The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Rosetta Stone Discovered

There are two points connected with the year 1798 and the French people, that we must notice: First, in that year the French army, under General Berthier, overthrew the papal government in Rome, accomplishing (unknown to themselves) the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning this event, contained in the very book against which they had made war; second, in the same year, at Fort St. Julien, on the Rosetta branch of the Nile, the French army, while making an excavation, discovered the famous Rosetta stone, which is now deposited in the British Museum. On this stone is an inscription in three forms: Hieroglyphics, the writing used by the priests; the demotic, the form of writing used by the common people; and Greek. This is the key that unlocked the hitherto mysterious demotic and hieroglyphic writings. Now, as expressed by another, “the pick and shovel, unearthing these writings in demotic characters, is furnishing more proof of the correctness of ancient Bible records than comes from any other source outside the Scriptures themselves.” So the very people who thought to exterminate the Bible were, all unconsciously to themselves, used to bring about a fulfillment of prophecy in taking away the dominion of the papacy at the end of the 1260 years, and also discovered the key to the very writings which confirm the truthfulness of the Scriptures they tried so hard to destroy. GSAM 82.3