The Medical Missionary, vol. 16


April 17, 1907

“Consequences of Church Federation. II” The Medical Missionary, 16, 16, pp. 122, 123.



WE have seen that one certain consequence of church federation is and will be slights, ostracism, and discredit,—in a word, persecution—against and upon all who choose to dissent from the principles and workings of federation. For it must not be forgotten that a word, or even a sneer or a slight, is by the Scriptures declared to be persecution: and it is persecution as really as is imprisonment or other physical violence done in Genesis 21:9 it is written that “Sarah saw the son of the Egyptian ... mocking.” But in Galatians 4:26 the Spirit of Inspiration, referring to the same incident, says, “He that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit.” Ishmael’s boyish mockery of Isaac, was persecution. Of itself the boyish mockery was no violence; but it revealed the heart’s disposition of the mocker, and showed what he would readily do if circumstances and opportunity were more favorable. And federation beginning with persecution by slights or sneers or words, will easily enough proceed to stronger modes of expressing its disapproval of dissent or in opposition. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.1

Not upon any reasonable basis can this be doubted. For federation is not proposed as a matter of mere social diversion, or ecclesiastical amusement. It is proposed as the practical means of turning the kingdoms of this world into the kingdom of God, of saving mankind from itself; and whatever opposes federation or weakens its operation or effectiveness must necessarily be construed as positively inimical to the truest good of mankind, and as treason and rebellion against the kingdom of God. And anything that will effectually quench such supreme evils as these, will in the nature of the case be entirely justifiable and even laudable. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.2

All history witnesses to the correctness of this analysis. Hence the perfect aptness of Bishop Forsler’s note of warning to the first essay at national federation of churches, Dec. 1905. “Human nature has not changed.” MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.3

National federation of Protestantism proposes to expand into international federation of Protestantism, and this into international federation with Catholicism; and this into world-federation of religion including the Christian-dubbed paganism of Japan and China; thus composing one grand world and imperialistic religion. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.4

But what has been the record of world religions? MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.5

The first one was paganism established and imperialized by Nimrod. And its procedure was such as to distinguish him forever as the “exceedingly imperious rebel” and “overbearing tyrant in Jehovah’s sight.” MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.6

Again in Egypt paganism arose to a strictly world supremacy, and by oppression and cruelty caused the name of Egypt with its Pharaoh to stand forever as the most expressive symbol of darkness, degradation, and bondage of blind unreasoning, cruelty, despotism, and oppression toward men; and of arrogant insolence and presumptuous defiance toward God. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.7

And even among the people of God paganism succeeded in creeping in and establishing a throne and itself upon it. That woman Jezebel brought into the kingdom of Israel her pagan religion and made it predominant there, supported and made effective by all the machinery and power of the kingdom. The consequence was that the persecution, despotism was so deadly that though there were in all the kingdom yet seven thousand who stood true to God and themselves, they were so scattered that not one of them knew where another was. 1 Kings 19:10, 14, 18. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.8

But it was in Rome another empire that paganism attained its perfect idea in every respect. And the consequence was that it systematically sapped men of every vestige of individuality and carried them into a boundless sea of ruinous excess of iniquity. And when Christ came with his religion of divine power and virtue to save mankind from the sea of iniquity, and restore to him his native God-given individuality, paganism with all the power of the might Rome crucified him out of the world and unrelentingly persecuted his disciples and even the very name of his religion, for two hundred and fifty years. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.9

Then a new turn was taken, and a new world-religion was established—the papacy. And for more than eleven hundred years it was the same dismal story continued, and deeply intensified in every feature. And again mankind was systematically sapped of every vestige of individuality, and swept into a boundless sea of iniquity. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.10

But in the Reformation God gave again the religion of divine power and virtue of the faith of Christ, to save man from that sea of iniquity and restore them to the native God-given individuality. Yet alas! religious and church professing reformation principles, swing away from those principles to centralized, governmental, and State religion, and continued the same old story of despotism, oppression, and persecution, always to the full extent of the world power obtained. And now all of these go about to form a federation to secure national preference and national power. That accomplished, will then the leopard suddenly change his spots—yes, his whole very nature, and become an innocent veritable lamb?—No. The same old nature will still show itself, and still to the full extent of the worldly power gained. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.11

And when this national and international federation of religion culminates in the world-religion that is proposed, planned, and promised—that world-religion composed only of the elements of these three religions, paganism, papacy, and false protestant, that have made an unbroken record of wickedness, despotism, oppression, and persecution always to the full extent of the world-power obtained—what can then be the only possible consequence?—Nothing less and nothing else than a world-despotism, world-oppression, and world-persecution; all individuality again denied and all the world swept into, and finally sunk in, a boundless sea of iniquity. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 122.12

And again, as always before, there will be those who by virtue of the religion of divine power of God in Christ under the Holy Spirit will not bow the knee, nor kiss the hand, nor in any other way worship according to the doctrines and dictates of that world-religion. As always before, also, these will be few. Also as before, yes, even as in the time of Elijah under that original woman Jezebel, they will be so few and so scattered that one will not know where another is. Yet these as always before standing free in God, in their native God-given individuality and Christian integrity, will “sing for the majesty of the Lord” and will be gathered “one by one” by the glorious Lord when he appears in his glory. Isaiah 24:11, 14; 27:12. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 123.1

Thus individuality, in individual Christian integrity, as the eternal principle in righteousness that it is, is gloriously vindicated and made triumphant by the Lord of Hosts; while federation, confederation, fails and falls in annihilating him by its own impotence, arrogance, presumption, and blasphemy. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 123.2

“Say ye not, a confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, a confederacy ... Sanctify the Lord of Hosts himself ... and he shall be for a sanctuary.” MEDM April 17, 1907, page 123.3

“Let Him Lead” The Medical Missionary, 16, 17, p. 126.



“AS many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God;” and “there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.1

To be led of the Spirit and to walk after the Spirit are clearly the same thing. Then it is clear that the Holy Spirit is to show us the way in which we should walk. As it is written, “He will guide you.” MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.2

“I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.” The only object in giving a guide to anybody, the only thing a guide is to do, is to show the right way; and the only thing that anybody can rightly do who has a guide, is to follow him. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.3

It is preposterous to claim to have a guide, and then go our own way. Then the very claim that we have, or that we need, a guide, demands of us that we put ourselves wholly in his charge, that we give ourselves up absolutely to his direction. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.4

“It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.” “All we like sheep have gone astray,” and do not know the way. The great Shepherd of the sheep has given us a guide to be with us forever. This guide is the Holy Spirit. You and I claim to need this guide. Indeed, we claim to have this guide with us as ours. Now have you put yourself wholly in his charge? Have you given up yourself absolutely to his direction? MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.5

“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will counsel thee with mine eye upon thee. Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding; whose trappings must be bit and bridle to hold them in.” MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.6

Do you study, and inquire, and watch, only to know His way? MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.7

And when he indicates the way, even only with his eye, do you promptly walk that way? or do you hesitate and parley, and want to know whether there is not another way? MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.8

Do you always treat him implicitly as the guide? or do you assume the position of guide? Do you try to guide your Guide? MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.9

Don’t be “as a horse,” or “a mule;” be a Christian. MEDM April 17, 1907, page 126.10