The Present Truth, vol. 12


August 27, 1896

“Made From Nothing” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

“Praise ye the Lord.” Who? You-whether you have ever done so before or not. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 545.1

Why? “Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness.” Psalm 150:2. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 545.2

His mighty acts are seen in the things which He has made. One may have little of the world’s possessions, but all share in the light, the air, the life, and those things of creation which no man’s selfishness can monopolise. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 545.3

Made From Nothing .-In the beginning God created the world from nothing, “so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” “He spake and it was, He commanded and it stood fast.” We may praise Him for the might which could make something where nothing was before. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 545.4

Made From Less Than Nothing .-The same power that created now saves. If we could make any comparison between the various ways in which Infinite power is exercised, we might say that the mightiest of the acts for which all may praise Him is the great act of salvation. He made the earth from nothing. It was a harder case in making the Christian, for fallen man was “less than nothing, and vanity.” Praise God for His excellent might, which can create the “new creature” where was worse than nothing. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 545.5

“The Claims of Priestcraft” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

Even the scribes, with all their self-assumption, knew that it was blasphemy for man to assume to forgive sins against God. “Who can forgive sins but God only?” they asked when Christ said to the sick of the palsy, “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.” They were all right as to the power which alone could forgive sins, but their failure was in not recognising who Christ was. Jesus thereupon demonstrated “that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins” by healing the sinner bodily as well as spiritually. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 547.1

But the Catholic priest goes beyond the scribes and assumes to himself the authority which God alone possesses. Thus, a Catholic priest, as reported in the Derry Journal, says, truly enough, that neither angels nor Mary can forgive the sinner. Of course not; for Mary is dead, and the angels are not able to do that which God alone can do; nor, since they witnessed the fate of the fallen angels, who tried to usurp the place of God, can they have any desire to emulate the example of Satan and his hosts. This spirit of evil, however, is the great genius of the Papacy, which, as Paul foretold, has sought to exalt itself “above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:4. Therefore this priest, after telling his hearers that angels cannot forgive the sinner his sin, says:- PTUK August 27, 1896, page 547.2

Who can do this for him? The priest of God. He can rescue the sinner from hell, and make him worthy to be received in the heavens; go, therefore, where you will, to heaven or through this earth, you will find only one created being who can forgive the sinner, and that being is the Catholic priest. Thus we see that the priest is raised beyond the brightest spirits which God has created or ever will create, and that to him are given powers, which have been denied to the Mother of God, and to the angels in heaven. Are we any longer, then, surprised to hear our Lord addressing those solemn words of warning to the Church at large:-“Beware of touching My anointed ones, he who touches them touches the apple of My eye.” Is it any wonder that St. Francis of Assisi should have exclaimed, “If I met an angel and a priest at the same time, I would first bow my knee to the priest, and then to the angel.” PTUK August 27, 1896, page 547.3

And the difference between the priest of Rome and the angel of God would be that while the angel would rebuke such adulation (Revelation 22:8, 9), the priest would encourage it and even command it. Priestcraft is as arrogant and proud in its claims now as ever in the days of Tetzel and his chest of money, in which the chinking of every golden coin signalled a soul released from purgatory, as easily as the penny-in-the-slot machine delivers a cake of chocolate. Times have changed a little, and the matter must be conducted rather more discreetly than that old indulgence seller found necessary, but the old claims are still made, and still mortal men assume the power to let men in or shut them out of the Church of Christ. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 547.4

“The Crusades” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

Eight hundred years ago this summer and the first Crusade was organised and started for the Holy Land. To commemorate this anniversary twelve persons are about to start from Amiens, France, from whence Peter the hermit, with his followers, started out eight hundred years ago, on a program made to Jerusalem. They go on foot, as did the rank and file of the age crusaders. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 548.1

