The Present Truth, vol. 13


October 7, 1897

“Christian Striving” The Present Truth, 13, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

Christian Striving .—The Apostle Paul desired to be able to hear that the Philippians were standing fast in one spirit, “with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel.” Philippians 1:27. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 625.1

That “striving together” which is done “with one mind,“ is certainly not contention and quarrelling. The test, therefore, does not teach that they were to strive with one another, but that together they were unitedly to strive for a common object. The marginal reading in the Revised Version makes it “striving together with the faith of the Gospel.” PTUK October 7, 1897, page 625.2

In harmony with the desire expressed by Paul to the Philippians, the Apostle Jude exhorts us to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints.” Jude 3. Therefore many think that while Christians must he at peace among themselves, they should lose no opportunity to get into a controversy with unbelieyers, in regard to the Gospel. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 625.3

But again we read: “The servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledgment of the truth.” 2 Timothy 2:24, 25. Not to controvert but to convert is the aim of the teacher of truth. The Apostle Peter says: “Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” 1 Peter 3:15. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 625.4

This gives us the correct idea of the strife. It is to be conducted with God in the heart. Therefore the “one mind” with which we are exhorted to strive, is the mind of God, “which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5. We are to strive in the strength of God, and clothed with the Divine armour; “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 625.5

We are not to contend with men, but wicked spirits, evil angels; not with weapons of carnality, but with those which are “mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4, 5. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 626.1

The striving, therefore, is to be wholly with ourselves, with the evil thoughts and imaginations that Satan seeks to inspire us with. Those are the only things that can destroy the faith of anyone, and therefore they are the things to be fought against in contending for the faith. One man's unbelief cannot destroy another's faith. The Apostle Paul could keep the faith in Nero's court in Rome as well as with his brethren in Antioch; because God was with him. If we strive and contend with men, we do not thereby increase their faith, but we run the risk of losing our own. So “the faith” is never helped, but hindered, by laws professedly in its favour, which necessarily depend on force. The Gospel is a mystery, entirely different from things of earth. And so while it is a warfare, it is a strife of peace, and the Captain of the host is the Prince of peace. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 626.2

“Veneration of Relics in a Parish Church” The Present Truth, 13, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

The Times prints a letter from a Folkestone correspondent describing a service on a recent Sunday evening in the parish church. A case of human bones-the identity of which the correspondent challenges-was exhibited for the veneration of the congregation. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 626.3

The Vicar of the church took his stand on one side of the relics (which, he avers, are the bones of St. Eauswythe, the patron saint of the church), the congregation going by in single file, very many of them bowing low to the earth before these mortal remains, unrebuked by their pastor. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 626.4

No out-and-out Roman Catholic service could show darker depths of superstition. Prayers for the dead have long been a common feature of Anglican Sacerdotalisim, and it is but a step further to prayers to the dead and the veneration of relics of those whom the church has deified. Such exhibitions show that Ritualistic leaders in the Church of England feel sure of their strength, and they are leading the people spiritually back into the Dark Ages. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 626.5

The same wind that ruins the chaff cleans the wheat. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 626.6

“The Priest in the Philippines” The Present Truth, 13, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

The Howard Association for the amelioration of the lot of prisoners has received a letter from a gentlan in long residence in the Philippine Islands, describing the barbarites practised upon the natives. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 628.1

There, at the present day, he says, one sees the omnipotent friars reigning in all their pristine glory, asserting their preponderance over the civil power, living in debauchery, setting even the Roman Church at defiance, by means of the enormous wealth accumulated at the expense of these patient islanders. It is a state of affairs incredible to those who have not lived in the islands. During the present rebellion they have been the instigators of the bloodshed and torture of their unfortunate political prisoners, on whose sufferings these worthy disciples of Torquemada have revelled with delight. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 628.2

In these out-of-the-way places one sees the spirit of the Papacy in its naked barbarity. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 628.3

“Justification by Works?” The Present Truth, 13, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

This heading is not designed to indicate that there actually is any such thing as justification by works, but to call attention to an evil that is alarmingly prevalent among professed Christians, and is on the increase. The danger is all the greater because the people think that they are believing and practising the Gospel. Let us first read a few plain declarations of Scripture on the subject. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 629.1

