The Present Truth, vol. 13

September 2, 1897

“Getting Rid of the Burden” The Present Truth, 13, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

“Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?” asked Job; and he replied to his own question: “Not one.” PTUK September 2, 1897, page 545.1

All who have ever lived have known themselves sinners, for the law of God speaks that “all the world may become guilty before God.” Romans 3:19. Even the unevangelised heathen, without the written revelation of God, have sufficient trace of the law of God written in their hearts by nature so that they know better than they do, and their consciences bear witness to their guilt. Romans 2:11, 15. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 545.2

How to get rid of the burden has been the problem. Paul's difficulty has been that of all who have tried to loose the burden themselves: “The law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate that I do.” “How to perform that which is good I find not.” Romans 7:14, 15, 18. He was trying to bring a clean thing out of an unclean. But when he found Jesus Christ, he found power that was able to destroy the carnal mind and work the righteousness of God in the life. And the awful burden was gone. Out of the heart renewed came the cleansed life. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 545.3

Luther, toiling on his knees up the so-called holy stairs in Rome, was trying to punish sin out of his flesh; but when he heard the voice speaking, “The just shall live by faith,“ he began to learn of a power able to set him free. All that system of penance and punishing of the flesh that has come into Christendom with monkery is based on the idea that there is good in man, and if only he is punished sufficiently the evil will be suppressed and the good remain. True, Jesus said, “If thy hand offend thee, cut it off,“ but it was only a striking way of emphasising His teaching that “from within, out of the heart of men” proceeds the evil. The trouble is not with hand, or foot, or tongue, but with the heart, and only the Lord Jesus who can give a new heart can deal with the trouble. The new heart and the new life come with the free forgiveness of sin, and if any weary, heavy-laden one will but confess his helplessness, and choose the life of obedience, the gift is his by the power of God. Professing Christians who still want to be saved in sin and not front sin need this message of life and righteousness by the gift of God, and the myriad souls in darkness who know nothing of a burden-bearing, loving Saviour need it. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 545.4

Rome has no monopoly of penance and self-salvation. It is the religion of human nature. The Hindu, on his pilgrimage to a distant shrine may make his way on hands and knees or rolling over and over along the rough way; but his burden rolls with him. He may hold an arm in one position until shrunken and fixed; but the guilt is in the heart still. A veteran Indian missionary recently told a story of a seeker after liberty that is typical. Many years ago, after a days’ work among the villages, he returned to his tent. Near by it a venerable grey-haired Brahmin was engaged in counting his beads and performing a wearisome service before a shrine. He says:— PTUK September 2, 1897, page 545.5

Much struck by his reverent demeanour and evident earnestness, we watched him through the corded meshes of our tent window; and when he had finished his devotions, and had sat down to rest, we went out and, courteously addressing him, asked him what he sought by these prayers and circumambulations. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 545.6

“Oh, sirs,“ said he, in a tone that struck us as one of intense earnestness, “I am seeking to get rid of the burden of sin. All my life I have been seeking it; but each effort that I make is as unsuccessful as the one before, and still the burden is here. My pilgrimages and prayers and penances for sixty years have all been in vain. Alas I know not how my desire can be accomplished.” PTUK September 2, 1897, page 545.7

Then, in answer to our inquiries, he gave us the story of his life. He told us how, in early life, he had been sorely troubled by the thought of his unexpiated sins; that his parents had both died when he was seventeen years of age, leaving him an only child, sole heir of their wealth; that the priests whom he consulted told him that if he would give all his property to endow a temple the burden of sin would be removed. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 546.1

He gave his property, all of it. He endowed a temple; but the burden of sin was no lighter. His mind was not at peace. Obedient to further advice from the priests, his counsellors, he made the pilgrimage on foot all the long way to Benares, the holy city. He spent two years in the precincts of the temples in worship. He spent two years in bathing in the holy Ganges. “But,“ said he, “the Ganges water washed the foulness from my skin, not the foulness from my soul, and still the old burden was there, uneased.” He told us how he had gone from thence, on foot, all the way to Rameswaram; begging his food all the two thousand miles; for he had given all his money to the temple, and thence again to Srirangam, and thence to other holy places. He told us how he had spent his whole life in these pilgrimages, and in penances, and in desert wanderings, apart from his kind, living on roots and nuts and jungle fruits, remaining for years at a time in the forest jungles, in the vain search for relief from the burden of sin. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 546.2

