The Medical Missionary, vol. 15


November 28, 1906

“The Church of Christ” The Medical Missionary, 15, ns, 22, pp. 178-180.



THE book of Acts is the inspired history of the Church through a period of about thirty-five years. It is therefore the only real and true history of the Church that there is in the world. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 178.1

We have seen that throughout this history the one transcendant thing is the sovereignty, the reign, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Church of Christ, and in all things pertaining to the Church; and next to this the other great thing, that the sovereignty, the reign, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit was recognized by the Church. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 178.2

Before Jesus ascended, he commanded his disciples that they should tarry in Jerusalem till they were endued with power from on high; and said, “Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” MEDM November 28, 1906, page 178.3

That is to say: He would not have them preach a single sermon, or attempt to witness unto Him, until they had been baptized with the Holy Spirit. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 178.4

Under the circumstances, this is a remarkable fact. And when the circumstances are considered, the remarkable meaning to His disciples, and His Church, then, and to His disciples and His Church for all time. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 178.5

First: These men had been with Him constantly for three and a half years. All this time they had studied Him, His work, and His teaching, night and day, in all seasons and in all circumstances. Yet for all this, they were not qualified, and were not allowed, to preach a single sermon or to attempt to witness unto Him, until they had been baptized with the Holy Spirit. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 178.6

Secondly: These were not self-appointed followers of Jesus; they were called by Him in person. They were not called, even by Him, by a general invitation spoken to a crowd. Nor where they only casually called, merely because he would have some disciples; they were specifically selected. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 178.7

One day there came a young man to Him saying, “Lord, I will follow thee withersoever thou goest.” Yet to hi Jesus did not say, “Come, follow me.” Jesus did not make him one of the twelve. But to Matthew sitting at the receipt of custom, not expecting any such thing, he said “Come, follow me.” And to Peter and Andrew fishing; and to James and John, with their father mending nets, not expecting any such thing, he said, “Come, follow me.” MEDM November 28, 1906, page 178.8

Thus the men who had been with Christ these three and a half years, and who were now to preach the gospel, were all definitely selected by Jesus Himself. These personally selected ones had now been with Him, and had been taught by Him for three and a half years; and yet they were not qualified to preach a single sermon, nor to enter on the work before them, until they had been endued with power from on High by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.1

This demonstrates that no natural ability or aptitude, nor the specific and personal call of the Lord, nor three and a half years association and study with Him, not yet all of these together, could qualify them to preach the gospel or to engage in the work of the Lord. All these things were essential; but they were not sufficient; they did not qualify. Though the disciples had all these advantages, and though these were all essential, yet the disciples were not qualified for the work to which they were called till they had been endued with power from on High by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.2

We may not know all the reasons for this; but there are at least two reason that are plain:— MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.3

One reason is, that in their preaching they must preach the Word; and this they could not do without the Holy Spirit; without the Spirit of Him whose the Word is. Without the Spirit they would preach their own thoughts and conclusions, instead of the word of God in truth. All through the gospels it is shown how mistaken were their views of His teaching; and how ready they were always to state their own views and to build on their own suppositions. And whether a man shall preach his own suppositions and his own views, when he is sent to preach the Word of God, is a consideration of mighty consequence. But without the Holy Spirit that is just what they would have done. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.4

Another reason is that Christ through the Holy Spirit was to have sole charge, sole authority, and sole guidance, of the Church and of all things to the Church; and if they were not themselves personally and individually possessed of the Holy Spirit, they could not understand His leading nor his work. Without the Holy Spirit themselves, they could not understand His leading nor his work. Without the Holy Spirit themselves, they would be making and pushing plans of their own, instead of asking to know, and watching to see, what was His will and His way. Thus they would be working at cross purposes with the Holy Spirit, and then with one another. And whether they should work according to plans and devisings of their own, instead of according to the mind of the Spirit, was a consideration of mighty consequence. Yet without the Holy Spirit themselves, that is just what they would have done. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.5

Therefore, in order that the Lord Jesus should have his own place, as the Head of the Church; in order that the Holy Spirit should have his own place as sovereign over all things in the Church and to the Church; and in order that there should be the recognition of this and intelligent response to it, by those who were the members of the Church; He would have them all endured with power from on High in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, before they should enter at all upon the work to which He had called them. Only thus could they intelligently move in that work. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.6

At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit openly and fully took the place of sovereignty that belongs to him as the Head of the Church, and as Head over all things to the Church. Also at Pentecost the disciples were endued with the promised and expected power from on high, they were baptized with the Holy Spirit, and with power they did bear witness to Him, to His resurrection, and to His having shed forth the Holy Spirit. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.7

