The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Hutchinson’s Voice of Elijah Sent Broadcast

Elder R. Hutchinson, in 1837, was sent from England as a Wesleyan missionary to Canada. He finally settled in Montreal. He had very extensive acquaintance in foreign countries. In the years 1843 and 1844 he published a paper called the Voice of Elijah, in which he treated of the advent doctrine. Having ready access to vessels for foreign countries, and being privileged to send large parcels of his papers with no expense for postage, he sent them in great quantities to all parts of the earth. He said of his own work, that he sent them freely to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, New Foundland, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Constantinople, Rome, and all parts of the British kingdom and its colonies. GSAM 106.1