“And now, sirs,“ said he, “my life is almost gone: my hair is thin and white; my eyes are dim; my teeth are gone; my cheeks are sunken; my body is wasted; I am an old, old man; and yet, sirs, the burden of sin is just as heavy as when, a young man, I started in pursuit of deliverance. Oh, sirs, does your Veda tell how I can get rid of this burden and be at peace? Our Vedas have not shown me how.” PTUK September 2, 1897, page 546.3

How gladly did we tell him of our gracious “Burden-bearer,“ and of His loving call, “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” How eagerly did he listen as we told him of Jesus Christ, the God-man, the Saviourof the world, and told him what He had done for our salvation. How gladly did he pore over the Gospels we gave him, and what earnest questions did he ask during the day as to points in their teachings which he did not quite understand. During that night he left and went upon his way, taking the Gospels with him, and we never again saw him. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 546.4

Though so many years have intervened, his earnest, reverent countenance remains photographed on my memory, and I shall look for him up there among the redeemed; for I believe that he was in earnest in seeking deliverance from the burden of sin; in vain, indeed, as he said, through Hinduism; I trust not in vain through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 546.5

“Lessons From the Book of Hebrews. This World and the World to Come” The Present Truth, 13, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

In our study of the Book of Hebrews we have learned much about “the world to come.” “Unto the angels hath He not put in subjection the world to come,“ but He has put it in subjection to man; for the world to come is the new heavens and the new earth which God put in subjection to man in the beginning, when everything was very good. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 546.6

All this we have had repeated several times in our studies, but we can never exhaust the truth that it contains. The earth was new and unsullied by sin, when God gave it to man. By man's disobedience he lost the dominion. Thus “the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.” “But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto the against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” “Nevertheless we, according to promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” 2 Peter 3:6, 7, 13. This is the “better country, that is, an heavenly,“ for which the patriarchs looked. Hebrews 11:16. Because they looked for that better country, confessing that they were “strangers and pilgrims on the earth” (Hebrews 11:13), God was not ashamed to be called their God. All therefore who are “children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26) and so children of Abraham, and heirs with him (Galatians 3:7, 29), have their citizenship in heaven (Philippians 3:20. R.V.), where God has prepared for them a city. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 546.7

“If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29. Those who are Christ's are Christians. All real Christians are therefore Abraham's seed, and with him are strangers and pilgrims on this earth, having their citizenship in heaven. What have they then to do with “this present evil world;” what is their relation to it?—they are strangers and foreigners in it, and are to be delivered from it. Galatians 1:4. Their sole business here is to keep themselves “unspotted from the world” (James 1:27), and to save as many people from it as they possibly can. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 546.8

What about the prevailing idea that Christians ought to busy themselves with the government of this earth, and that they, above all others, are the ones to whom the government of this world belongs? What do we learn as to the growing idea that the church should interest itself in politics and have a controlling influence in the affairs of State? The utter fallacy of all such ideas is apparent from the fact that it is the world to come, and not this world, that God has given to His people. Instead of being the ones to rule this world, Christians are the ones above all others who should keep their hands off. They are strangers and foreigners in this world, and have no more right to meddle in its affairs, or to, seek to control it, than a Frenchman would have in Germany, or a German in England. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 546.9

This world pertains to worldly men. “The world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” 1 John 2:7. He who does the will of God abides for ever, because he is not of this world, even as Christ is not of this world; but they who link their lives to this world must necessarily pass away with it. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.1

Satan is the God of this world, and they who possess it and rule over it, must do homage to him. He offered the kingdoms of this world to Christ on that condition, but the Saviour spurned the offer. Matthew 4:5-10. So must every one do who will follow Christ. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.2

