elder of the church of God, and for deacons the requirements are the same. Further than this, as these officers are filled from among the members, any one of whom may be called to fill them, it follows that God requires every member of his church to have a character in conformity with this description. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.21
“The Camp Meeting. The Evening Sermon” The Topeka Daily Capital, 11, 117, p. 3.
(By A. T. Jones)
1 John 5:4, “And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith.” Faith is victory. There is a warfare before us, a conflict to engage in, but I am glad we may have victory. The eleventh of Hebrews is all on faith and seems to be written with especial reference to Christ’s second coming as shown by the last of the preceeding chapter. “For yet a little while and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.22
We believe that the coming of the Lord is near. We have believed this for a long time, and as time passes and the evidences of this event multiply we are confirmed in this belief, “that he who shall come will come quickly, and will not tarry. To the people living at this time it is said, “now the just shall live by faith.” It is faith that saves, but works come in as the result and fruit of faith. Your faith will be shown by your works. It is the connecting link between God and man. We read the promises of God and become partakers of the divine nature. God speaks, faith claims, and we become possessors of that which God promises, and without it we cannot please God. We cannot honor God with our own ways. Faith is that which takes hold of present truth and acts upon it. There is much that people call faith that is not faith at all. To believe what God has not said is not faith at all. I may believe it but not by faith, because faith must have God’s word to rest upon. Abel offered a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain. Cain’s was rejected because he did not offer that which expressed a faith in the Christ. Abel brought a lamb, the blood of which was offered in expression of his faith in the blood of Christ. We can worship, we can pray, and not have faith. Noah became heir to righteousness by faith. When the Lord told him that he was going to destroy the world, did it look reasonable? Do you suppose the learned men, the D. D.’s looked upon those things as reasonable? All arose and rejected the message of warning, but on the word of God, Noah built the ark, preached the truth and was saved by faith while those who reasoned were lost. Faith keeps apace with the progression of the truth of God. “Abraham went out not knowing whither he was going.” Was not that very foolish? He went on a thus saith the Lord. He was just simple enough to do as God commanded, and to believe that when God had more instruction for him he would receive it. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.23
Moses in the midst of darkness and apostasy stands a monument of his faith. Satan did not want a delivery of Israel, but he cannot hinder the work of God. Although educated in the courts of Pharaoh Moses chooses rather to suffer the reproach of Christ than to command the riches of Egypt. Unbelief does not make such choices. Moses knew of the promises God had made to the fathers and by faith he cast his life among his own people. So again we see that faith takes hold of the word of God. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.24
Coming to our own time. A great majority of people in all ages have made the sad mistake of not understanding the times in which they lived. This is shown by the time of Noah and the time of Christ. Christ said oft one occasion: “If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation.” The Jews prided themselves on being the children of Abraham, the sons of God; yet they did not understand their own time. In their day we would think by the great professions of faith that the world would be filled with it; but we read: “When the son of man cometh shall he find faith in the earth?” We trace the lines of prophecy down through Daniel and Revelation and we find we are always brought face to face with the fact that we are on the brink of the eternal world. This knowledge brings upon every man a solemn responsibility. Most of my audience believe this. Then our works should correspond. Faith is victory. Abel triumphed, and died a martyr to his faith. Noah was victorious, and his faith carried him over the waters of the flood to this side. The Israelites conquered at the Red sea, by marching straight up to the waters without knowing how they were to pass. God’s word never fails. May He forgive us for all our doubting which makes His word a lie. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.25
If we live in the last days of the world’s history, has He a work for this day? He doeth nothing in secret. Turn to Revelation 14:6, and we have three messages. The first angel proclaims the preaching of the gospel to all peoples because of the coming of the day of judgment. The second announces the fall from grace of God’s church, and the third angel warning against the work of the apostate power that shall seek to deceive the people of God. What is the nature of this message? “To every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.” Has this message been given? In 1844 we have the work of William Miller and others heading out in this country the work of Irving and Wolf in Europe, and in all countries we find the same work done. In northern Norway we find people who remember well the preaching of that time from this text. In Denmark we find the same. So the whole world has received the message. Afterward comes the second message: “Babylon is fallen.” All acknowledge this to be the fall of the popular churches and the coldness and corruption of the churches. Take the third message and we find the prophecy of the making of an image to the papacy. We have preached this for forty years, and the time was when people laughed us to scorn for doing so; for preaching what we now see fulfilling in the national reform movement. Our own presence here tonight proves the fulfillment of that prophecy which says: “Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” To deny this truth is to deny your own existence. The “gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all nations as a witness; then shall the end come.” The same work which is going on in this country is going on in Europe, and we there witness the power of the truth. In Russia the work is going on in spite of their stringent awe. God is in this work and may we believe it. But we are not to the end yet. There are millions that have not received the good news of salvation. When I sense it, I say, “God, tarry yet a little time, that these souls may be warned.” TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.26
Noah, in the eyes of the world, built a monument to his folly when he built the ark, but he believed God, and I thank God for his faith. His faith deserves an eternal monument. We want more missionary spirit, that we may act like living men, living Christians, real and genuine. We want the victory, and pray that we may be faithful. God help us to be faithful, and to consecrate all to the work of God. Let us have some of the consecration of the martyrs and be ready to lay all on the altar of God. Shall we not make the truth we believe a living reality? We have a warning to give; many of us have labored, prayed and sacrificed for the work, but let not our courage fail till our ark is built. May God help the work and bless the people in Kansas, that with others we may at last come off victorious. TDC May 17, 1889, page 3.27