The Medical Missionary, vol. 16


May 22, 1907

“In the Field” The Medical Missionary, 16, 21, p. 166.


AS stated in the previous report, my work in Boston very unexpectedly closed up for the time about two weeks before the time arranged for. Therefore, leaving Boston Monday evening, March 18, I arrived in Newark, N. J., Tuesday, the 19th. This in turn brought me to this place about two weeks earlier than any one expected. But, the announcement was circulated, and the meetings were begun Thursday night, the 21st, and continued every night and Sabbaths and Sundays, including the 31st. The attendance was good, and the interest also. The subjects presented here, were the same in substance as in other places. The Eastern Question showing the nearness of the end of all things and what is the preparation to escape all these things that shall come to pass; Church Federation leading to world federation or religion and world despotism and destruction; and the truth of Christ and of the Church of Christ that saves from that deception and destruction. For these are the great world-issues of the present time; and to know the truth concerning these things and the way of escape, is the great thing that needs to be preached to all people in this time. The experience met in Boston on the question of Church Federation that was being discussed amongst the Baptists only added freshness and point to that phase of the truth that was presented; for this demonstrated that the discussion of church federation was not merely theoretical. but very practical; and was not the pointed out of something yet to come, but the discussion of a very present and living issue, the very serious meaning of which it was not at all difficult to discern. MEDM May 22, 1907, page 166.1

From Newark I went to Washington, D. C. and began meetings Wednesday night, April 3, and continued to Sunday night, April 14. The attendance here was larger than at any other place that I had been on this tour. Only once or twice was the attendance less than about three hundred. Here, too, the interest was excellent, prominent educators of the city of Washington being amongst the hearers. One of these, the principal of one of the Manual Training Schools of the city, was present when I spoke on the Eastern Question, and invited me to come and present that question to his school on Wednesday morning, April 10, I went and found there present to hear about four hundred students and teachers with the principal. These were all deeply interested in the subject and expressed with thanks their hearty approval of the presentation of that great question. The interest in the meetings increased from the beginning until the very end; the last night the attendance being more than could get into the house. And the interest was such that I was required to promise that I would visit them again. MEDM May 22, 1907, page 166.2

Leaving Washington April 16, I went again to Boston, speaking Sunday afternoon, April 21, to a large audience in Berkeley Hall on “Patriotism in the United States.” Monday, April 22, I attended the Baptist ministers’ meeting in their hall in Tremont Temple, and had the pleasure of listening to the reading of a paper by Prof. Geo. E. Horr, D. D., in opposition to church federation. Then at the noon-hour Tuesday, April 23, and daily throughout the week I discussed in Wesleyan Hall the subject of church federation as to what is proposed therein, and what is in truth therein; and the Christian truth that must be followed by all those who will obey the Word of God and say not “A Confederacy to all them to whom this people shall say A Confederacy,” but will “sanctify the Lord of Hosts Himself.” MEDM May 22, 1907, page 166.3

Then incidentally I found that I was not the only one that was just then discussing that great question and presenting the truth of the Lord’s Message of deliverance from the evils assured in Church Federation. For, one day, I had the privilege of hearing a man, who was a perfect stranger to me, declare to an assembly of people that this movement for church federation means only the final Babylon of the Book of Revelation and the culmination of anti-christ; and he gave the word “Come out of her, my people.” That same day in another hall in Boston a friend of mine heard another preacher, having no connection with the one already mentioned, declare the same thing. Both, these were des out men of God and cited the Book of Revelation as the source of their information on that subject. This is only another token that that movement for church federation is one of the greatest issues now before the world, and that God is finding voices who will proclaim the truth from His Word on that subject. MEDM May 22, 1907, page 166.4

Sunday, April 28, I again addressed a large assembly in Berkeley Hall on “Church Federation” and what it means to this nation and to the world. There, too, the assembly was so interested that by unanimous rising vote they expressed their appreciation of the truth presented and their invitation that I should come and speak to them again. MEDM May 22, 1907, page 166.5

I left Boston Sunday night, April 28, and arrived at home in Battle Creek, Tuesday night, April 30; thus closing an absence of ten weeks of blessed opportunities to proclaim the truth for this time to those who had not heard it and ready to take up again the regular work in the Sanitarium to the same purpose as the work done In The Field. MEDM May 22, 1907, page 166.6