The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Evil Servants Developed

When the last of March came, and passed by, and the Lord did not come, those who had previously labored with the Lord’s messengers, but had not from the heart fully consecrated their lives to the message, turned against it, began to oppose the work, and to do all in their power to hedge up the way of those who still continued teaching the doctrine of the Lord’s near coming and the judgment hour message. “In their hearts” they said, “My Lord delayeth his coming.” With their lips they now taught that all the world must be converted before the Lord would come; that the Jews must all return to Palestine, and establish their temple service in Jerusalem, before Messiah would come. Some even taught that Christ’s coming was a “spiritual coming,” that it took place at conversion, and also at the death of his people. GSAM 150.2