The Signs of the Times, vol. 13


“Image to the Beast. Concluded” The Signs of the Times 13, 46, pp. 729, 730.

WE have not the space now to thoroughly ventilate this wicked offer; we may do that at another time. At present we shall only say that if this scheme were adopted at this hour it would place the public schools of ten States and four Territories under the control of the Catholic Church. This shows to what lengths the National Reformers are willing to go to gain the alliance of Rome in their project for the establishment of a national religion. SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.1

5. The Prohibition party as such. The National Reform report before mentioned says on this point: SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.2

“The national platform of the Prohibition party adopted in Pittsburg in 1884, contained an explicit acknowledgment of Almighty God, and of the paramount authority of his law as the supreme standard of all human legislation. The Rev. Dr. A. A. Miner, D.D., of Boston, an eloquent and devoted friend and one of the vice-presidents of the National Reform Association, was a member of the committee which framed the declaration. After that presidential campaign was over, and before the State conventions of 1885, Professor Wallace, of Wooster University, wrote to your secretary, suggesting that all diligence be used to secure similar acknowledgments and kindred declarations on related points, in the Prohibition platforms of the several States. Under this most judicious and timely suggestion, a large correspondence has been held with the leaders of the party, and its chief workers in many States.” SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.3

And then of the State and county Prohibition Conventions that have “incorporated into their platforms” distinct acknowledgment of National Reform principles, there are named the States of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Maryland, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Colorado, Texas, and Connecticut; and the counties of Washington, Lancaster, and Chester, Pa., and Belmont, Ohio. SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.4

Now take the voters of “all the evangelical denominations;” the voters of the Prohibition party; the voters of the workingmen’s associations; and the voters of the Catholic Church; and it is perfectly clear that they compose an overwhelming majority of all the voters in this nation; and much more would it be so if the W.C.T.U. should secure their demanded right of suffrage. And against this thing there will be no “solid South.” Take, then, all the voters that are here represented; take with them an issue upon which all will heartily unite; veil National Reform under that issue; then bring that issue to a vote at the polls, and it is absolutely certain that it will carry by a vast majority. SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.5

Is there then any such issue in view? There is such an issue, and that already clearly defined and well developed. That issue is THE UNIVERSAL DEMAND FOR SUNDAY LAWS, or, as otherwise expressed, laws enforcing the observance of the “Christian Sabbath.” Every one of these bodies that we have named will almost unanimously support whatever demand may be made for Sunday laws, even to the subversion of the national Constitution to secure them. The reader needs not to be told that all the churches are in favor of rigid Sunday laws. It is well known that one grand aim of the W.C.T.U. is to secure the enactment and enforcement of strict Sunday laws. The Baltimore Plenary Council, indorsed by the Pope, commands the observance of Sunday, and the Romish Church will heartily support any movement to enforce its observance by national laws. It is this very thing that makes the National Reform Association so anxious to secure the help of Rome. Both the Catholic and the National Reform papers urge upon the workingmen that as they have already struck for eight hours for a day’s work, now they must strike for six days for a week’s work, and Sunday secured by law. SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.6

In the late National Reform Convention it was not only stated, as we have quoted, that “National Reform must secure the workingmen,” but it was also said that “they could best be secured through the agitation of the Sabbath.” And they are securing them by this very means. The Illinois Legislature, which we believe is yet in session, had before it for passage a Sunday law framed by the preachers of Chicago—it might well have been framed by the Inquisition itself—and a petition, said to represent 25,000 Knights of Labor, was sent up urging its passage. Nor does the movement stop with the Knights of Labor and other workingmen’s associations, but even the Socialists join themselves to the movement and are welcome, as the following from the Christian Union testifies:— SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.7

“It is very clear that if our Sabbath [Sunday, of course] is to be preserved at all—and we are sanguine of its preservation—the non-religious sentiment of the country must be brought in to re-enforce the religious demand for Sabbath [Sunday] rest, and it is increasingly evident that this is entirely practicable. And, curiously, what renders this practicable is that horrid ‘socialism’ which keeps some good people lying awake o’ nights in fear and trembling.” SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.8

Are not the Legislatures of all the States already being besieged at every session with demands for the enactment of rigorous Sunday laws with no respect whatever to the rights of conscience? Only the past winter such demands were made upon the Legislatures of California, Iowa, Minnesota, Texas, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Illinois, and we know not how many other States. Such laws were secured in Massachusetts and Tennessee, and passed the House in Illinois sweepingly and with cheers. But State laws will amount to but little while national statutes are wanting. And now Congress itself is to be besieged. The W.C.T.U. is now circulating everywhere for signatures, petitions to be presented to Congress next month asking for the enactment of laws forbidding Sunday mails in any shape, and Sunday interstate railroad traffic. And it is safe to say that they will very readily get millions of signatures to the petitions. SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.9

Here, then, is the situation. The National Reform Association proposes a religious amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Through such an amendment there will be formed a union of Church and State. Under cover of the universal demand for Sunday laws the question of the constitutional amendment can be made a question of national politics, and can be brought to a vote of the nation. When it is so brought to a vote, the National Reform Association can bring to the polls, in its support, the voters of “all evangelical churches,” the voters of the Prohibition party, the voters of the Catholic Church, the voters of the Knights of Labor, and the workingmen generally, and with these the Socialists and all the rest of the non-religious rabble, and the whole thing sanctified by the sweet influences of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, and so can carry it as sweepingly as inquisitorial Sunday laws are now carried in some of the State Legislatures. SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.10

By these evidences it will be seen that it will be but a little while till this question can be made a national issue. The National Reformers themselves say that their amendment will be secured “within the next nine years at the very furthest.” And Dr. McAllister says: “I think in a much less time than that, probably within the next five years, this will be the living issue, an issue that American politicians can no longer quibble over, but that they must face and settle.” He says that there may be a partial success in the campaign of 1892, but that there will be a much broader success in 1896. Of this we can offer no opinion only to say that we very much fear that they are right in their estimate. But this we know, and everyone else may know, that whenever the day comes that it is brought to a vote it will as surely carry as that day comes. That that day will come is as sure as that these facts exist. And when it does come, then there comes with it a union of Church and State, with its whole train of attendant evils in this Government. And in that day, liberty—whether civil or religious—will forever take her departure from this dear land, her last and happiest home on earth. SITI December 1, 1887, page 729.11

Then will be formed the image to the beast, and his enforced worship will speedily follow. But the message of God is speaking with a loud voice: “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.... Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” And speedily to follow there will be “the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth [this truth], that they might be saved.” Thus the most fearful contest between truth and error that the world has ever seen, is at the very doors, and who is ready? Who has received such a love for the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus that by that love they shall be able to defeat all the deceptions of Satan in all his power? Who? SITI December 1, 1887, page 730.1