When professed Christians are full of zeal for the things of this world, and seek to occupy a prominent place in its affairs, they show that they do not know what is the hope of their calling, nor the riches of the glory of the inheritance. Ephesians 1:18. How can they expect to convince the world that there is anything better for mankind, when they seek for nothing but what the rest of mankind seek? If they are all absorbed in this world, how can they expect people to believe them when they talk about the surpassing riches of the world to come. Will a man who has diamonds before him, at his disposal, load his pockets with mud? Will a man who is a prince, and who has a kingdom and a palace, and riches that cannot be counted, dispute with a beggar for the possession of a crust of bread, or quarrel with the scavenger for the rags in the gutter? PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.3

This world is but a waiting place. We are expecting the Lord to come with the everlasting inheritance, and we do not know at what hour He may come. Confidently we have no time to take up a residence here, much less to seek office; and the question as to who shall occupy the offices has not the slightest interest for us, since we are to stay but for a night, and “the morning cometh.” A man travelling by a night train through France, on the way from London to Geneva, would not think that he had time to engage in French polities. Even so with Christians in this world. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.4

To Christians pertains the world to come. The word of salvation, which God puts in the mouth of His children, is the word that is to renew the heavens and the earth, as well as all people who receive it. The power of the Gospel is the power of the world to come. But if the interest of Christians is divided between this world and the world to come, their power is diminished to the extent that this world takes the place of the world to come; and thus they give the trumpet a faint and uncertain sound. Let us leave the affairs of this world to those who shut their eyes and ears to anything better, while we labour with the power of the world to come to save as many as possible from the ruin. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.5

“‘Not Ashamed’” The Present Truth, 13, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

“For both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one; for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren.” Hebrews 2:11. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.6

Who is He that sanctifieth?—It is Christ, “who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption.” 1 Corinthians 1:30. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.7

And they who are sanctified?—They are the ones who by faith in Christ receive the Holy Spirit of truth. See Acts 26:18; 3 Thess. 2:13. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.8

And “God is one.” Galatians 3:20. He that sanctifieth,-Jesus,-and they who are sanctified, all who believe, are all of God. For “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:17, 18. “Of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption.” PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.9

“For which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren.” Who is He not ashamed to call brethren?—“They who are sanctified,“ of course. True enough, but this is not all. What is the evidence that He is not ashamed to call certain ones His brethren?—This, that He says, “I will declare Thy name unto My brethren.” But why should He declare the name of the Lord to any people?—Manifestly because they do not know it. If all knew the name of the Lord, there would he no necessity to declare His name to them; for they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee.” Psalm 9:10. In the world to come “they shall teach no more every man his neighbour and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord.” Jeremiah 31:34. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.10

What is a person called, who does not know the Lord, nor His name?—A heathen. That word expresses the lowest state of mankind. Will one indicate that certain ones are very degraded, he will say that “they are regular heathens.” Will one express his contempt for people, he will say, “They are miserable heathen.” And truly all who do not know the Lord are in a miserable condition, and all men are or have been at some time in their lives, “without Christ, ... having no hope, and without God in the world.” Ephesians 2:12. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.11

Therefore when Christ says, “I will declare Thy name unto My brethren,“ He evidently means that He will declare it, first of all, to those who do not know it-to heathen. But mark, “He is not ashamed to call them brethren.” That wretched sinner, despised of men, and despising even himself, covered with the filth of the gutter, Jesus is not ashamed to call a brother. Oh, what a wealth of love there is in Jesus! PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.12

Ah, but what of the statement that they are “all of one”? Does that apply to these heathen?—Certainly. Adam was the son of God (Luke 3:38), and although he fell, God did not cast him off. So all of Adam's race are lost, wandering, prodigal sons, whom the Father has not disowned, because He is Love. He is a Father, indeed. There are men in the world, who are called fathers, who disown their children. A son becomes a spendthrift and a drunkard, and he is no more owned as a son. A daughter goes astray, and the door is locked upon her. “She is no child of mine,“ says the so-called father, who knows nothing of what it means to be a father. Not so with God. He says, “O Israel, return to the Lord thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.” Hosea 14:1. The fact that we have fallen causes Him the more to open His arms to us; the greatness of our sin only adds force to our plea.” “For Thy name's sake, O Lord, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great.” Psalm 25:11. “For the Lord will not cast off for ever.” That is, He will never cast off. “But though He cause grief, yet will He have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies.” Lamentations 3:31, 32. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.13

