The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


The Pitcairn’s Fourth Trip

December 15, 1895, the Foreign Mission Secretary said:— GSAM 430.2

“The Pitcairn is now in port from its fourth cruise.... The work has been planted in nine different groups, and the following laborers are employed in the same:— GSAM 430.3

“In Pitcairn Island, teachers, E. S. Butz and wife, and Hattie Andre. Norfolk Island, some self-supporting missionaries are engaged in the work here, who came from Australia. Society Islands, minister, B. J. Cady; medical missionaries, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Prickett. Raratonga, medical missionaries, Dr. J. E. Caldwell and wife, Misses Lillian White and Maude Young; teachers, G. O. Wellman and wife, Elder J. D. Rice and wife. Fiji, Elder J. M. Cole and wife. Friendly Islands, Elder E. Hilliard and wife. Rurutu, Mr. and Mrs. Stringer, self-supporting missionaries. Hawaii, Elder E. H. Gates and wife; teachers, H. H. Brand and wife. Samoa, Dr. F. E. Braucht and wife. Elder D. A. Owen and son and daughter, self-supporting missionaries. GSAM 430.4

“The Pitcairn has sold and given away large quantities of literature during its four voyages. In consequence, Sabbath-keepers have sprung up in many places. Churches have been organized at Pitcairn Island, Norfolk and Tahiti.” GSAM 431.1