The Second Advent Manual



It has been supposed again that the difference of four years, between the true date of the birth of Christ and A. D., affects the exact application of one of the most important prophetic periods, the 2300 days or years of Daniel 8. The 70 weeks, a part of this period, terminated when “Messiah” was “cut off” “to make reconciliation for iniquity,” “and to anoint the Most Holy.” One week, or seven years, he was to “confirm the covenant with many.” In determining this question-How did Christ confirm the covenant one week, or seven years?-it has been ascertained, from what the sacred historians say of the age of Christ when he commenced his ministry, (Luke 3:1-23; Mark 1:6-15; Acts 10:36, 37,) and of the facts connected with his birth and death, that he was 37 years of age when “cut off”—that he was “cutoff” A. D. 33-that he was born four years “before the account called Anno Domini,” and therefore, as he commenced his ministry at 30, he confirmed the covenant, according to the prophecy, by preaching 7 years. These facts have all been proved, not to say demonstrated. But the caviller has started a new difficulty, though others besides cavillers may have been entangled with it. It is this: “If Christ was born 4 years before A. D., and was 37 at his death, then the 70 weeks did not run out till the true A. D. 37, and the 2300 days, or years, cannot end till A. D. 1847.” Now in determining the question whether the 70 weeks, as a whole, were fulfilled, so as to “seal up,” or make sure “the vision” which ends at the termination of the 2300 days or years, we have nothing at all to do with the birth or age of Christ, we only want to know when he was “cut off;” as to this simple question, it matters not whether he was 20, 30, or 50 years of age at the time. In determining the question, whether Christ confirmed the covenant one week, or seven years, by his personal ministry, as we know his age when it began, we must ascertain his age at his death. In the other question, whether the 70 weeks expired at his death, we must ascertain whether it took place 70 weeks or 490 years from the going forth of the commandment referred to. The 70 weeks were so fulfilled, and God by them has sealed the vision. Christ did confirm the covenant, by his personal ministry, 7 years-he was 37 when he died, A. D. 33, and was therefore born 4 years before the “account commonly called A. D.” See note D. in the Diagram. TSAM 25.2

But let not the caviller make the correction in one particular part of the calculation, in order to introduce difficulties, which, when the whole is corrected, have no existence; if the correction is to be made, it should be carried through. TSAM 26.1

Let it be understood that the 70 weeks did not run out till the true A. D. 37, and that the whole period will not run out till the true A. D. 1847; and let it be further understood that the true A. D. 37 was A. D. 33, and the true A. D. 1847 is A D. 1843, and it is as exactly 490 years from the 7th year of Artaxerxes to at 37th year of the true of Christ, as from the same year to A. D. 33; and it is as exactly 1810 years from the 37th year of the true age of Christ to the true A. D. 1847, as from A. D. 33 to A. D. 1843. As the “difference” has no connection with the time of Christ’s death, the difficulty it is supposed to present in applying the prophetic period which brings us to “the end,” has no existence. 3 TSAM 26.2