“For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident; for, the just shall live by faith.” Galatians 3:10, 11. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 629.2

“Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in His sight; for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:20. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 629.3

“For whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” Romans 14:23. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 629.4


Does faith exclude works? and does the preaching of justification by faith ignore the necessity for good works? Never. “Do we then make void [that is, transgress] the law through faith? God forbid; yea, we establish the law.” Romans 3:31. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 629.5

“Not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall he justified.” Romans 2:13. So that, however justification comes it must make the man a doer of the law. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 629.6

Jesus told the people to work. Said He, “Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you; for Him hath God the Father sealed.” Then the Jews asked Him how they should do the work, saying, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” Here is the reply: Jesus “answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent.” John 6:27-29. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 629.7

Thus we see that the works which God requires are all in faith; faith itself works. Galatians 5:6. But some one will say, “I know people who make a great deal of faith, and yet their works do not correspond; therefore I don't believe that faith alone will justify a man; in fact, the Apostle James plainly says that Abraham was justified by works.” PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.1

It is a very presumptuous thing for one to say that he does not believe that faith justifies, when, the Bible so plainly declares that it does, and that he who is justified by faith has peace with God. Romans 5:1. But let us look for a moment at what James says. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.2

“What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?” James 2:14. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.3

“There,“ says our friend, “that's just what I said; faith is not sufficient for justification.” PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.4

Not quite so fast, please. That is the trouble with the man who says he has faith, and has not works? Simply this, that he has no faith. If he had faith, he would have works, for faith works. The question that the apostle asks is simply this: “Can faith save a man who says that he has it, but who really has it not?” In other words, what doth it profit, though a man say he hath a thousand pounds, and has not a farthing? Will the thousand pounds do him any good? Certainly not. Why not? is it because money is not good for anything? Not at all, but because in order for a man to get any benefit from money, he must actually have it, and not merely say that he has it. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.5

“But the devils have faith, and they are not justified.” Not quite so fast again, please. It is true that the devils believe that there is ode God, but that is not faith with them. They have seen God. More than that, they have felt His power. Their belief in the existence of one God is the belief of actual experience. Their belief causes them to tremble, and faith does not do that. Faith works by love, and “there is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear.” Galatians 5:6 and 1 John 4:18. The devils have no faith. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.6

“Wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” James 2:20. That which is dead does not exist; therefore faith that has no works is not real faith at all. It is only a form; it is a sham. “But,“ says our friend, “what will you do with the next verse?” We shall do nothing with it but believe it. Let us read it. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.7


“Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?” James 2:21. The question admits but one answer, and we answer, Yes. But we would remind the reader that the apostle did not make the division into the verses as they are numbered, and we must not assume that the subject ends with that verse. We have heard very many people refer to Abraham as proof that men are justified by works, quoting the twenty-first verse, as above, but we have never heard one of them go any further, and quote the next two verses, which complete the reference to Abraham. So we will quote them. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.8

“Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the friend of God.” James 2:22, 23. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.9

So when Abraham, worked it was his faith that was working; and those works by which he was justified were simply the fulfilment of the scripture, “Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness.” The works were the product of his faith, and showed that he had it in perfection. Faith includes everything that a man can do to please God; for “without faith it is impossible to please Him.” Hebrews 11:6. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.10

“Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.” Verse 24. That is, as just illustrated, a man is justified by the works of faith, and not by dead faith, which does not work. And thus we see that the Apostle James does not, as Luther thought, contradict the Apostle Paul, neither does he present the “other side” of the question which Paul preached so zealously; but he teaches the identical thing that is taught in the epistles of Paul. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.11


What is the source of the idea that men may be justified by works? The secret of it is seen in the words which the Jews asked Jesus: “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” John 6:28. Mark it, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” They were fully convinced that they could do the works of God, and of course a man must be able to do the works of God, if he is justified by works, for the righteousness of God is the only righteousness that is of any worth. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.12

But in order to be able to do the works of God, one must have to begin with power and goodness equal to the power and goodness of God. So the idea of justification by works is simply the exaltation of self against God. And that is the very spirit of the Papacy,-“that man of sin,“ “who opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God, or that is worshipped.” 2 Thessalonians 2:7. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.13

In the beginning our first parents, deceived by the serpent, who told them that by eating of the forbidden fruit they should be as God, sought justification by their own works. That is, they sought to be like God through their own works. The result is seen in the fall, when they still continued to try to justify themselves before God. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.14

