The Signs of the Times, vol. 13
June 9, 1887
“The Kansas Camp-meeting” The Signs of the Times 13, 22, pp. 343, 344.
THE Kansas State camp-meeting was held in Garfield Park, Topeka, May 18-24. The park is a beautiful place quite thickly covered with a natural growth of trees. The irregularity of the tents in the best of order, but the lack in this respect was amply made up by the pleasant shade. About five hundred people were encamped on the grounds. Elders I. D. Van Horn of Michigan, and R. M. Kilgore of Illinois and Brother C. Eldridge of Battle Creek, Michigan, were sent by the General Conference committee. There was a measure of disappointment that the meeting was deprived of the services of Elder Geo. I. Butler, president of the General Conference, but as it was known that sickness prevented his coming, there was tender sympathy expressed, and earnest prayer offered for him as he labors under the burden of the many cares of his office. SITI June 9, 1887, page 343.1
With the exception of one sermon, the preaching was done by Elders Van Horn and Kilgore and the writers. The preaching in the day-time was particularly designed toward the wants of our own people, in the endeavor to impress them with a sense of the time in which we live, the dangers which threaten us, and the preparation in heart and life that is essential in the case of everyone who will stand before the Saviour when he comes. Sabbath, or course, was a day of special effort in this direction, and God came very near and gave victory. The day was made one of partial fasting—nothing being eaten after breakfast—and was faithfully observed as such by the entire camp. At 11 o’clock A.M. Elder Kilgore gave a most searching discourse from Malachi 3:1-5, on the Investigative Judgment, and the importance of being ever ready, or in such an hour as we think not our cases will be passed, and we found wanting, our probation forever closed, and the awful word be pronounced, “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still.” SITI June 9, 1887, page 343.2
After the sermon a call was made for “them that were turned back from the Lord, and those that had not sought the Lord nor inquired for him.” All the seats prepared were soon filled, and as there seemed to be such an earnest desire to draw near to God, the call was extended to all who would to come. Almost the whole congregation was moved. The main aisle of seats was soon filled, and the overflow filled the front seats of the side aisles. Then after some instruction on the subject of confession, and putting away of sin, the time was given to those who had confession to make. The response was general and free. There was not the least urging of excite- ment, but there was a deep sorrow for sins committed, and an earnest longing for forgiveness, and for the application of the cleansing power of the precious blood of the Redeemer. It has seldom been our lot to see deeper conviction, or greater searching of heart, or more honest confessions. There seemed to be a disposition to care for nothing but to do right and be right with God, and that nothing should stand in the way, but that every sin should be searched out and put away forever. With a short intermission, this good work continued till the close of the day, and it was felt by all that an immense gain for godliness had been made. SITI June 9, 1887, page 343.3
The evening sermons and those of Sunday were devoted to subjects more adapted to the outside interest, which was good throughout the meeting. A heavy shower interfered with the attendance Sunday forenoon, but in the afternoon and evening there was a great crowd of people present, who gave the closest attention to the word spoken, and good impressions were made in favor of the truth. Monday afternoon a discourse was given by Elder Van Horn on the subject of baptism, after which the audience adjourned to the stream that flowed by the grounds, and twenty-two willing souls were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. SITI June 9, 1887, page 344.1
Brother Eldridge conducted a class in canvassing, throughout the meeting. Instructions were given on the subject every day, sometimes to the whole congregation, at others to the canvassers themselves and whoever chose to attend. These “talks” and instructions were among the best sermons of the meeting, and nearly a hundred canvassers now go forth in Kansas alone, to carry the truth to every house in the State. We pray that God may hasten the day when it shall be that not only a hundred but hundreds shall so go forth not only in Kansas but in every State and Territory in the Union. SITI June 9, 1887, page 344.2
Elder Kilgore was called by telegram to the capital of Illinois, on account of the Sunday law, which was to be made the special order in both the House and Senate of the Illinois Legislature, on Tuesday, May 24, and had to leave the camp-meeting at 2:30 A.M. Monday. The Illinois Sunday law, as proposed by the preachers of Chicago, is a terrible statute, and it was important that all be done that could be to obtain a recognition of the rights of conscience of those who observe the Sabbath. SITI June 9, 1887, page 344.3
Monday night a discourse was given by the writer, pointing out the dangers that now threaten the liberties of American citizens in the coming union of Church and State. The attendance was large, the attention was excellent, and we believe that impressions were made that will tell for the truth in the coming conflict which is fast approaching. SITI June 9, 1887, page 344.4
Tuesday morning Brother Page was ordained to the work of the gospel ministry. Prayer by Elder J. H. Cook, charge by Elder I. D. Van Horn. And so closed the Kansas camp-meeting of 1887, which will be held long in grateful remembrance to God for the rich blessings there bestowed by him in his mercy. It was a precious occasion. We are sure that both ministers and people will go to their homes and to their work with increased faith and courage, and that the work of God in that State will prosper accordingly. The Kansas Conference has a large force of young men, who can be a power for good if only they will study hard, and work hard, build upon the Foundation broad and strong, consecrating all their powers to God and to the work in which they are engaged; and we believe there is in all an earnest purpose to do this. SITI June 9, 1887, page 344.5
As Elder J. H. Cook, who has been president of this Conference for several years, had been called by the General Conference to labor in Kentucky, his official connection with the Kansas Conference closed at this meeting. Elder Cook’s labors in Kansas have been greatly blessed of God, and a strong Conference has been built up there, consisting now of about 2,000 members. He has become greatly endeared to the hearts of the brethren in Kansas, and it was hard for them to give him up, but they did it cheerfully, and many prayers will go with him to his work in Kentucky. SITI June 9, 1887, page 344.6
There were nearly a hundred Germans present, for whose benefit separate meetings were held under the charge of Elder H. Shultz, of Nebraska. Brother Shultz’s report will be found in another column. SITI June 9, 1887, page 344.7