It seems there is a “Society of the Crusades” in England, and this society has thought it fitting that Englishmen should also celebrate this anniversary with some memorial of the part taken in those strange and desperate expeditions by English kings, princes, knights, and people, against the Turks to recover the Holy Sepulchre. Therefore this society announces a second pilgrimage, to start from England in September, evidently not to go on foot, for a meeting is appointed in advance to be held in the Christian Temple, Jerusalem, on October 1, to decide what the memorial shall be which they will raise to the memories of those who fell in the battles of the Crusades. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 548.2

It is evident, from the early date of this appointment that the English contingent of this nineteenth century crusade does not intend to march to Palestine, but will ingloriously accept the aids of modern civilisation, and will make its descent upon the Holy Land quite after the manner of the modern tourist. Indeed the ways, and manners, and methods, and purposes, of the tourist parties of the present day, personally conducted by gracious and well-informed gentlemen, are incontestably preferable to those conducted by Peter the Hermit and his confreres. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 548.3

There are many theories as to the great value to the world of the influence of the Crusades, and much mistaken sentiment. The invasions of the Goths and Vandals and Huns and Saxons,-and the return trips of the Crusaders, were the ancient method of travelling, influenced by dire necessity or by fanatical zeal and bigotry. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 548.4

The tourists of those days travelled either on foot or horseback, and instead of paying their way with good coin of the realm, took what they required or desired at the edge of the sword or the point of the pike. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 548.5

But these expeditions resulted in slaughter, cruelty, shameful deeds, and enormities of such extent and character that the Turkish-Armenian massacres of the present day which chill the world with horror are yet productive, in comparison, of but the minutest fraction of human woe. Out of the millions who undertook the desperate journey to Palestine, men, women, and children, but a few thousand returned, strewing pestilence, plague, and leprosy along their homeward way-bringing everywhere destruction alike upon themselves, their foes, and their friends. The few survivors from such a terrible school must necessarily have learned something by their experiences. The barbarian churl and semi-civilised knight brought back to hut and castle a bitterly earned knowledge of men and the world. This, by the kindness of an over-ruling providence, has since proved profitable, but at what a cost was this knowledge gained! PTUK August 27, 1896, page 548.6

The plain truth about the Crusades is that they, and all that they stand for, are no more worthy of celebration than the slaughter and persecutions of the Inquisition, or the cruelties of the religious wars of Mohammed, or the massacres of helpless Armenians in Turkey to-day. Although masquerading under different names, they are all the same spirit. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 548.7

“Hindu Formalism” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

Hindu Formalism .-It is very easy for the Christian to let the life or his service die out and follow the round of religious forms mechanically and faithlessly. Such an one finds his counterpart in those followers of non-Christian religions who repeat their formulas, knowing that no power or life comes to them in their service. An Indian missionary says:- PTUK August 27, 1896, page 548.8

“The Hindus have strange ideas as to what constitutes salvation. A fakir in Kuparia told me that his highest ambition was, after death, to enter heaven on a horse. The mode of transit was upon what he laid most stress. Though a religious teacher, he knew absolutely nothing concerning sin and righteousness. Is it any wonder that the common people are ignorant? Other gosains, living at a quiet hermitage at Naraha, said they simply worshipped Hunaman as their fathers had done before them; that they did not derive any real spiritual benefit from what they worshipped; but performed their ceremonies in behalf of others, as they had been taught, and in this way obtained a living. I told them it was wicked to deceive others by teaching that which they knew to be useless; and then sang and explained some Christian hymns and preached to them and to others who had come to listen; and they gave me a good hearing. Many a time, in these secluded spots, have I had a quiet chat with heathen teachers and idol worshippers.” PTUK August 27, 1896, page 548.9

“The Promises to Israel. Giving the Commission” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