Think of the circumstances. The world was lost in sin, wandering in darkness and the shadow of death. They were without hope, because they did not know the name of the Lord. Jesus, sitting with the Father upon the throne of eternal glory, with all the riches of the universe and the adoration of the angels His by right, said, “I will declare Thy name unto My brethren.” In His place as the honoured Son in the Father's house, He was not ashamed to call poor-fallen men His brethren. “My brothers are in great need; I will go down and help them.” Oh, what a wonder, that He is not ashamed to call the poor, ragged beggar His brother! There is nothing on earth that we can compare it with, for such disinterested love is not found among men; but we must consider it, just as it is, without a parallel, in order that the same love for His brethren may spring up in our hearts, that we may not be ashamed to call them brethren. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 547.14

Men often sing, PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.1

“I'm not ashamed to own my Lord,“ PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.2

That is very good; there is no reason in the world why we should be ashamed of Him. The remarkable thing is, that He is not ashamed of us. That is the love that draws us to Him, and gives us confidence to come back to the Father's house. And that same love in us will draw men to Christ. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.3

But it is a sad fact that many professed followers of the Lord, to say nothing of proud worldlings, are ashamed of the Lord. Every time we are ashamed to be seen in company with a poor man or woman; every time we shrink from contact with poverty, or do not wish to be recognised as belonging to the same society, we show that we are ashamed of the Lord; for He says, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” Matthew 25:40. Likewise, when we are ashamed of any truth, which is His life (for He is the truth, John 14:6), because it is unpopular, then we show that we are ashamed of Him. If Christ were here to-day aside was in Judea and Galilee eighteen hundred years ago, and He would be just the same as He was then, for He is “the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8),-what would many who now call themselves by His name do! How would they receive Him?—They would not receive Him, for “He came unto His own and His own received Him not.” John 1:11. “His clothes were so shabby; He associates with such low characters, people who are not at all of our set,“ would be the talk. Possibly they might allow Him to labour in a “mission” in the slums, but “what a figure He would cut in our church! I am sure it is better for Him, as well as for us, to associate with people of His class, for He certainly cannot feel at home among us.” Most likely. He was rich, and we were poor. For our sakes He became poor, and now the very ones for whose sake He made Himself poor are ashamed to own Him because of His poverty. What ingratitude! PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.4

“But what is that I hear? He keeps the seventh day for the Sabbath, and therefore we cannot allow Him to work even in our mission.” “No; He is altogether too far behind the times; He doesn't seem to realise that more than eighteen hundred years have passed since it was popular to keep the seventh day; He is altogether out of touch with nineteenth century Christianity. This enlightened age needs something different from the old-fashioned ways.” Ah, how many would be ashamed to own Him as a brother! And how many are to-day disowning Him, even while singing, “I'm not ashamed”! PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.5

He who is ashamed, shows himself to be a child of shame. Beware lest our shame at last cause Him to be ashamed. If we are not ashamed of Him, He will never be ashamed of us. “And now, little children, abide in Him; that when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.” 1 John 2:28. What a terrible thing to be ashamed then. They who are not ashamed of Him now in His humiliation and unpopularity, will not be ashamed before Him when He appears in His glory. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.6

The Jewish Rulers and Moses” The Present Truth, 13, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

The Jewish rulers in the days of Jesus made their boast of Moses. That Moses against whom their fathers so often rebelled, had been exalted to the place of Deity. Professor Graetz says of this, in his “History of the Jews:”— PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.7

His memory and name were endeared to all the Judeans within and beyond Palestine. They took oaths in the name of Moses, and bestowed that name on no other man. They carried their devotion to such an extreme that he who spake against the name of Moses was treated as one who blasphemed God. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.8

