The Story of the Seer of Patmos



1. What Scriptural invitation is given? What is the everlasting gospel said to be? During what time are the guests chosen? Who will be gathered in this great reunion? How are the guests arrayed? SSP 404.9

2. What was typical of the transformation of the character? How was this explained to Zacchæus, the publican? How are the people of God described? SSP 404.10

3. For what purpose did the Saviour enter the inner apartment of the heavenly temple? To Whom did He come? What was given Him? What is this event called? What voice at this time comes from heaven? To what people is this voice addressed? SSP 404.11

4. What is recorded in the sixteenth chapter? What does the eighteenth chapter describe? After the closing scenes of the eighteenth chapter, what did John then see? What did he hear? SSP 404.12

5. What is the one theme throughout creation? What had Satan repeatedly attempted to do? What followed these attempts? After the sinless beings had seen all this, what did they say? Who bowed before the throne, and what did they say? SSP 404.13

6. What does one glimpse of heaven show? Whose intense sympathy for man is beyond description? When the conflict is over, what shout resounds throughout creation? Who come to witness the gathering of the marriage supper of the Lamb? Describe the table. SSP 404.14

7. Upon what site does the city rest? What is the effect of Christ’s feet standing upon the Mount of Olives? What will never more be said? Where, and how will be seen the character of Christ? SSP 405.1

8. What does Gabriel say of those invited to the marriage supper? What did he say to John? How does he feel toward those through whom he has communicated? With whom does the angel Gabriel class himself? SSP 405.2

9. How is this view again presented before the prophet? How does he speak of Christ’s vesture? What endeared Him to His own troops? What do they become to Him? Describe Christ’s coming. What was written on His vesture and on His thigh? What name did He have? SSP 405.3

10. How is the experience of the redeemed described? What is Christ to the Father? Of what is the Word of God an eternal reminder? What was the Word of God made? Where did He dwell? What is the Word of God to those who obey it? What does it become when disregarded? SSP 405.4

11. In what way does Christ come for the first time? What has He been for six thousand years? Describe His eyes. How do they affect the souls of men? How is His word described, and what is its effect on the nation? How are men condemned? SSP 405.5

12. How does He come to the righteous waiting ones? What does He bring to His people? What does He become to the wicked? How is the earth affected by His coming? SSP 405.6

13. What is here first revealed? What does Christ tread? How will His coming affect the remnant of the wicked? What are they prepared to do? How are Europe and the United States represented? How are the armies in heaven clothed? How is this scene described? SSP 405.7

14. What, takes place at the end of the thousand years? Quote Psalm 50:3-6. What prophecies have come to us from time immemorial? With what words does Jeremiah prophesy? Of what is this a culmination? SSP 405.8

15. What does the angel standing in the sun cry? Where are those now who sought to slay the truth? SSP 405.9

16. Who accompanies Christ to heaven? What is in contrast with the marriage supper of the Lamb? What does this typify? What will become of the heavens? How many are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb? SSP 405.10