The sovereignty of the Holy Spirit was recognized when Ananias and Sapphira undertook to play their deception; for Peter did not say to them that they had lied, nor that they had lied to him, but that they had lied to the Holy Ghost, and had “agreed together to tempt the Spirit of God.” In this it is perfectly plain, that the apostles, the brethren, and the whole Church, considered not themselves, nor any dignity or honor that pertained to them, but only the sovereignty and honor of the Holy Spirit. And in response to this recognition, the Holy Spirit manifested his sovereignty; in such a way too, that even those who were not of the Church were constrained to recognize His sovereignty in the Church; and that it was with the Holy Spirit, and not with men, that they were dealing. For after that, while “believers were the more added unto the Lord,” “of the rest [the worldly, the deceivers, and the insincere] durst no man join himself to them.” MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.8

That was written for our learning. And what we are to learn from it is that the Holy Spirit is sovereign in the Church, that His sovereignty must be recognized and that when His sovereignty is recognized He will respond in such a way that the fact shall be known to all. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.9

After the murder of Stephen by the Sanhedrin and their crowd, there was “great persecution against the Church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.... And they went everywhere preaching the word.” MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.10

Upon this it should be borne in mind that at this time the Christians in Jerusalem numbered about ten thousand. Also it should be borne in mind that the whole of Palestine was only one hundred and thirty-nine miles from Dan to Beersheba, or from the northern to the southern limit; and from the sea to the Jordan was only twenty miles over the northern or narrowest part, and forty miles over the southern or broadest part—or an average of thirty miles. Thirty by one hundred and thirty-nine miles, is four thousand one hundred and seventy square miles; eight hundred and twenty miles less than the little state of Connecticut [sic.], the third smallest in the United States. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.11

Here then were ten thousand preachers “scattered” promiscuously over a territory considerably less in size than the State of Connecticut [sic.]. And they “went everywhere preaching the Word.” Now no board of bishops, no committee, had sat and planned and deliberated upon the case of each one of these people and decided just where he must go. It was not by an pre-arrangement that they went. They were “scattered” and the Greek word signifies to be scattered as a man scatters grain when he is sowing. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.12

How in the world then could it be thrown out over such a small field, all of them preaching everywhere they went, yet none of them really trained or experienced preachers—how could this be, without their getting into a general tangle, half a dozen or more of them finding themselves in the same house?—The answer to that question is easy enough in view of the fact of the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit and His guidance in all things of the Church. Each one of these people was baptized, and possessed, and guided, by the Holy Spirit. And it was just as easy for the Holy Spirit to guide ten thousand Spirit-filled preachers in so small a territory as that, as it would be to guide the same number or even a smaller number in the whole breadth of the territory of the whole world. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.13

One of these who were thus scattered abroad and went preaching, was Philip, one of the seven deacons who were chosen, of whom Stephen was also one. Philip went to the city of Samaria and there preached the gospel to them. The people with one accord gave heed to the preaching. When the apostles at Jerusalem heard of this work at Samaria “they sent unto them Peter and John who prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit,” and laid their hands on them and they received the Spirit. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.14

While Philip was yet at Samaria the angel of the Lord spake to him, saying, “Arise and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This must have been a distance of nearly sixty miles. Philip went to the place and when he arrived a man was passing in a chariot reading the book of Isaiah. “Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near and join thyself to this chariot.” Philip did so; the man invited him into the chariot; from the scripture that the man was reading, Philip preached to Him Jesus, the man believed in Christ, was baptized, and “the Spirit caught away Philip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing.” MEDM November 28, 1906, page 179.15

In this brief narrative there are some items that should be noticed.— MEDM November 28, 1906, page 180.1

1. How did Philip know that it was the angel of the Lord that spoke to him and told him to make this journey? How could he know that it was the angel of the Lord? Shouldn’t he have been very suspicious and afraid that he was being deceived by Satan transformed into an angel of light?—No: Philip had received the Spirit of God. He knew the Holy Spirit. And by the Holy Spirit he knew the angel of God, who was the messenger of the Holy Spirit. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 180.2

2. When Philip had reached the place where the two roads met and the Spirit said to him “Go join thyself to this chariot,” how did Philip know that it was the Holy Spirit who said this to him? How did he know that it was not his own mind, or some other spirit, suggesting this to him? How did he know that it was the Spirit who spoke thus to him, and how could he know that that was the thing to do?—The answer to all this is that Philip had received the Holy Spirit, he knew the Holy Spirit. He knew what it is to be led by the Spirit and he knew the way of the Spirit of God. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 180.3

And this was written for our learning. And the one chief lesson in it, is the simple but very plain truth that the Holy Spirit is true sovereign of the Church and the director of individuals in the work of the Church. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 180.4

Again, Paul was in Asia Minor and was “forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia.” Then “they assayed to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit suffered them not.” Then they came down to Troas, the extremity of Asia Minor. There, in a vision in the night, there stood a man of Macedonia saying to him, Come over into Macedonia and help us. From this they assuredly gathered that “the Lord had called” them to preach the gospel there. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 180.5