Yet Jesus said to these men: “There is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me: for he wrote of Me. But If ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My words?” John 5:41-45. They did not believe the very writings that they counted it blasphemy to speak against. Jesus showed that their profession of regard for Moses and also, on another occasion, for the prophets, was but a theological formula. Because they did not believe the Scriptures which they read through the traditions of the schools, they fulfilled them in condemning Christ. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.9

There is a lesson in this for us. Not a theoretical belief that the Bible is from God, but a yielding of the heart and life to it is the essential thing. Multitudes, called Evangelical, are ready to fight higher critics for the inspiration of the Bible who nevertheless will not receive it, as God's voice, meaning just what He says, when the voice calls for practical reform in the life. The Bible is talked of in all Christendom, but yet Christendom is swiftly running on in the very course of apostasy that the Bible marks out and warns against. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 548.10

“Items of Interest” The Present Truth, 13, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

-The Irish potato crop is blighted in many districts. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.1

-A dozen electric motor cabs now ply for hire in London streets. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.2

-The President of the South American republic of Uruguay was assassinated by a young man last week. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.3

-Speaking last week, President Kruger denied the suzerainty of Great Britain over the Transvaal Republic. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.4

-The price of meat in South Africa has risen owing to the rinderpost, which still advances toward the Cape. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.5

-The disturbed frontier in India is about 1,400 miles in length, and the mountainous character of it gives every advantage to small bodies of tribesmen. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.6

-The engineering strike is seriously interfering with trade, and white both sides speak confidently of the result, much work is said to be going to Belgium and Germany. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.7

-The strike of quarrymen in Lord Penrbyn's employ has ended, and by the settlement the men get practically all they asked far. The main point was right of combination. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.8

-The Duke and Duchess of York have been heartily greeted by the general public in Ireland, although Nationalist politicians have officially declared that the visit of the “strangers” has no political significance. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.9

-The United States and Canada are cooperating to keep open a mail route to Klondyke during the winter. Last winter but three mails were started from the coast, and one of these was left in the mountains by the man in charge, and has never been recovered from the snow. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.10

-Influential French papers say that the visits of the German Emperor and the French President to the Czar indicate that France must give up its war for the recovery of Alsace-Lorraine. The talk of a Continental combination inimical to Great Britain continues. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.11

-The Ameer of Afghanistan, whose loyalty to Great Britain is questioned in some parts, long ago likened his position to that of an earthen pot floating between two iron ones. His territory keeps British and Russian Asia apart, and whenever a collision between the two iron pots occurs the Ameer knows his possessions would likely be taken over by one or both. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.12

-The Afridis, the most formidable of the tribe=smen who have risen on the Indian frontier, have for twenty years been receiving pay from the Indian Government for keeping open the Khyber Pass. Many of them are now in the Indian army. Some levies of these troops have gone ever to them kindred. The outposts that have fallen were not of great strength, but as matters stand at this writing, Indian authorities say that it will require great expenditure of money and life to get back the control of the Khyber Pass. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 558.13

“Back Page” The Present Truth, 13, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

The Pope is mourning a marked falling off in “Peter's pence” contributions. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.1

Our missionaries in the Bay Islands, Central America, have just completed a schooner for work in the islands and along the mainlands of the Caribbean Sea. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.2

We are glad to see that our Society in the United States is preparing to publish literature in the point-letter system for the blind. They announce a series of tracts on The Way to Christ and How to Find Him. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.3

The International Workmen's Congress, held in Zurich last week, pronounced in favour of enforcing Sunday rest by law. Religious societies which are working toward this end will hail this support, from a convention not specially religious, as a strong argument in their favour, But it only harmonises with the Bible declaration that the spirit of the Papacy will fill all classes of society. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.4

Several fresh cases of the prosecution of Seventh-day Adventists under the Sunday laws are reported from New Brunswick, Ontario, and the United States. The evidence in every case showed that the prosecutions were for Sabbath-keeping rather than Sunday work. In Australia and South America, and in fact in all the world there is one spirit urging on the enforcement of Sunday laws. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.5

