The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Application of the Parable

Coming down in this line of prophecy past the fulfillment of the third sign,—the falling of the stars,—our Saviour says, “Now learn a parable of the fig-tree.” This language does not apply to the generation that was living when our Lord gave this discourse, but to the generation that was to see these things fulfilled—not fulfilling, but fulfilled. The things to be fulfilled as tokens that Christ is at the door do not include the shaking of the heavens when he will be seen actually coming. These signs of his near coming include this third sign, the one in the stars. The Lord’s appointed time for the people to learn a parable of the fig-tree dates this side of 1833. Here is the Lord’s time for the world to be aroused to the great truth that his coming is at the doors, and that his coming will be before the generation who hear that parable shall pass away. So we see how the time is marked out in this prophecy when the great advent proclamation should be given to the world. GSAM 97.4