The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Boast Made by the Church

That those who have demanded and secured of Congress the passage of this bill considered it an important victory in their scheme of religious legislation, is clear from the fact that one of these prominent ministers, in a sermon at Pittsburg, Penn., just after it, said:— GSAM 454.2

“That the church has weight with great political or governing bodies has been demonstrated most effectually in the late World’s Fair matter, when the United States Senate, the highest body in the country, listened to the voice of religion, and passed the World’s Fair $5,000,000 appropriation bill with the church-instituted proviso that the gates of the great exposition should not be opened on Sunday. That grand good fact suggests to the Christian’s mind that if this may be done, so may other equally needful measures. The church is gaining power continually, and its voice will be heard in the future much oftener than in the past.” Thus we see how that testimony given in 1885 has been and is being fulfilled. GSAM 454.3