The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


A Vindication of Their Work

A good idea as to how the Adventists viewed their work previous to March 21, 1844, and just after that date, can be obtained by reading the following quotation, taken from an article under the caption, “Vindication,” in the Advent Herald of Nov. 13,1844, published by J. V. Himes, S. Bliss, and A. Hale:— GSAM 155.1

“We were not hasty in embracing our opinions. We believe that we were honest and sincere inquirers after truth. We obeyed our Saviour’s command to search the Scriptures. We relied not upon our own wisdom; but we looked to God for guidance and direction, and endeavored to lay ourselves upon his altar, trusting that he would direct our footsteps aright. We examined all the arguments which were advanced against us with a sincere desire to know the truth and be kept from error; but we must confess that the varied and multiform positions of our opponents only confirmed us in our views. We saw that whether we were right or wrong, our opponents could not be right; and they had no agreement among themselves. The arguments of each were so weak and puerile that they were under the necessity of continually undoing what they had themselves done; and by their opposite and contradictory views they demonstrated that however they might regard our opinions, they had no confidence in the opinions of each other. And, moreover, there was not a cardinal point in our whole position in which we were not sustained by one or more of those who labored to disprove the immediate coming of the Lord. While we had the literal rendering of the Scriptures to sustain us, our opponents endeavored in vain to prove that the Scriptures are not to be understood literally, although every prophecy which has been fulfilled has been so in its most literally minute particulars. GSAM 155.2