The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


The Apostasy

And still the church is left to grope its way in the dark as to the time of Christ’s second coming. The brethren have learned that there is to be an apostasy; but of how long duration, was the question. An answer was afterward given to John while in vision on the isle of Patmos, in the symbols found in chapters twelve and thirteen of the Revelation—the “time, times, and a half,” the “forty and two months,” the “twelve hundred and sixty days” (years); but as yet the event marking the opening of that long period had not occurred. So the church was still hoping and waiting for Christ’s coming without positively knowing the exact time of his appearing; for when that time of tribulation should be passed, a little season of conflict and triumph would still remain for the “remnant” church. 55 GSAM 72.3

With the closing up of the New Testament records we have the theme of Christ’s second coming clearly set before us. About one verse out of every thirty mentions in some way the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Of this, and the position of the church with reference to that hope through the ages intervening to modern times, Robert Patterson, D.D., speaks in a paper called the Interior, under the caption “The Blessed Hope,” on this wise:— GSAM 73.1