We have just seen that justification by works is the characteristic of the Papacy. But the characteristic of the Papacy is union of Church and State. That is, the civil power is used to compel men to do what the Church says is right. The whole thing springs from the idea that men are justified by the works of the law. When men attempt to enforce religious duties by law, they virtually say, “The people have the goodness in them, and they can do what is right, if they want to. But some of them are too obstinate to do the good that is in them, and some are too lazy, or else they are afraid to do differently from their neighbours. Therefore they must be forced to act out the goodness that is in them. It must be evident that the principle of religious legislation, of making laws to encourage or to compel men to do what is said to be right, is the principle of justification by works. And as such it is directly opposed to the Gospel. Therefore every one who loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ ought with a loud voice to warn men against having anything whatever to do with religion enforced by civil law. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.15

The happiest man in any community, large or small, is he who does most for his fellows. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.16

If grumbling could be exchanged for gold, how many of us would soon be rich! PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.17

“‘What Shall We Do?’” The Present Truth, 13, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

Peter's sermon at Pentecost convicted the multitude of the awful sin of crucifying Christ. What could they do to undo the wicked deed?—Nothing within human power. With the awful guilt upon their souls their cry of agony was, “What shall we do?” The answer was:— PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.18

“Repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.19

Convicted of slaying the Prince of life, with no power to recover themselves, they had only to repent, confess their share in the death of Christ by burial in baptism, and they could rise from the watery grave with a new life, the sins remitted, and the gift of the Holy Spirit as the power for righteousness. What a change! No wonder those who believed “gladly received” Peter's word. It was glad tidings indeed. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.20

And Peter passed on the same promise to “all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call”—even to us. It was the Jewish rulers who delivered Christ to death by the Romans. But had He not devoted His life to save His people from their sins He need never have allowed Himself to fall into the hands of the wicked. It was the iniquity of every one of us, laid upon Him, that brought Jesus to the cross. Every soul has a share in the guilt of Christ's crucifixion. Therefore to all is sent the promise of pardon and life on the same conditions-“Repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.21

“Warring Races and Creeds in Austro-Hungary” The Present Truth, 13, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

The recent turbulent scenes in the Austrian legislative assembly have shown how little peace there is in the empire. The natural prejudices of the different races is intensified by the introduction of religion into politics. A morning paper gives the following picture of the situation in Austro-Hungary:— PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.22

“The map of the Dual Monarchy is a mosaic of warring races, tongues, and creeds. Out of forty-one millions of the subjects of the old Emperor, ten and a-half are Germans, who despise everybody else, and throw their inkstands at the Speaker of the House when it is proposed to recognise any other language than that cultured speech. But seven and a-half millions are of that very Bohemian and Slovak race whose linguistic aspirations were the reason of this furious brawl; and nearly four millions are Poles, who love neither Czech nor Teuton; and three millions and a-half are Ruthenians, who do not love the Poles; and a million and a-half are Slovenes, at odds with half as many Italians; and there are over three millions of Serbs and Croats, always in trouble; and near three millions of the Roumanian speech, and, above all, seven and a-half millions of these romantic, non-Aryan anomalies, the Magyars, who are resolved that none of the despised Caucasians shall have any power in Hungary, whatever the rest of Europe may say or do. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.23

“And the war of creeds intensifies the war of races. In every quarter of the monarchy almost there is religious strife. The fanaticism of the dominant majority of Roman Catholics is at odds with Jews and Protestants and freethinkers. Between the Uniate Greeks and the Orthodox Greeks and the Armenians and the Croats there are interminable frictions, and the border feuds of creeds and liturgies extend in helpless tangle from the Adriatic to the Carpathians. In all this there is no principle of unity save one-the personal habit of loyalty cannot but be rudely shaken when the present ruler dies, for every possible successor of his house is hopelessly unequal to the task.” PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.24

“Wars of Israel” The Present Truth, 13, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