Forty years passed by after that first ill-advised attempt, when the Egyptian was killed, before the Lord was ready to deliver His people by the hand of Moses. It took that length of time to fit Moses for the important work. We read of Moses, at a later period of his life, that he was meek above all other men; but that was not his natural disposition. An education at court is not calculated to develop the quality of meekness. From the way in which Moses at the first proceeded to settle the labour troubles of his people, we see that he was impulsive and arbitrary. The blow closely followed the word. But the man who should lead the children of Abraham into the promised inheritance must have very different characteristics. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 549.1

The inheritance promised to Abraham was the earth. It was to be gained through the righteousness of faith. But the righteousness of faith is inseparable from meekness of spirit. “Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him; but the just shall live by his faith.” Habakkuk 2:4. Therefore the Saviour said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5. “Hearken my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which He hath promised to them that love Him?” James 2:5. The promised inheritance, to which the Israelites were to be led, could be possessed only by the meek, and therefore he who should conduct them on the way must necessarily possess that virtue. Forty years’ retirement in the wilderness as a shepherd, wrought the desired change in Moses. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 549.2

“And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died; and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.” Exodus 2:23, 24. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 549.3

This covenant, as we have seen, was confirmed in Christ. It was the covenant which God made with the fathers, saying unto Abraham, “And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.” Acts 3:25. And this blessing consisted in turning them away from their iniquities.It was the covenant which God remembered in sending John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, who should deliver His people from the hand of their enemies, so that they might “serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him” all the days of their lives. It was the covenant which assured to Abraham and his seed the possession of land, through personal faith in Christ. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 549.4

But faith in Christ does not assure any man an earthly possession. Those who are heirs of God are the poor of this world, rich in faith. Christ Himself had not a place of His own on this earth, where he could lay His head; therefore, none need think that following Him in truth will assure them worldly possessions. It is more likely to be the contrary. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 549.5

These points are necessary to be borne in mind as we consider the deliverance of Israel from Egypt, and their journey to the land of Canaan. They should be borne in mind in the study of the entire history of Israel, or else we shall be continually making the same mistake that was made by His own who received Him not when He came, because He did not come to advance their worldly interests. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 549.6

“Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the back side of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. And He said, Draw not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. Moreover, He said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of My people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; and I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto Me; and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them. Come now, therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth My people the children of Israel out of Egypt.” Exodus 3:1-10. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 549.7

We do not need to go into the details of the refusal of Moses, and of his final acceptance of the Divine commission. Now that he was actually fitted for the task, he shrank from it. It is sufficient to note that in the commission the power by which the deliverance was to be effected was made very clear. It was such a deliverance as could be accomplished only by the power of the Lord. Moses was to be simply the agent in His hands. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 549.8

Notice also the credentials which Moses carried. “Moses said unto God Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, the God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is His name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM; and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Exodus 3:13, 14. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.1

This is “the glorious and fearful name” of the Lord, which no man can ever comprehend, because it expresses His infinity and eternity. Look at the renderings that are given in the margin of the Revision: “I am because I am,” or “I am who I am,” or “I will be that I will be.” No one of these renderings is complete in itself, but all of them together are necessary to give something of an idea of the title. Together they represent “The Lord which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.2

How fitting that when the Lord was about to deliver the people, not simply from temporal bondage, but from spiritual bondage as well, and give to them that inheritance which could be possessed only by the coming of the Lord and the resurrection, He should make Himself known not only as the self-existent Creator, but as The Coming One, the same title by which He reveals Himself in the last book of the Bible, which is wholly devoted to the coming of the Lord and the final deliverance of His people from their great enemy, death. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.3

“And God said, moreover, unto Moses. Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you; this is My name for ever, and this is My memorial unto all generations.” Exodus 3:15. Continually are we reminded that all this deliverance is but the fulfilment of the promise made through Christ to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Notice also the significance of the fact that some of the most powerful Gospel sermons recorded in the New Testament, refer to God as the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, an evidence that He is to be known to us by the same title, and that the promises made to the fathers hold good to us, if we will but receive them in the same faith. “This is My name for ever, and this is My memorial unto all generations.” PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.4

