The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Judge Brewer’s “Christian Nation”

Eleven days after this document was written, and before it reached the United States, an event occurred which both Protestants and Catholics refer to as decisive in this nation’s destiny. I refer to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, that “This is a Christian nation,” rendered on the 29th of February, by the Chief Justice Brewer. As already shown, on the 19th of July of the same year the Sunday Closing Bill for the World’s Fair was passed. The ministers who plead so strongly for its passage, made earnest pleas on the ground that as the Supreme Court had declared this to be a Christian nation, as a matter of course the Christian Sabbath should be protected from desecration. And so the National Reform party reasoned. As this is a Christian nation, it should recognize God and his laws as the basis of the government, etc. Truly something great and decisive in this closing controversy did take place, “and that right early.” GSAM 456.4