The Story of the Seer of Patmos



1. What was seen by John? What are mingled in God’s dealings with men? When did a thrilling message come to the world? SSP 389.2

2. Describe the angel that brought the message. What is said of the message? What was the significance of the cloud? What enables individual to penetrate the cloud? SSP 389.3

3. To whom is the rainbow a reminder of the everlasting covenant? Give the history of the rainbow. Who behold the bow? When was the rainbow first placed in the sky? SSP 389.4

4. What is said in regard to God’s looking upon the rainbow? What does every cloud contain? What is said of the dark clouds? Of what should every cloud be a reminder? SSP 389.5

5. What was shown by the rainbow about the head of the angel? What is said of the insignia of earthly potentates? What did the angel bind together? SSP 389.6

6. What two events were prophesied of by Daniel? What was Daniel’s prophecy? What was he told to do? At what time, and by whom would it be understood? What was the line of prophecy Daniel sought to understand? What is the only sealed message of the Word? SSP 389.7

7. Describe the book in the angel’s hand. When did the angel set one foot on the sea and one on the land? Describe the condition of the world How much was embraced in the message? How was the message given? What was the result? What was seen on the brow of the angel? SSP 389.8

8. How did nature respond? Give the oath of the angel. How was Jewish history divided? State what is included in the two thousand three hundred days of Daniel 8:14. SSP 389.9

9. When did men begin to study the prophecies of Daniel? What conclusion was drawn? To what did they think the cleansing of the sanctuary referred? How was it preached? Who led the work in America? In England? In Asia? SSP 389.10

10. How was the work carried forward in Sweden? What interpretation was given Revelation 9:13-21? What took place in 1840? How were people affected by it? What message was given at this time? From whom was it sent? SSP 389.11

11. What did the angel sware? Describe the messenger. What was the effect of preaching the message? What did the school children repeat? SSP 389.12

12. Quote Revelation 10:7. What is said of the seventh trumpet? What will be finished in the beginning of the seventh trumpet? When did the sixth trumpet end? When was the loud cry of the mighty angel given? When did the seventh trumpet begin to sound? What is the mystery of God? SSP 389.13

13. When was the truth in regard to the heavenly sanctuary discovered? What began in 1844? Where did Christ go at that time? What was begun when the first case was decided? SSP 389.14

14. What was this period? With what are the sixth and seventh verses of the tenth chapter of Revelation parallel? 15. How was the advent message received? Quote Revelation 10:8. Did the angel close the book? Quote Revelation 10:9 What does eating the book imply? How did Jesus use the figure? SSP 389.15

16. When was there a deep searching of the Scriptures? Describe the condition in the spring of 1844. Give the particulars in regard to the decree of Artaxerxes. SSP 390.1

17. What was the effect of eating the little book? What is said of the disappointment? To what is it compared? What was the effect upon the churches? What message was given as the result? SSP 390.2

18. How were the expectations of many defeated? Quote the words of the angel. What is said of this message? SSP 390.3

19. How many will hear this message? What is the message? When did the bitter disappointment pass? SSP 390.4