With this name for his support, with the assurance that God would be with him and would teach him what to say, armed with the power to work miracles, and comforted with the assurance that Aaron his brother would join him in the work, Moses set out for Egypt. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.5

“Amongst the Wounded After Battle” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

In the Fortnightly, a writer of repute on military subjects discourses on “The Human Animal in Battle,” and forecasts the terrible sufferings of the wounded in future great battles, where long-range weapons will spread destruction, and render it more difficult than ever before to give aid to the wounded. After giving some gruesome examples of the terrible fate of the injured in modern wars, he says:- PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.6

No wonder that with knowledge such as this, at the Geneva Conference Mr. Twining proposed to end the miseries of the hopelessly wounded by giving the coup de grace. The time may come when such a measure will be permitted; now it shocks our squeamish humanity which cannot bear to read of such things, still less to think of them. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.7

This proposition by one whose work and profession is to render aid to the victims of hideous war shows how fearful is the task of those who glean for life on the battlefield. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.8

“The Trials of a Pope” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

Years ago, when the plaint of the “prisoner of the Vatican” was bitterer than in recent times, enterprising clericals sold straws to the faithful, the stalks of corn, which brought a good price, being represented as taken from the bed of straw on which the Pope was languishing in prison. Latterly the general knowledge of the sumptuous apartments of the Vatican, with the semi-royal state maintained by the Pope, must have dispelled these ideas even amongst the Catholic masses. But the plaint is still heard. The other day-the day on which he had been celebrating the release of the Apostle Peter from prison-the Pope said to a distinguished newspaper director:- PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.9

I, too, am a prisoner, and that for eighteen long years. In fact the nineteenth has now begun since I am here in imprisonment-a noble imprisonment, if you like, but still a real imprisonment. For eighteen years I have not been able to get a glimpse of the streets of Rome or of its holy Basilicas. I have had a new apse constructed in St. John Lateran’s, and yet it has been impossible for me to see it. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.10

Is the Pope a prisoner? He is not. The only reason why he refuses to go out is that he demands the homage of a temporal prince and the Roman State; and because he has been dispossessed of his temporalities he sulks in his palace, complaining all the time, and intriguing all the time to overthrow the Italian Government in order to recover his place as a petty prince in this world. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.11

He seems to realise, however, what many far-seeing observers have repeatedly declared, that his influence in the world at large was never greater in recent times. “One thing greatly consoles me,” he says, “in spite of all this, and it is the universal attention given to the Pope’s voice. I write Ecyclicals, and all give ear to them.” PTUK August 27, 1896, page 550.12

“Dyspepsia” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

Hyperpepsia is, says a medical journal, overwork of the stomach, and may not be abnormal in any other sense than that a more than normal amount of work is done. This sometimes gives various symptoms. Usually there is a good appetite, sometimes tenderness over the stomach, and in some cases sour stomach, which does not come from acid fermentation of food, but simply an over-production of the gastric juices. This condition often gives considerable trouble to the patient, although he is veil nourished; it may, in fact, irritate the nervous system to that extent that it may approach what is termed nervous dyspepsia. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.1

This form of dyspepsia can be more easily remedied from the fact that there is no lack of power in the work, and it is easier, as a rule, to check an exaggerated peptic action than to bring a case of low action up to the normal status. Taking less food is the first thing, and restricting the diet to grains, milk, and fruits, leaving off all flesh foods. This diet will materially diminish the gastric juices, which will be a benefit to this class of patients. An hour before meals a drink of cold water will be beneficial, which will not only dilute the gastric juice, and make it less irritating, but will also depress the production of the gastric juice. Many cases often get a good deal of benefit from a drink of common cold water an hour before meals. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.2

This class of dyspeptics is the most easily managed of all classes, and scarcely any other treatment is necessary than the above dietary regimen. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.3

“Items of Interest” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

-Spain has been alarmed recently by evidences of Anarchist activity. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.4

