The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Forsaken by All the Disciples

But with all the instruction given the apostles by Christ concerning his death and humiliation, they utterly failed to grasp the truth he had taught them respecting his trial and crucifixion. So faint a conception had they of the truth that when the trial came, their hope died, and they all “forsook him and fled.” 44 Even Peter, the ever zealous Peter, who so confidently affirmed that if all men forsook him, he never would, was, a few hours later, denying his Lord, and with an oath declaring that he knew not the man. So dull were they in comprehension of the Lord’s statement that on the third day after his crucifixion he would rise from the dead, they questioned and reasoned among themselves “what the rising from the dead should mean.” 45 Indeed, so void of faith were they that after he died, and his body had been placed in Joseph’s new tomb, they made preparations for embalming him. With hope gone—buried with Christ in the tomb—what a Sabbath day to the disciples! With hearts burdened with grief and disappointment, and no pitying, compassionate Saviour, whose life had been filled with acts of tenderness and mercy, near to comfort and strengthen, how desolate was their condition! GSAM 68.2