A correspondent writing in defence of war, suggests that, from the fact that God fought for Israel against His enemies in old time, and was with Joshua, and David, etc., it “logically” follows that war now may be “undoubtedly correct and holy.” But the bad logic lies in the presumption that man can, on his own initiative, rightly assume to act as God. The Lord gives life to all, and as Judge of all hearts knows when that life is finally and hopelessly rejected. He may then withdraw it in justice and mercy. The Lord destroyed Sodom by fire, after having delivered the few who had not wholly rejected life; but it by no means logically follows that one may righteously burn down the house of a neighbour who may be considered wicked. Judgment belongs to God. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.25

The wars of Israel were but the execution of the judgment of God upon the people of Canaan. And note this: Four hundred years before, God had told Abraham that his seed should possess that land, but not then; “For the iniquity of the Amorites,“ He said, “is not yet full.” Genesis 15:16. For four centuries the Lord waited in mercy, but when at last their iniquity was full and they had so rejected life that the very land spued them out. Divine judgments fell upon the Amorites. And the case of Rahab in Jericho shows that God delivered every soul that had not finally and eternally rejected Him. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 630.26

Two disciples once thought to imitate Elijah by calling down fire upon the Samaritans. Jesus rebuked them very quickly, showing that their spirit was not of God but of the devil. Thus it always is when men impiously assume to suggest and then to execute judgment for God. They but deify their own lusts. God must deal with sin and sinners. Now ill is sending His Gospel to all, and again waiting for the world that rejects His grace to fill up the cup of its iniquity. Then its judgment will surely fall, and in that day “the kings of the earth and their armies” will be destroyed with all sin by the “brightness of His coming.” Evidently then there will be no Christians in earth's warring armies. All will have accepted another Captain and be engaged in a warfare that is not carnal. Every Christian is bound to see in “every creature” one to whom he owes the Gospel. His duty is regulated by the positive precept, “Do good unto all men,“ and by the negative, “Do violence to no man,“ this last being spoken to soldiers. The Christian who takes Christ as example and these precepts as the rule of life will not be found in line of battle taking human life. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 631.1

“Items of Interest” The Present Truth, 13, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

-About 33,000 vehicles pass over London Bridge every day. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.1

-The strike pay to the engineers is now about ?36,000 per week. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.2

-Australia wants to send troops to join in the war on the Indian frontier. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.3

-China has now about a thousand schools under the direction of foreigners, most of which are of a missionary character. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.4

-The high price and scarcity of food in Havana, the Cuban capital, has driven the poorest of the people to eating dogs, cats, and even rats. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.5

-Bishop Tugwell points out that the liquor traffic in West Africa, which has been a crying scandal for years, has doubled during the past seven years. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.6

-The Afridis have appealed to an Afghan governor for help, but they were refused a hearing. A few tribes have made submission, but most of them are still defiant. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.7

-The Russian railway constructors have had to fight some of the Siberian tribes to keep them from destroying the Siberian railway. The people regard the locomotive as an emissary of the evil one. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.8

-A medical authority warns people against a possible recurrence of influenza. The last epidemic wave came from China, via Russia, and now for months past influenza has been raging in the district of Merv. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.9

-Statistics of British residents in foreign countries shows that France has 40,000, Germany 16,000, and Russia 12,000. The United States census gives the number of British-born residents at 3,300,000, over half of them coming from Ireland. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.10

-A contaminated water supply is responsible for the epidemic of typhoid fever in Maidstone, Kent. About 1,000 cases have occurred and over forty deaths. Several members of one family, in many instances, have been ill together, and business has been interrupted. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.11

-Reduction in wages in the cotton industry is said to be inevitable. Manufacturers claim to have been losing money. An average of one rival mill per week is said to be erected in foreign countries. Japan and China are manufacturing much that they formerly imported in these goods. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.12

-The military authorities of the various Powers, we are told, are exhibiting a feverish interest in wireless telegraph. The Experiments in Italy have been followed by those at Dover. The German, are making others at Kiel, and preparations are being made for more, both in Russia and Austria. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.13

-When the Austrian chamber met for the first time after a recess the other day there was such an uproar that the sitting had to be suspended. Then the Premier challenged a member to a duel, and was himself injured in the contest. The Emperor commended the Premier's conduct and suspended the law under which he was subject to prosecution for engaging in the duel. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 638.14

“Back Page” The Present Truth, 13, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

“As for God, His way is perfect.” Psalm 18:30. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.1

His way is the only perfect way, for of men it is said: “They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.” Romans 3:12. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.2