-There are now 1,700 co-operative societies in Great Britain, with 1,250,000 members. The annual trade amounts to 240,000,000, upon which is a profit of 25,000,000. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.5

-The American presidential campaign, which is being fought on the currency question, is breaking up old party lines, and very largely arraying the West against the East. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.6

-Three-tenths of the earnings of a Belgian convict are given to him on the expiration of his term of imprisonment. Some of them thus save more money in gaol than they had ever saved before. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.7

-Mohammedan depositors in the Post Office Savings Banks are enriching the British Government, as their religion forbids them to receive interest. They insist on taking out no more than they put in. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.8

-Fast trains now traverse the Trans-Siberian Railway as far as Tomsk, about 800 miles from the Asiatic frontier. There is still a rush of immigrants, in spite of the discouraging accounts given by many who have returned to European Russia. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.9

-On account of obscuring clouds the principal astronomical expeditions fitted out for observing the total eclipse of the sun, which occurred on Sunday, August 9, failed completely in their objects. Successful observations were made, however, in Finmark, Nova Zambia, and Ameer. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.10

-Statisticians say that 32,214,000 die annually; that is an average of 98,840 a day, 4,020 an hour, and 67 a minute. The annual number of births, on the other hand, is estimated at 36,792,000, an average of 100,800 a day, 9,200 an hour, and 70 a minute, so that the population is increasing at the rate of three to the minute. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.11

-There has just been opened in the Sault Ste. Marie Canal, connecting the great American lakes, a look which is the largest construction of its kind in the world, and which has taken seven years to build. It is 800ft. in length between the gates, and 1,100ft. over all; 43ft. high, 100ft. wide, and will accommodate boats drawing 21ft. of water. Its giant centrifugal pumps, driven by compound Westinghouse engines, can fill the lock in thirteen minutes, and empty it in eight minutes. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.12

-A missionary lately returned from Central Africa reports the natives there as making rapid development in the adoption and use of the conveniences of civilisation. They are building two storey stone and brick houses, provided with windows and doors, and furniture,-bridges also are being built, and carriages and bicycles coming into use. Of missionary matters he speaks as follows:-“The contrast between the Uganda of to-day and that of 1893 is simply marvellous. I have pointed out some of the progress that has been made, and the same rapid development applies to mission work. In the case of the English Protestant Mission, our great difficulty is to restrain the thousands of natives who flock to us for instruction and apply for baptism.” PTUK August 27, 1896, page 558.13

“Back Page” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

The Belfast riot is a suggestion of the trouble which may come in many parts if the Catholics and Protestants alike press religious differences into the arena of politics. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.1

A contemporary reports the case of a man who recently applied for recognition as a Unitarian minister, saying “He was not a Christian, and refuses to profess Christianity.” The examining committee reported him “well qualified to do good work as a minister.” PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.2

A report from the Hawaiian Islands says that our friends in Honolulu are just starting a sanatorium, with a medical missionary in charge. The Chinese work in the islands is prospering, and some natives connected with the mission are expecting some to return to China to work. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.3

Protestants in Malta are still much concerned over the mixed marriage law. Immediately after the Privy Council decree declaring such marriages legal, though not celebrated before a Roman Catholic priest, the Malta Legislature passed a bill declaring them illegal, and the bill is now awaiting the Queen’s assent. It seems impossible that such assent should be given. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.4

The Select Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to consider the advisability of relaxing some of the provisions of the “Lord’s Day Act,” of 1781, report that, whilst inappropriate in phraseology, the old law substantially harmonises with public opinion, and they do not advise changing it. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.5

While the world rings with praise of the man who gets farthest North into the ice packs, it would puzzle most people to tell what is the practical utility of all the expenditure of lives and means in the mere effort to see how many degrees beyond previous records may be accomplished. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.6

