Christ in His Sanctuary

Study Questions

1. What takes place at Christ's “coming” described in Daniel 7:13, 14? (115)

2. Which cases only are considered in the investigative judgment? (116)

3. Certain names only are recorded in the book of life. Who are they? (117)

4. How much does the book of remembrance contain? (117)

5. What other “record” is carefully kept? (117, 118)

6. In the investigative judgment, what two things happen if there are sins remaining on the books of record? (119)

7. At what time are forgiven sins blotted out—when they are forgiven, or at the final judgment? Why? (121)

8. What guilt will Satan bear? How is this fact illustrated in the Old Testament sanctuary service? (122)

9. In addition to actions, what other things are considered in the judgment? (123, 124)

10. How is any act we commit given value? (123)

11. Two acts of Christ have equal value in the plan of salvation. What are they? (125)

12. How does Satan “taunt” Christ and holy angels in the judgment? What does he claim it is impossible for men to do? What is the answer to this claim? (125,126)

13. How should we use the remaining days of probation? (126, 127)