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.” Isaiah 53:6. Like sheep, we have made crooked paths, for it is “the workers of iniquity” that “turn aside unto their crooked ways.” Psalm 125:5. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.3

Only that which is straight is right, for straight means right; a straight line is a “right-line.” Therefore we are exhorted, “Make straight paths for your feet.” Hebrews 12:13. That is the nature of the Lord's way, as we read: “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Isaiah 40:3. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.4

What is this straight way, this perfect way?—The answer comes in the words of Scripture: “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.” Psalm 119:1. “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.” Psalm 19:7. This is the perfect way, because it is the Lord's way; for the law of the Lord is the life of the Lord. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.5

“Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.6

The Word to the Believer .—The incorruptible Word is the power by which sinners are born again into the kingdom of grace, and as the new life is begun so it continues, the Word feeding and nourishing the soul and causing it to grow. It is Bible study all the time in the Christian life. And it is a blessed thing to have the Lord talking to us in His Word continually. “When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.” Proverbs 6:22, 23. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.7

“If we ask anything according to His will He heareth us.”The more, then, that we know of His Word, in which is the revelation of His will, the more intelligently can we pray. Prayer is not asking that our will may be done, but a seeking of, and a submitting to, God's will. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.8

“Ye cannot hear My word,“ said Jesus to the angry Pharisees. The voice of prejudice and the clamour of self made it impossible for them to hear the simple truths which the common people heard gladly. He was speaking of life and righteousness, and simple souls who wanted help and strength for right living hung upon His words. The proud and worldly to whom religion was unconnected with life heard the same sound of words, but the words of life fell on deaf ears. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.9

Lord Halifax, President of the English Church Union, advocated at the Church Congress that the Episcopate should authorise the use of the first Prayer Book of Edward VI. which contains much more sacerdotal teaching than the later one. He also advocated the formal return to prayers for the dead and the invocation of saints. His propositions were dissented from by a minority, but the Chronicle's correspondent says that it was evident all along that the E.C.U. party “holds in its grip the sentiments of Churchmen.” PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.10

The suggestion that the so-called Athanasian Creed should be dropped from the service book called forth warm defence of the creed at the recent Church Congress. In the theological world men talk serious of the councils and the creeds, even men who have access to history and know of the controversies and murderous strife out of which the creeds were evolved. The trouble is that theology becomes merely a set of definitions and theories. Who that knows Jesus in the Word cares about the councils and their creeds. If the councils had known Him they would have sought together a knowledge of His will and commended the Word to posterity. The apostles preached the Word, they did not make a creed about it. All truth is in the Word, and “What is the chaff to the wheat?” asks the Lord. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.11

The Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa, it is repeated from various sources, threatens to disfellowship any of its members who unite with total abstinence societies. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.12

Those who are continually working to get public opinion to favour putting school children through military drill and accustoming them to the use of weapons must surely commend the patriotism of some of the wilder tribes in the Caucasus. A newspaper says:— PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.13

Every child is taught to use the dagger almost as soon as he can walk. The children first learn to stab water without making a splash, and by incessant practice acquire an extraordinary command over the weapon. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.14

Life the Catholic faith which the councils were always settling but could never keep settled, the compromises about religious instruction in the Board Schools never allow the controversy to remain settled. It is coming up now, even more feeling being imported into it than was the case three years ago. The whole trouble lies in the failure to see that it is the work of the church and believers to teach the Gospel. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.15

No one is naturally enthusiastic to learn that someone is coming to see him whose presence is no particular pleasure to him. But if it is a dear friend his heart warms and he anticipates his coming with pleasure. What then, does it indicate, when the thought of the second coming of Christ and of the nearness of that event is not a pleasing one, but the reverse? To believers it is “the blessed hope.” PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.16

The Pall Mall Gazette's Rome correspondent has been writing of the Vatican authorities. He says that there are really three popes. The first, the White Pope, the titular head, Pope Leo. Then there is the Black Pope, so called, the chief of the Jesuits, who, behind the scenes, keep a hold upon papal policy which cannot be shaken off, as more than one pope has found. The third pope is the Red Pope, the cardinal who heads the order of bishops. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.17

We necessarily omit the study in Hebrews this week. It will be resumed in the next number, however. PTUK October 7, 1897, page 640.18