The Story of the Seer of Patmos


1. Of what has inspiration given us a vivid description? Why cannot human language describe it? What is the New Jerusalem called? Where is it located? SSP 398.9

2. Between what two periods did Christ minister in the first apartment of the heavenly sanctuary? Where was the lamb slain? SSP 398.10

3. When did the two thousand three hundred days of Daniel 8:14 end? What does the tenth chapter of Revelation make known? What began when Christ entered the most holy apartment? How long will the judgment continue? When this work is over, what does Christ do and say? How many will then have heard the everlasting gospel? SSP 398.11

4. With whom will those in the last generation be numbered? What does Christ at this time cast upon the earth? What does He lay aside? What bursts forth in all its splendor? SSP 398.12

5. In what way did Christ minister in heaven? What was veiled? When Christ utters the triumphant shout, “It is finished,” what takes place? How does this glory flash forth? When and how was this typified? Who then, with Christ, leaves the temple? SSP 398.13

6. What does John see standing before the altar? What was given to the seven angels? What is under the control of mighty angels? Who has had a partial control of these forces? Who now stands waiting the command of Jehovah? SSP 399.1

7. To whom does John now have his eyes turned? From where does this company come? While Christ and the angels are without the temple, who alone remains within? How do they pass the time of the plagues? What affect did the deliverance of Israel have upon the nations? What song did they sing? SSP 399.2

8. How did the sea of glass appear to John? What music is then heard? What song did they sing? What has Satan sought to do through all this controversy? Of what will he finally be convinced? What will he confess? Who finally pronounces his sentence? What does Christ then proclaim? SSP 399.3

9. In what condition are the wicked at this time? What is moved at the voice of God? What is about to begin? SSP 399.4