“The Matabeleland Mission” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

The Matabeleland Mission .-The brother in charge of our Society’s Mission farm in Matabeleland has visited the farm, and found buildings intact although crops are mostly destroyed by raiding parties, and a few cattle left. The natives about the vicinity have continued loyal, and as he found them in hiding he received a most cordial reception. All were anxious for the mission to be speedily taken up again so that they might return to their homes. Of the causes of ill feeling and consequent savage retaliation this brother says:- PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.7

Many of the white people do not respect their rights of property, and constantly impose upon the ignorance of the unsuspecting native. Worse than all else is the invasion of family sacredness against the protest of all. These things sometimes seem to me to form a basis for the action of the native race of Matabeleland at this time. I pity them, and pray that the time may come when they may be taught to bear even these cruelties with fortitude rather than to retaliate by shedding blood. Our company are all of good courage. Changes may quickly occur, and we cannot say now what is ahead. We trust in the Lord, and press forward. However, we feel safe, and hope so to yield to the Master that all will be well with us whatever befalls. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.8

“Theosophy” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

Theosophy .-A morning paper, which reviews a new work on Theosophy, says, “One advantage of the study of Theosophy seems to be that it makes its disciples thoroughly optimistic. Mrs. Besant holds out to us glorious hopes as to the future of humanity.” The greatest Theosoph of all beguiled men in the beginning by promising great things if only he would turn from the words of God. “Ye shall be as gods,” was the promise. Human nature loves to be flattered by assurances of great things to be developed from within. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.9

“Religion in Rome” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

Religion in Rome .-A French critic, who certainly has no Protestant bias, says of the religious life of the masses in modern Rome:- PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.10

There is no real religion, but simply a childish idolatry; all hearts go forth to the Madonna and the saints, who alone were entreated and regarded as having any existence of their own; it never occurred to anybody to think of God. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.11

To see how Mary and the “saints” are allowed to eclipse the Christ one has only to observe the worshippers in out of the way churches, and even in the great cathedrals. The religion of Rome effectually shuts out the Lord as an approachable helper, and puts the human, living and dead, between the sinner and his Saviour. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.12

“Profitable Education” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

Profitable Education .-The subject of education has been much before the country of late. It is an important question. Too great stress cannot be laid upon it. But it is easily possible to ask too much of the public school. It is not too much to ask that the pupils of the schools should leave them with trained and developed bodies and minds, and with an understanding of how to continue that training and development. The system of education which does not fit those who pass through it to gain their own living and support those dependent upon them is worthy of the name. But, as life is more than raiment, so there is more in building up a life, and by example and precept helping others to do the same, than there is in simply making a living for one’s self and others. It is only those who have been taught of the Lord to comprehend this, and deny themselves the prizes which the world offers to accomplish it. That system of education which graduates men and women of this stamp is the only one truly profitable to individuals and the world. PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.13

“The Crusaders” The Present Truth, 12, 35.

E. J. Waggoner

The Crusaders .-An article in another part of this number notices the proposal to commemorate the “great good” which the Crusades accomplished. The historian Ridpath gives the following account of the entry of the “Christian” forces into Jerusalem on one of those expeditions:- PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.14

The Saracens gave way before them. They retreated through the streets, fighting at intervals until they were driven into the precincts of the mosque of Omar. Blood flowed in the gutters, and horrid heaps of the dead lay piled at every corner. None were spared by the frenzied Christians, who saw in the gore of the infidels the white way of redemption. Ten thousand dead, scattered through the city, gave token of the merciless spirit of the men of the West. Another ten thousand were heaped in the reeking courts of the great mosque on Mount Moriah. “God wills it,” said the pilgrims... The spirit of the massacre is well illustrated in the letter which the Christian princes sent to his holiness the Pope. The devout writers say: “If you wish to know what we did to the enemies we found in the city, learn that in the portico of Solomon and in the temple our horses walked up to the knees in the impure blood of the Saracens.” PTUK August 27, 1896, page 560.15