The Story of the Seer of Patmos



1. What veil was rent in twain when Christ died? What did the words “It is finished” announce to all the universe? Where is it that Christ rises from His judgment throne? What voice then reaches the utmost bounds of creation? Whose glory fills the temple? SSP 399.5

2. What may men continue to plead? Who are they like? Will prayer any longer prevail? What will be forever at an end? To what has man turned a deaf ear? SSP 399.6

3. From whom does all life emanate? What do men deny? What do they claim? Who will have the full control of the wicked at this time? In what condition are the people of God? SSP 399.7

4. From where does God’s call come at the last time? What does He say to the seven angels? What has been withdrawn from the earth? How long a period of time will the plagues continue? Where did the first angel pour out his vial? SSP 399.8

5. Has the earth ever refused to respond to God’s call for food? In what way will the day of the Lord come? What will be the effect of this first plague? How does the prophet Habakkuk describe it? What is the condition of the cattle and man? What comes upon men? SSP 399.9

6. How many classes are there then upon the earth? What is the only rebuke of disease? What would the touch of Christ accomplish when upon the earth? Who alone will resist disease? What will be sure to the people of God? In the midst of this terrible suffering, what will the little companies sing? Will any plague come upon them? How many plagues came upon the Egyptians before the Lord put a division between them and His people? SSP 399.10

7. What does the Lord say to His people? What does He create upon every dwelling? Where was the vial of the second angel poured? What was the effect? SSP 399.11

8. What was a type of God’s care for His people at this time? In what does the strength of God’s people consist? What will men say during the falling of these plagues? What example have we of this? How did it affect Pharaoh? Whom did Pharaoh’s repentance resemble? Will it be the same at this time? SSP 399.12

9. What is the effect of the third angel’s pouring out his vial? What do flowing streams and wells of water typify? What is God’s voice to man in the flowing water? When the priests bore the flagons of water from the brook Kedron, what did they sing? Who will sing these words again? SSP 400.1

10. What is bending near the earth in the time of trouble? What will be the effect of the heat of the sun when God’s Holy Spirit is withdrawn? What is God to His enemies? Of what does the sun become an agent? What is taught by the cloud over? shadowing the camp of Israel by day? What is the affect of the sun then upon the earth? SSP 400.2

11. What has the Lord done during the lingering of probation? What will be seen? Where did the fifth angel pour out his vial? What developments of the beast are manifest in the last days? What does all the world do at this time? SSP 400.3

12. What was a type of the darkness of the fifth plague? At what have men scoffed? What does God bring upon men, and how does it affect them? What cannot deliver them? When God hides His face, how does that affect men? Where only does the light shine? What is destroyed with the earth? SSP 400.4

13. Of what is the overthrow of nations a symbol? What three witnesses have spoken constantly? How will men go on during the falling of the plagues? What was Elijah called? How will the people of God be pointed out? What do the beast and his image seek to do? SSP 400.5

14. What adds strength to the oppression? What urges the people on? What do the angels loose? SSP 400.6

15. For what are the nations gathered? Upon what is the sixth plague poured out? What does Armageddon mean? What noted battles were fought in Megiddo, or Armageddon? Who fought against Sisera in the valley of Megiddo? Where was Josiah slain? SSP 400.7

16. What does the prophet say there will be in Jerusalem? Where does the seventh angel pour out his vial? What is its effect? What is the voice of Jehovah heard to say? How does this affect the heavens? Where does the Lord have His way? When He rebukes the sea, what is the result? How will it affect the hills and the earth? SSP 400.8

17. What does He say to the world? What becomes of the mountains? What will the righteous sing? What will the Lord cause to be heard? Where will His anger be made manifest? What will fall upon men? What happens after God says, “It is done”? What is fast approaching? Who come forth from their graves? At what time does God deliver His people? What is seen in the East? SSP 400.9

18. What song arises from God’s people? With what words do they greet the advancing cloud? What comes up in remembrance before God? How will Babylon then appear? To whom is God a consuming fire? What is a short distance ahead of us? What will insure a hiding-place beneath the wing of the Almighty? SSP 400.10