The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Open Doors for the Message

Concerning his work and the nature of it, Wm. Miller said: “Doors have opened to me to proclaim this doctrine of the second coming of Christ among almost all denominations, so that I have been able to comply with but a small portion of the calls.... In every place where I have been, the most pious, devoted, and living members of the churches do most readily embrace the views thus proclaimed; while the worldly professor, the Pharisee, the bigot, the proud, haughty, and selfish, scoff at and ridicule the doctrine of the second coming of Christ.” GSAM 136.1

Respecting the nature of the advent message, the same can be said of it that D'Aubigné said of the Reformation,—It “was accomplished in the name of a spiritual principle. It had proclaimed for its teacher, the word of God; for salvation, faith; for arms, the Holy Ghost; and had by these very means rejected all worldly elements.” GSAM 136.2