What is the meaning of this international revival of the papal method of enforcing religious institutions by law? It means that the Lord's coming is drawing near, and the Gospel of Christ, the everlasting Gospel, calling men to “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus,“ is being proclaimed, and the devil is wroth. The Sabbath is the sign of God's power to sanctify and save, and the enemy wants to hold before it the papal substitute. But the time has come when the truth is to be revealed. Not by the power of courts and prisons, but by the power of God the message of truth makes its way amongst the nations. “The Word of God is not bound,“ and none can stop it. To carry it forward by life and means and all is the one blessed work to which the Lord calls those who would follow Him. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.6

A new religious sect is reported from Russia, whose central doctrine is “that while the soul is immortal the body is of the devil, and should therefore be neglected as much as possible.” Its professors pay no regard to cleanliness, copying the habits of some of the early Catholic ascetic monks who supposed to add to their sanctity by neglect of their person. Russia is a very hot-bed of extravagantly fanatical movements. It is one of the prices it has to pay for its repression of free religious inquiry, resulting in keeping the peasantry in darkness and ignorance. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.7

The Great Powers are glad to send competent military and naval instructors to Asiatic lesser powers, to drill their men and teach them war. They compete with one another to get the orders for arms and war supplies. There are said to be about two hundred German instructors in China, working to get China into a “fit” condition. Men the “Christian” West gets the heathen East well versed in the art of war, it is not difficult to see that both together will fill the earth with such war as never was. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.8

While thus the nations are fulfilling the numerous scriptures which speak of the state of unrest and strife which is to close the history of the earth, what is the religious world doing to fulfil those scriptures which show that, before the coming of the Lord, the Gospel of His kingdom will be preached as a witness to all nations? There is something more important for all Christians than the questions of territorial extensions and political combinations which agitate men's minds. The Gospel is for sinners, no matter where they are or who they are, and the order of the Lord to every believer is that His invitation shall be taken to them. Yet Europe alone spends a thousand times as much on war as all Christendom spends on missions. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.9

The ignorant and emotional negroes in a section of South Carolina were last week reported by the American cables to have become crazed with excitement by the announcement of some soothsaying exhorters that the devil is dead. Their wild delirium of religious frenzy, however, which has terrified the community, shows that the devil is very much alive, and knows how to adapt his deceptions to all temperaments. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.10

The year's record of inquests held by coroners in the county of London shows that the death of 179 males and 137 females was attributable to “excessive drinking. Of course this does not include those who died in hospitals or under the care physicians, but merely the cases coming under the coroner's inquest owing to sudden death. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.11

The man who lives only for himself is engaged in a very small business. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.12

“A Good Rule Habitually Broken” The Present Truth, 13, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

A Good Rule Habitually Broken .—“No doctrine ought to be asserted,“ says the Christian, “which cannot be Scripturally proved. No doctrine can be so proved which is based upon allegory or parable or symbol, and not definitely affirmed in Scripture.” Applying this to the Sabbath question, it is plain that our contemporary ought to say no more of Sunday sacredness, for as Cardinal Gibbons flatly says: “Read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorising the sanctification of Sunday.” PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.13

The Great Delusion” The Present Truth, 13, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

The Great Delusion .—This, according to a London Spiritualist organ, is Spiritualism's message for the world:— PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.14

Spiritualists, urged on by the angel hosts just beyond the thin and transparent curtain of the physical senses, are determined to proclaim this mighty truth that the so-called dead still love, live, move, and have their being; that they wish not to be idle, but to ca-operate with those on earth. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.15

And what gives Spiritualism such advantage is the fact that nearly all Christendom has come to believe that the dead are not dead, but alive. “Ye shall not surely die,“ said Satan in the beginning, and the world believes it rather than God's word, “Unto dust shalt thou return.” God promises life by the resurrection, Satan promises life in spite of God's sentence of death. In order to deceive men his angels personate the dead “the spirits of devils working miracles”—and they are going forth to lead men into the final apostasy and ruin which the Word of prophecy has foretold. If Christendom believed the Bible, Spiritualism would not be sweeping over it. It is in all the churches, and the rejected Word is the only defence. PTUK September 2, 1897, page 560.16