In this account it is to be observed that though Paul was an apostle of the Lord, chosen and sent by the Lord in person and in glory, yet Paul was not archbishop, bishop, nor superintendent, of the field, of Asia Minor. Now were the apostles or some other men down at Jerusalem or anywhere else a board or committee in charge of the field of Asia Minor. No. The Holy Spirit alone was Superintendent of the field, not only of Asia Minor, but of Jerusalem, of Macedonia, and of every other place in the world; and also of Paul himself, of all the other apostles, and of every other Christian in the world. And because of this wonderful superintendency and the recognition of it by the church, the gospel of Christ was preached to all the world, as the world then was, in half the lifetime of men who were then living. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 180.6

And all these things were written for our learning upon whom the ends of the world are come. And if we do not learn what they so plainly teach, then why need they ever to have been written at all? MEDM November 28, 1906, page 180.7

“Have you received the Holy Ghost, since you believed?” “Ask and ye shall receive,” “He that asketh receiveth.” “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” MEDM November 28, 1906, page 180.8

“In the Field” The Medical Missionary, 15, ns, 22, pp. 183, 184.


HAVING received an invitation from the pastor of the People’s Church in Omaha, Nebraska, to preach for a week in his church, I accepted the invitation; and preached there every night from Sunday night, October 21st, to Sunday night the 28th. I never had a heartier Christian welcome anywhere than was given by the pastor and people of this Church. The subjects dwelt upon were: The Eastern Question; National Temperance and Intemperance; World Federation of Religion; The Church of Christ; Miracles, Signs, and Wonders—False and True, and the Greatest of all Miracles; and the Faith of Christ. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 183.1

These subjects were presented in much the same way as they have been presented in the numbers of the MEDICAL MISSIONARY. The origin, and the meaning of the Eastern Question, and its ending only in the battle of the Great Day. 2. The way of deliverance from the seven last plagues that accompany the culmination of the Eastern Question in the destruction that involves all the nations in the final ruin of the world. 3. World Federation of religion means only world despotism is [sic.] religion. 4. The way of deliverance from all this false religion and false worship by being joined only to Christ by the Holy Spirit, in His own true religion and the glorious liberty of the children of God. 5 and 6. The deceptive working of unclean spirits working miracles which go forth to the kings of the earth and the whole world to gather them together to the battle of the great day; and the way of deliverance from all that deception and destruction, by means of the mighty working of the true Spirit of God in making us true keepers of the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 183.2

I had arranged for only these six addresses; but when they were finished on Friday night, both the pastor and the people were so interested in the studies that he asked me to stay with them over Sunday and preach both forenoon and evening at the regular service. I did so and preached Sunday forenoon on the Place and Work of the Holy Spirit in the World and in the Church; and Sunday evening I spoke on Creation, or Evolution: Which? MEDM November 28, 1906, page 183.3

The attendance was good throughout and at the last meeting the house was crowded. With many hearty good wishes, and invitations to return, from pastor and people, I bade them good-bye. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 183.4

From Omaha, I went to Sioux City, Iowa, and spoke five nights in the Y.M.C.A. Hall. I found that the Omaha pastor had sent ahead of me a generous recommendation to the people there, and on invitation to them to hear the sermons. The attendance was not large, but the preaching was well received. Some interesting experiences were met and souls were enlisted in these and further studies of the truth. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 183.5

By the kind effort of Brother I. S. Sherwin I preached in the Unitarian Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, from Sunday night, November 4th to Friday night the 9th. Here too the Omaha pastor had generously done all that he could to gain for me a hearing. He had even made the journey from Omaha to Lincoln and spent the day, a day of disagreeable weather, in behalf of the meetings that I would hold. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 183.6

(Continued from page 183)

In general thought and otherwise the subjects were the same in all three places. But in Lincoln added interest was given to the subject of miracles, signs and wonders, by the fact that just then there appeared in the city papers, reports of miraculous gift of tongues to certain ones in some meetings that were being held in that city, and of the consequent excitement. This was only an additional token that the world is now in the time of these very things, and that it is a God-send to know the truth of God for this time that will guide us safely through all to the perfect day. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 184.1

The first two nights the house was full, and the last night it was crowded. The house is a fine one, and very easy to speak in. Here we had the aid of Mrs. Lilla Gertrude English, soloist, and Miss Mabel Rayner, violinist. The beautiful and impressive music of voice and instrument by these two ladies, was a blessing in itself; but when, throughout the meetings, it was so intelligently blended with the sentiment and spirit of the sermons, it was still more impressive and more of a blessing. And when the last thing the last night, Mrs. English sang with the Spirit and the understanding “A Great Day is Coming,” every one could only feel that it is indeed so, and wish to be among the ransomed in that Great Day. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 184.2

From begging to end it was a pleasant and successful little journey of preaching in the field. MEDM November 28, 1906, page 184.3