The Signs of the Times, vol. 14


October 26, 1888

“The Sentinel Extra” The Signs of the Times 14, 41, p. 647.

THERE has been issued a special edition, or rather extra, of the AMERICAN SENTINEL, particularly designed for distribution before election day, or upon that day, though good at all times and everywhere in the country. Its object is to disclose the danger threatened to the liberties of citizens of the United States from the proposed Religious Amendment to the Constitution, and the National Sunday law, both of which are now pending in the United States Senate. It gives an analysis of the Sunday law by sections, and gives the proposed constitutional amendment, with an article showing what it means, and an article on “The National Reform Association” and what its purposes are, an article on “The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union,” and one on “The Prohibition Party,” besides a number of short, pointed items. SITI October 26, 1888, page 647.1

The analysis of the Sunday law bill shows that the spirit of that bill is simply and only the spirit of religious bigotry and intolerance. The examination of the proposed amendment to the Constitution shows that it is simply an establishment of a national religion for which it provides. The article on “The Savor of Tyranny” is a reprint of a judicial decision rendered by Judge Sullivan, of the Supreme Court of California, upon a principle identical with one contained in the Sunday bill, and clearly shows that the Blair Sunday Bill is uncertain and unreasonable; that it is subversive of liberty, and that it savors of tyranny. An article on the “National Reform Association” gives in their own words what the National Reformers propose to do when they get the amendment to the national Constitution that they want. This article, in connection with the foregoing ones, clearly demonstrates that the result of the proposed amendment and Sunday law introduced by Senator Blair, if adopted, will be the establishment of a religious despotism as cruel as any that ever was. SITI October 26, 1888, page 647.2

The article on “The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union” is to show, not only that the political theory of that union is identical with that of the National Reform Association, but also to show that the union is, in fact, a part of the National Reform Association, and the political workings are directly in the line of the National Reform Association. SITI October 26, 1888, page 647.3

The article on “The Prohibition Party” shows that that party is doing the same thing. It is shown also that the principles of the Prohibition party and the National Reform Association are precisely the same as those which Pope Leo XIII. has commanded all Catholics to keep ever in view, and for which the Catholics in the United States are also working. SITI October 26, 1888, page 647.4

The short items are brief comments upon different points suggested in all these lines. SITI October 26, 1888, page 647.5

It will be seen that this Sentinel touches upon living questions, and such questions, and such questions as are of the most vital importance to American citizens. An edition of about 200,000 has been printed, and apportioned among the different Conferences of the country, 25,000 being retained for the Pacific Coast. We ask the readers of the SIGNS everywhere, and especially in California, to give the matter of the distribution of this extra their closest thought and attention. Hand it to your neighbors of all classes and conditions, whether they are interested in the Sunday law or not—hand it to them and ask them to read it. Send it to your friends afar off, scatter it everywhere. Any number in addition will be printed on short notice if required. If you have not enough send to the office for all you want and they will be furnished at $10 a thousand. SITI October 26, 1888, page 647.6

This is giving the Third Angel’s Message. All who love the truth and the work of that message should spare neither time, labor, nor expense to see that this paper has the widest possible circulation. Everybody who loves liberty and human rights, civil and religious, should see that it shall be so also. Who loves civil and religious liberty and human rights? Who loves the truth and the work of the Third Angel’s Message? Who will not read and circulate the Sentinel? J. SITI October 26, 1888, page 647.7