The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Source of Opposition

Having before us the impression made by this gift, the question arises, Whence and why has opposition arisen to the manifestation of this gift? and what has been the outcome of those opposing? Having watched this matter carefully since 1852, I have found that for the most part the opposition to this manifestation has arisen from those who have been reproved for defects in character, for wrong habits, or for some wrong course in their manner of life. Many of the reproved would protest that they were not as bad as the testimony represented them, and they would show that they could hold on to the truth even though they should go contrary to the reproof given them. Time has shown the great majority of such renouncing their faith and leaving the ranks entirely. Some have seen their error, and have grasped the truth more firmly. The query arises, If those opposing this gift are led by the Lord, why should they lose their spirituality, and backslide from God? Our Saviour’s rule is that a tree should be known by its fruit. He most emphatically asserts that “a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.” GSAM 471.3